Twitter's Censorship is Automated!

in censorship •  5 years ago 

Twitter is censoring tweets automatically.

The least I can say because otherwise, it doesn't make sense like in this following example:


Miri here quoted me in a tweet with a link to a post on my site. Let's see the sensitive 'media' Twitter is hiding for my safety, knowing that I never set my mobile's or desktop Twitter settings to hide any media of whatsoever, I even produce such media when covering the atrocities NATO committed and is committing against my people.

After clicking the View button to reveal the 'sensitive' hidden media:


One of the most appealing things to visit a site is its featured image, I can tell you out of my experience that most posts are checked when they have a proper featured image, the second factor is a catchy title. Hiding the featured image will guarantee that at least 80% of those checking their timeline will not open the link.

Then comes the shadow banning by Twitter, Facebook, and the other Silicon Valley techies. Shadow Banning is a sinister way in censorship giving you the illusion you're allowed to share your posts but making sure no one sees it except who makes the effort to look it up knowing what to look up through your lengthy timeline. shadow banning is very obvious on Reddit, Facebook, and also others.

I did quote Twitter and Twitter Support in the tweet protesting this, you can check the link to the original tweet on your phone to see whether they uncovered the 'sensitive' media, the link to the original tweet's URL in this link to the above tweet:

And do you know how dangerous is automated censorship? It's like guilty until proven innocent.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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They need to control the news so only their lies prevail without countering them.