I found my old journal

in chainbb-general •  7 years ago  (edited)


Have you ever wanted to journal? Have ever tried to kickstart the habit yet kept failing at making it a consistent thing you do? Well, if you are, I'm in the same boat as you but something happened this morning and I think something clicked...

Let me explain.

For over five years, I know that journaling would be incredibly beneficial to me. My mind race at a 100 miles per hour and the only way sometimes that I found to slow it down is to write and speak. This is the only way that I've found that I am able to organize and clarify my thinking.

Journaling (or keeping letters or diaries) is an ancient tradition, one that dates back to at least 10th century Japan. More and more we are discovering genuine health benefits to journaling such as:

  • Clarify your thoughts and feelings.
  • Solve problems more effectively
  • Resolve disagreements with others. (Writing about misunderstandings rather than stewing over them will help you to understand another’s point of view.)
  • Make sense of our own personal history

What Changed?

Well, I use to have so much difficulty writing about me and my day to day life that I mostly wrote notes and to do lists. But last year, I started a journal where I would mostly write about "how I feel" and "what's going on in my life". At the time it seemed inconsequential and boring.

3 Months after I started that journal...I lost it.

I was really sad that nobody could find it but then I moved on and didn't journal the same way...I just kept mostly writing about goals, to do and notes in my other journal.

But then, yesterday, the journal came back to me in the most unexpected way

As I was metaphorically "cleaning my room" this morning, I decided to crack it open and read what I wrote a year ago. Believe it or not, it was the first time I was reading about what I was doing and how I was feeling a year ago. I finally understood the value of a journal on an emotional level. A year ago, I was meeting the women I would spend the rest of my life with. A year ago, I had questions about life that I found answers to, a year ago...I was me in the process of becoming me today.

It's all nice to intellectually know something but it's usually not enough to move us or really making us understand at a deeper level what it means to journal.

My Message

Start journaling even if it's only a few lines a day. Write about your story. There is obvious value at doing that in the here and now but the value of doing this go way beyond that...it help us make sense of our own personal process and rediscovering where we came from.

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I thought you were going to show scans of hand writting! maybe some cool doodles?

Reminds me that I found all my old school journals from age six and up and i have crazy multi page doddles of whole space battles with xwing fighter and tie fighters and star destroyers just massive space battles from return of the jedi all over my journals! and CRAZY stories about a space corporation my friend miguel ruiz and I had called "Galactico" where we manufactured frozen paper foods called Monkey Nuggets and we usd the old Apple IIe computers (which were super old for the 1994 time period) to make fake contracts about owning all the shares of galactico and how the price of galactico stock wet ddown or how i tricked my friend into singing a document giving me full contrl of galactico and then i caught him forging his owndocument that just said "I Zachary WIllaims give full control of galactico to Miguel Ruiz" and we would print em on the old Apple IIe printers LOL

im a computer, im a computery guy!
everything made out of buttons and wires!

When i was trader, we used to journal all our trades - the reasons for putting them on and what the emotions were as we held the position. It definitely forced a clarity of thought that helped make us more profitable. Can see how it'd apply in general life as well.

I think you're on to something here @cryptoctopus. Journaling can open pathways to the unknown answers of questions we haven't even been faced with yet. For many of us where writing may not be a strong point, even jotting down one's goals and to-do's is a great start & can help move you along in a more positive overall light.

This is something I've been considering for a while, it's time to just start methinks :) Thanks for the shove in the right direction dude!

hey my pleasure! The self-authoring program of Jordan B Peterson has been amazing for that too.

OK, I'll go have a look and see what it's all about.

I love when I open my journal and find something relevant on nearly the same day, a year, two years, even 10 years ago. It is quite amazing ! I also like to integrate my dreams and photos into the experience as well, and always find interesting connections between them.

Wauw with all that Steem Power and the price going up, you will make a fortune on Steemit, soon :)

I would definitely do some journaling but maybe I'll create a different account for that haha XD I don't want anyone else I know to find out about my personal feelings 'cos I just want to keep those by myself and I'm shy hehehe.

Now that I think about it and Steemit, the benefits of journaling using Steemit will be much more with the reward system and other people you don't
personally know to give you advice.

Btw, I would also like to add that journaling improves our writing skills too :)

really good point

Btw, I would also like to add that journaling improves our writing skills too :)

As someone with English not his first, second, or even third (some would argue)... I find this extremely true!

It's so fun to think about grammar as you are journaling! (Just me, I suppose)

So true :) English is only my 3rd most used language. The first is our dialect. The second is our national language. Then English.

In my case, I'm quite used to thinking about my grammar because we were trained to do so during class.

