China is Ordering All VPNs Disconnected by 2018. Is the End Nigh?

in censorship •  7 years ago  (edited)

The expected foreign brain drain to ensue as expats flee to more open internet connections. What does this mean to China and us Expats?

It was never a secret almost every western expat in China is using a VPN, I only know 2 people who choose not to use one as they love the out touch life style. Fair enough. The rest of us don’t even keep secret most of the time, it really didn’t seem like a big deal. Big business uses them just to keep their data secure not so they can watch kitten videos on youtube.

I mean Chinese companies directly market to me on facebook through direct advertising because they know I am in China. Same on Twitter. I get advertisements from the government controlled TV channels and media outlets recommending to me a variety of things on mainland China. Like right now I just took this screenshot.

Steemit will be more inaccessible than it already is.

Currently the only people, in China, enjoying Steemit to its full potential need a VPN to see the photos, everything else is ok. I wonder how this will play out.

Why now must they further crack down? They already throttle back on our speeds when they detect we are using one, which isn’t too hard to see an IP sucking up Gigs of data per day and yet no trail of what that data is.

What does this mean for China as it is pushing hard to attract foreign talent to further develop their goals?

I expect most foreign teachers will not renew their contract if they lose touch with our precious Youtube and Gmail or Facebook. LinkedIn works just fine, that’s all business. Slowly more and more expats will leave out of frustration with keeping in touch with the outside world. Doctors and engineers make good money they might stay for short periods of time.,7340,L-4924549,00.html

Will this deter westerners from coming to work in China? Will all the expats that leave be replaced with new expats and will the new expats stay long enough?

It’s amazing how for granted people take an open internet. It’s also amazing that so many think that the western internet is really open, it’s just more open than China’s but they block a ton of stuff as well. Some sites work in China but not in the west.

It’s going to be troubling days ahead if VPNs stop working in China suddenly. Even big businesses like IMB and Pfizer use vpn's not to jump the wall but it's to keep their data secure.

Guess since my job is changing next after the summer I might just need to make a bigger change than expected. Let’s hope the Crypto markets spike to the moon again and my coins succeed, I retire to tropical paradise. Like the one linked below.

Wish us luck in China. I hope this doesn’t follow through as they hope.

Are you an Expat in China? What do you think will happen?


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Indeed it will be a tough decision to stay or go if this happens...hopefully it wont come to that!

There's always a way but so far they don't really punish anyone for using it. I wonder the next step if they can't actually block the VPN.

Guarantee it won't happen. This exact news gets spread every year. Only one media source makes this claim, nobody else can get the source, officials haven't responded.

In fact the same news happened earlier this year around February. It's just like that news where they planned on removing all English from street/roadsigns in Shanghai, or in Vietnam how they will ban all bikes by 2030.

It's all nonsense don't worry!

But eventually something has t give. I mean like all this talk has put other vpn services out work in China. More could come.

They cracked down on those VPNS recently who were not officially authorized by the government, which is why they were put out of work. Astrill, for example, is authorized and I can't imagine China would f**k themselves and cause a mass exodus of foreigners among other things because 'just because'.

I might change my tone if I hear an official statement, but so far there is none

I hope thats how it is. Really.

This is downright interesting, especially because how far China has come in regard to embracing a form of capitalism. I know it's not pure capitalism but usually, when you see monetary wealth increase for the common person there are restrictions that begin to lift. With a increased restriction on internet access because of this ban, it has to make you wonder why.

I wonder if China is preemptively trying to prevent leaks of happenings in their country at a future date?

I think in part it has to also do with the North Korean issue. China knows it could lead to war so they may be trying to squeeze international communications in general.

Historical precedence is there for a country to conduct this maneuver. You being in this a big discussion in the country in regard to a war being a possibility over the North Korea issue?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

For me yes, it matters, once im out of this country it won't. But North Korea has already be raped by America so I understand why they fear it. China has been raped by the UK so I understand why they fear it.

Is this all sabre rattling? I hope so, but other wars have been started with less.

When u get both sides of the propaganda you learn to care less about either.

Thanks for your input. It's great to see other perspectives, especially when someone is over seas and witnessing it first hand,

I hope this doesn't happen.

Me too. ><

If this would happen would markets crash or skyrocket?

Oh man thats a good question. I mean so many peoplein CHina trading on exchanges all over the world. Poloniex needs a vpn to get past the google captcha.

Man that would crazy if only chinese exchanges could be accessed in china.

It's really sad that with as much as China has tried to modernize this is something they can't move past. It should be obvious by now that people need free reigns for intellectual activity to thrive. Or as one of my favorite bands said

"Hold on loosely, but don't let go, cause if you cling to tightly, you're gonna lose control."
.38 Special

Well Said.

Was wondering when this was gonna happen. :/

It was bound to come eventually but I was hoping to have already moved on by then. lol.

You should give HK a try :)

Nice article , well written and not surprising at all, bad news for the expats willing to stay

You can move to Vietnam , as same as @vietnam-paradise

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I would move there if you voted my post but i feel its a place riding other countries coattails. Like leaving a happy comment but not rewarding the person that inspired such a comment.

You didn't read my post; you left a random, generic comment.

You will read this reply and see to my comment but hide like the troll you don't want to be known as. But I am following you now.

I hope there are better people in Vietnam than YOU!!

The VPN ban in China was supposed to have started April 1st, 2018 but apparently this was just a false alarm as VPNs still work in China