No I wasn’t visited by Cherubim. I intuited their presence.
Cherubim as described by Ezekiel and according to traditional Christian iconography.
Normally, I spend my time in the Now-Here. Pretty much nowhere special. A special place all the same. Now that I find myself here, where the whales splash and the hustle bustles (yes, I’m up to scratch thanks to @joeparys), I find myself approached by another type of investor. Much to my amazement, still, although that was the very point of my experimental launch, on this fragile raft that is my mat, upon which I, your sister, sit in sukhasana.
= the pose sukhasana or “easy pose”.
The Steemit Community seems to be about discovering what you value. The most common popular items listed seem to be
- Family
- Travel
- Mobility in general
- Minimal obligations to anybody but yourself
- Fulfilling your dreams
- Getting everything you want.
Whoah. Steady on horsey. Mind that gadfly….
So, after Bellerophon and Icarus and Jules Vernes, we still aspire to mind-blowing heights. But amazingly the heights also aspire to come down to us. The heights of great steem investors may not seem to convene with my esteemed ones (of life in accord with spiritual geometry and peace on Earth), but we all just want to be doing our very best. We don’t know what else to do - about being stuck on this super-raft, Planet Earth.
I woke up this morning from a dream that felt as if I had been watching something ordinary on Netflix. A few scenes with low-key drama developing in predictable directions. But there was an overlay, as if I were squiggling on a Photoshop screen, tracing the elementary patterns at work, and I ended up with something that looked like it had been drawn in a fully blacked-out room. Was it a flower? A butterfly? An interlocking set of Olymic rings? (By the way, never saw the image on the right before as a depiction of a cherub!) The picture though, came with a title though: Entity. For me that connotes Hierarchies and then I saw the four wings. So a Cherubim? Or was it a Seraphim with six wings? Anyway, what was it doing in my non-dream?
Fortunately, I got a full explanation with it. A couple of paragraphs of text, I speed read (still in my dream). Unfortunately, it made such perfect, clear- practically blatantly obvious - sense that I figured, oh, okidokee, I’ll make a mental note of that and see what I can do with it once I sit down to write, and I only took down one phrase by way of a memo. I am glad I did, for trying to reproduce it from memory, I already typed out five variations, but checking again my scribbled note, it runs precisely as follows:
“Humans are narrative beings, spiritual beings are instantaneous.”
Now, as a natural-born doubter (a double-mindedness that can come with the zodiac sign, I’m afraid) I am always looking to find my own words to let me know if I’ve fully owned the truth of something (or am just hoping to believe it). I have learned the value of “faking it to make it” at certain moments of the journey of faith (by which I mean daring to live life free and easy) but I still try to make sure I am not deluding myself for the sake of a short cut to the Land of Nod,where blissful, relaxing peace can also be found - till the nightmares catch up with you.
I have had to suspend my doubt to take on board the visions of certain more credible prophets or teachers in order to study them at all. At first, this may make any academic in their right mind nervous about losing their right mind, especially, once they, too, are starting to believe the world they (always did anyway) see with that added (spiritual) dimension.
Since it was my dream, arguably, the “message” above is, already, entirely in my own words and nothing but my own words….
… But so are the Cherubs and Seraphs in our own words. A whole palet of words colour them into winged beings or so solid that they become unrealistic by materialistic standards. Actually, their faces are like cirrus swirls in the cerulean sky and ribbons of sand in the Saharah dunes. Real but not really real in themselves. Effects, signs of manifestations, energies, creative forces. Only, they aren’t created by the winds of time, or brought to life in the imprints or carvings of the ocean’s waves; but Nature also sees them and can’t help but paint them into her reality.
They say you could superimpose the New York metro system onto a stellar map for as much a clue as where to go after life than to be found in any Book of The Dead. The sceptics wake up as party-poopers and go to bed as party-poopers, but they somehow go to every party anyway.
My message
to the community today is that spiritual knowledge comes to us in a billion different pictures and words, on top of that they get translated and interpreted over and over again. We can’t be surprised that angels, at best, babble and Powers rumble in the distance beyond the stratosphere. We have lost the pure way of seeing and hearing straight from the Source.
To all non-sceptics but sincerely intelligent and critical observers
I have a very pressing question to ask. How can we connect with the Spiritual Entities (of the nine Hierarchies) without the interference? Maybe then we can all become a little wiser.
I have never paid much attention to the first Hierarchy of the Seraphs, Cherubs(and Thrones), before. They seemed far removed in time and space and uninvolved with terestrial activity. I hardly would know what language to use for them.
It seems, perhaps, seraphs and cherubs have to be taken separately (but also together) in my specific research, as entitites pertaining to a deep trance consciousness (and the development period known, in Steiner’s cosmogenology, as the Saturn era, a development of creative force out of warmth).
I must say, this morning, is the first time that I properly read a chapter from the book “Cosmic Memory” by Steiner (GA 11), The Life of Saturn, which fell on my foot as I was pre-researching the Cherubim. The words meant something to me. They almost made for a recognition….
If you are not able to take anything away from this post (yet) by way of spiritual stimulation, consider this: time is not merely linear. It is not only cause and effect.
Also (re)read "Flatland" (by Edwin Abbott) to remind yourself how tricky it is to describe a sphere when you and your buddies are all flat.