El primer libro que leí / The first book i read.

in cervantes •  6 years ago 

¿Aún recuerdan el primer libro en haber leído?

Me refiero a la primera historia escrita e impresa que los atrapo hasta tal punto que desde ese día ya nada volvió a ser igual.

Para mí este libro fue "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha", una historia escrita por el autor "Miguel de Cervantes"


Aun lo recuerdo como si hubiera ocurrido hace poco, aunque la verdad han pasado varios años desde ese día.

Honestamente a mi no me gustaba leer, era algo que trataba de evitar a toda costa. Prefería ver tv, salir por el vecindario, o dormir. Pero leer era algo que no me llamaba la atención y que consideraba una perdida de tiempo (vaya que estaba equivocado respecto a eso).

Fue una tarde en la cual al encontrarme sin acceso a mis medios de distracción regulares, e impulsado por la falta de sueño y el aburrimiento, que me vi obligado a improvisar y tratar de encontrar algo que hiciera pasar las horas más rápido o que al menos ocupara mi mente lo suficiente como para no pensar en eso.

Y tras dar varias vueltas por la casa revisando cajones y moviendo cosas, fue que encontré este libro. Y vaya libro que fue.

Con mucha reluctancia me senté y comencé a revisar el libro, en ese entonces las palabras eran algo complicadas para mí, aun así el libro tenia algo que me impedía apartar la vista, y poco a poco me fui concentrando a medida que la historia me atrapaba.

Sin darme cuenta ya era de noche y hubiera seguido absorto en la lectura de no ser por mi madre que al llegar a casa y verme, se alarmo, y a mí también en el proceso, su expresión no tenia precio, parecía haber visto un fantasma, y en cierta forma es comprensible pues para ella el echo de encontrarme a mí, su inquieto hijo, sentado tranquilamente en la mesa y concentrado con un libro entre manos, bueno... Debió haber sido algo fuera de este mundo.

Yo al notar su presencia me avergoncé un poco pues sabia que lo que hacia no era normal en mí, pero más pudo mi curiosidad por la historia y luego de explicarle la razón de mi abrupto cambio me dispuse a continuar con la lectura.

Y fue exactamente a partir de ese momento que ya nada volvió a ser igual, pues descubrí el mundo de la lectura. Un mundo que hasta el día de hoy sigue sorprendiéndome y brindándome la oportunidad de formar parte de eventos extraordinarios como se plantean en muchas de las historias que los autores nos brindan. Algo de lo que estoy muy agradecido.

"El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha" es una excelente historia que te hará reír, te hará llorar, te mantendrá en suspenso, te hará pensar, y con algo de suerte como me ocurrió a mí, te hará querer formar parte de este mundo que es la lectura, y si ya formas parte entonces te hará reforzar las ganas de permanecer en el, mientras acompañas al valeroso caballero y su fiel escudero en su cruzada para corregir las injusticias del mundo.

Hace años que tengo este libro, y aunque ha sufrido algunos accidentes y se ha deteriorado, sigue siendo especial para mi y trato de preservarlo, Por suerte la mayor parte del deterioro esta en la cubierta y las palabras aun son completamente legibles.


(Esta es una de mis escenas favoritas en la historia, la cual ocurre en el capitulo "XVII", donde se describen los estragos causados por el misterioso "Bálsamo de Fierabrás". Remedio que supuestamente todo lo cura pero que cómicamente no resulto tan bien para el pobre escudero sancho) haha.

Y acá dejo algunas fotos de las ilustraciones que el libro contiene:


Si les parece, coloquen en los comentarios el titulo del primer libro que leyeron.

Gracias por su tiempo, hasta la próxima.

Do you still remember the first book you read?

I am referring to the first written and printed story that captivated you until the point that since that day nothing was ever the same again.

For me this book was "The Ingenious Nobleman Sir Quixote of La Mancha", a story written by the author "Miguel de Cervantes"


I still remember it as if it happened not too long ago, although in truth several years passed since that day.

Honestly, i did not like to read, it was something i tried to avoid at all costs. I preferred to watch TV, wander around the neighborhood, or sleep. But reading was something that did not attract my attention at all and something that i considered a waste of time (i was seriously wrong about that).

It was an afternoon in which i found myself without access to my regular means of distraction, and driven by the lack of sleep and boredom, I was forced to improvise and try to find something that would make the hours go by faster or at least distract my mind enough to not think about that.

And after going around the house several times looking through drawers and moving things, that's when i found this book. And what a book it was.

With great reluctance i sat and began to check the book, At that point in time the words were somewhat complicated for me, but the book had something that prevented me to look away from it, and that helped me to concentrate and slowly but surely the story began to trap me.

The night arrived without me realizing and i would have continued reading and being absorbed in the story if it were not for my mother, who came home at that moment, she was startled, and she also startled me in the process, her expression was priceless, she seemed to have seen a ghost , and in a way it was understandable for her to react that way because, finding me, her restless son, sitting quietly at the table and concentrated with a book in his hands, well ... It must have been something out of this world.

When i noticed her presence i was a bit embarrassed because i knew that what i was doing was not normal in me, but my curiosity about the story was stronger and after explaining the reason for my abrupt change i decided to continue reading.

And it was exactly since that moment that nothing was the same again, because i discovered the world of reading. A world that to this day continues to surprise me and gives me the opportunity to be part of extraordinary events as they are presented in many of the stories that the authors give us. Something i'm very grateful for.

"The Ingenious Nobleman Sir Quixote of La Mancha" is an excellent story that will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will keep you in suspense, it will make you think, and with some luck as it happened to me, it will make you want to be part of the reading world, and if you are already part of that world, then it will make you reinforce the desire to remain in it, while accompanying the courageous knight and his faithful squire in their crusade to correct the injustices of the world.

This book has been with me for years, and although it has suffered some accidents and has deteriorated, it is still special for me and i try to preserve it. Luckily most of the deterioration is on the cover and the words are still completely legible.


(This is one of my favorite scenes in the story, and it takes place in the chapter "XVII", where the ravages caused by the mysterious "Balm of Fierabrás" are described. Remedy that supposedly heals everything but that funnily did not turn out so well for the poor squire sancho) Haha.

And here i leave some photos that i took of the illustrations that the book contains:


If you like, share the title of the first book you read in the comments.

Thanks for reading, till next time.
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