I tried doing so a few months back. Failed miserably. But I'll try again :p

I get it brother. It's been a long struggle for me too, but the squeeze is worth the juice!

I hope so. Hopefully I don't give up this time :p

Interesting read!

Ew paper? Whats the point when you have steem? :D

I was me in the process of becoming me today.

How so true! This is exactly how I felt when I was journaling everyday! Now I don't do it because of the time constraint...

I do occasionally write that never goes public... and have found true joy in understanding life and the path I have chosen! :)

Lovely read! :)

Upvoted and followed you!

Thanks! Nice to know I'm not alone :-)

This is something really interesting @cryptoctopus! My way of journaling is writing poems, but I don't know if everyone will stop to read them, or even understand them, but it is a beginning. I tried to write them in English at first, that was something awesome because I had to think hard about words not in my language to rhyme and the creation was even better. But then, I decided to write them in Portuguese as I thought the feelings were not the same as in English. Great dilemma! =(

Reading your post, I feel like this is important to record something about life, about society where we live in with our own views and comments in a more straight way so people can understand what you are saying. Not that poetry will be cut off my life, I love writing poetry and short stories, but when you said "write about your story. There is obvious value at doing that in the here and now but the value of doing this go way beyond that...".

Thank you for the post. That was really motivating and an ice breaking for me! (Sorry, English is not my first language.)

Ok, you (and the nagging voice in my head), have convinced me to begin journaling again. The timing of your post assures me I should, as I've been thinking about it alot.

If you ever have the chance, check out the self authoring program. It's a really cool way to get the ball rolling.

Oh, I have the chance. I find lots of time traveling to research and write. It's wonderful. I'll definitely be looking into the self authoring program. Thanks for the tip!

haha, I am more like to see other's journal.

I used to be really good about keeping a journal. It makes me sad to think about the memories that have been diminished or lost because I didn't write them down. I really need to get started again. Thanks for the enccouragement!

The writer's block hit me hard whenever I try, I will figure out something.

maybe start by asking questions? It helps me sometime get the ball rolling.

It's always amazing for me to look back in old journals. I tend to find things between the lines or hidden meanings that I didn't intend or understand at the time. It's a powerful thing.

check out my intro post


unbeknownst to me at the time, I had my first Steemit post on the same date but many years after my first written journal entry! That's the kind of stuff that happens with journaling and chronicling

I love to journal. I started one on the day my husband and I broke up. I wrote almost daily for a few years. And I also liked to go back and read how I was feeling "on that day" in my past. It was very eye opening. I do not check back on it much anymore, because I am out of that phase of my life ( Thank God) and reading about the struggle brings back emotions I would rather not feel. BUT while I was in the process it really was a wonderful tool. I agree that it should be something everyone try at some point.

Very good post and suggestion. Thanks!

It was really interesting now, I also feel about writing about my past

the self-authoring program of Jordan B Petereson is amazing for that. You should look it up :-)

I am glad that you found your journal.
I tried writing down my dreams for a little while but them my ADHD got in the way and I stopped.

I get that. A morning ritual has worked best for me.

Oh Yes! Keep Journaling all the "inconsequential" stuff. It has shown me more truth than anything else in the world ever could have. Best of luck to you.

I found an old journal entry I had made when I first started on steemit, the first post on steemit I read was on of yours :P and it inspired me to write and join this platform (officially) I stopped becoming that lurker. I wrote my first post and it was horrible... I never posted it, but I have kept it on my computer and reflect back on it often to see how much I have grown on steemit.

That awesome man.

I've tried journaling ... but everytime I start, it's really hard to be consistent and diligent with keeping up on writing. Usually, I write and then the journal sits on some table collecting dust.

But what I always enjoy is finding it many years later and seeing what I write ... sometimes I laugh at how somethings come true, and other times ... not so much.

Cool! It is always so interesting to see how ones got into his habby. Hope I can find mine too!

It always feel the best the moment you found something which is important for you. Hope you keep up journaling!

Oh, I'm a big fan of journaling! I've had journals ever since I was 12. Every time I move and have to put them in and out of moving boxes, I sit down and stop everything to leaf through them. Just like you did yesterday.

Whether it is one year or 20 years - I think there is no better way to become a witness of our own growth and mental/emotional/spiritual change, than connecting with the person we were "back then" through their words on the page. It's a great way to boost self-compassion, too :)

Sadly I'm not journaling as much anymore, but I do keep weekly recaps now and especially "happiness reports" to remember all the little good things that happened, even if they were not life-changing.

That's awesome! Glad I'm not alone to notice that

Awesome post! Yes journaling is highly therapeutic and awakens our creative nature in many ways.