Corporate Issuer

in cfa •  last year 

Corporate's Liquidity
1 Primary Source of liquidity -> Operation 상의 사업 소득 cash (A/R, A/P) 및 단기금융상품 (MMF)
2 Secondary Source of Liquidity -> 회사 재무구조 변화에서 비롯되는 cash (차입금, 자산매각)

Drags on Liquidity -> cash inflow가 느려지거나 financing cost 증가
Pulls on Liquitity -> cash outflow 빨라짐

Current Ratio = Current assets / Current Liablities

Working Capital = Current assets - current liabilities

Quick Ratio = (Cash + Short Term Securities + receviables) / Current liabilities ---> current asset 에서 inventory 빼고 계산

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