RE: Steem is still censorship resistant - for now.

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Steem is still censorship resistant - for now.

in censorship •  4 years ago 

Well, a couple of points

  • justin and team have no idea how steem works
  • the english speaking users move to hive
  • steem will likely have some value but more in the orient
  • I hope they keep buying steem so that I can sell my powerdown at a decent price for the next 13 weeks (or 3 days if our witnesses leave)
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I hope they keep buying steem so that I can sell my powerdown at a decent price for the next 13 weeks (or 3 days if our witnesses

Yep. That'd be swell.

That three days thing is a myth. Justin said it's only for a few accounts like his and exchanges. It's a special treatment hardfork, if I understand it correctly.

Yeah, for Stinc and exchanges. but it is likely it will go to 1-4 weeks.