Chainz Arena Soul Mining Calculator v1.0: How-to guide

in chainzarena •  5 years ago 

Hello and welcome to the guide for the Chainz Arena Soul Mining Calculator!

It was created with blood, sweat and tears (ok, maybe just sweat) by myself (Digitt) and Colton Ehrman. We mined the sweat from our brows and turned it into code,

and this is the result:

This project was made for the community to use, to calculate one’s mining rate in Chainz Arena according to your level and other factors.

This guide will go through each section of the calculator so you know exactly what’s going on.

(Please note that the game’s formulas might change after the time this article is published.)

Chapter, Level and Decay

This is pretty straightforward. You choose the chapter you’re on using the slider.

Then select whether you’re on stage 0-15 or 15-30.

Your decay rate is the amount of decay that is applied, in %. ie: if “10” is chosen, you will be getting 10% less SOUL when you mine.

The results are displayed per minute and per hour, pretty simple.

Each chapter gives an increase in +0.0012 SOUL per minute.

On stage 15-30 you get a small increase in mining rate of +0.0006 SOUL per minute, so always best to try mine after you’ve hit stage 15 in a chapter!

The Hammer Section

How do the hammer prices work?

The ETH price of each hammer type is fixed.

ie: a 1 hour hammer will always be at 0.002 ETH.

The other currencies are then converted in relation to the fixed ETH price.

ie: a 1 hour hammer in TRX will change depending on the current TRX price.

In simple terms: The ETH hammer prices stay the same, the TRX and EOS hammer prices fluctuate according to market value.


We have noticed that the game isn’t necessarily at the exact price in TRX and EOS as our calculations. We apologize that we can’t get it more accurate, but this is the best we can do as the API the Colton worked with uses USD as the base currency. At the least, you might be a few decimals off, which is not such a huge thing.

Rest assured our back-end is calculating as accurate as can be. Conversions were done in the back-end with as many decimals as possible and then display as 4 decimals for the crypto and 2 decimals for USD. With fluctuations in market price anyway, your calculations will vary in reality throughout your mining time, so just consider this as an estimate of results!

Hammer prices per hour

The hammer price per hour calculates how much value you will get from each hammer type. It is always most efficient to use the 1 hour hammer where possible, but of course, you might be AFK and want to mine while you sleep. This calculator at least ensures you’re not making silly decisions and paying for a 12 hour hammer that might give you a loss!

The number of hammers is the amount of hammers of that type you have chosen. We have taken into account that you might want to calculate your costs/profits for a day, week, or month – so you can choose any number you want. For example, if you were doing 1 hour hammers for 10 hours a day, you could put 300 as the number of hammers, indicating 30 days of mining.

We would like to add duplicates of this section in future so that you can calculate the use of different hammer types in your daily/weekly/monthly mining. If there are enough donations, we will implement this.


Well, this is pretty self-explanatory! We have given the total profits after the cost of paying for hammers.

Total Profit shows how many hours in total you have chosen.

Ie: if you have chosen 12 hour hammer and chosen 30 of them, the total hours would be 12 x 30 = ….

...wait hold on let me open my calculator..


This should come in useful when we add more hammer sections, as you’ll be able to accumulate for example, a 24 hour total and then see how much you’d earn over 24 hours (for eg: using the 12 hour hammer overnight and 1 hour hammers during the day).

That’s everything!

Please help us out by liking this post. It’ll cost you nothing and get us some free crypto!

Colten Ehrman is available for hire, you can contact him here:

If you have any questions, issues or suggestions, please feel free to comment here, or tag me @Digitt on the Chainz Arena telegram channel!

Here's a link to the Calc again!

Hope you guys enjoy and hope it helps you out!

- Digitt

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I didn't have any data on the high stage, but it's well organized.

Thank you.

Hi thank you so much :) What do you mean by not having data on the high stage? We will look into it :) Thanks!

I've been stuck at 34-15 for two weeks, it's very hard. ^^; How about you?