Chinese censorship

in censorship •  3 months ago 

Most people don’t think Chinese can sensor the media in America

What if I told you, your phone has three Wi-Fi doubt adapters?

What if I told you each Wi-Fi adapter connect to different mechanisms?

What if I told you every device standard with them and if they didn’t they could be installed as soon as you become monitored by the Chinese government

What if I told you you could get monitored by the Chinese government just saying something negative about she she or Pootie

What if I told you when these things are active on your phone you can’t make any regular outgoing calls or send regular outgoing messages

What if I told you 100% of what you send that goes directly through private Chinese relays

I told you 100% censored the Internet
What if I told you when you call your mom it’s a deepfake AI Chinese robot

Police it’s a dead agent? With a rod in thier head and anystetics in the head to make them deaf?

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