Chakra Journey: Eat the Rainbow

in chakra •  6 years ago 


Eat the Rainbow

Chakras are energy centers in the body that start at the base of the spine, and travel up to the crown chakra at the top of your head. When your chakras are open and balanced, they draw fresh energy in from the unified field which replenishes and nourishes your personal energy field, keeping you happy and healthy.

Because our chakras are invisible to most of us you may be thinking that chakras would thrive on energy, prayer, spiritual and hippie dippy stuff. This is true however, its equally important to feed and nourish our physical body to help support and fuel our chakras.

Each chakra governs different body parts and different aspects of your life, so if a chakra is unbalanced, the body part and spiritual messages it governs will also become imbalanced. There are seven chakras that are focused on most often; The Root Chakra, located as the base of the spine, which represents our foundation and grounding. The Sacral Chakra, located in the lower abdomen, which represents creativity, passion, intimacy, and connection. The Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the upper abdomen, which represents self-worth, confidence, and the power of transformation. The Heart Chakra, located in the center of the chest, represents love, forgiveness, inner peace, and joy. The Throat Chakra, located in the throat, represents truth, communication and expression. The Third Eye Chakra, located between the eyebrows, represents imagination, intelligence, and trust. The Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, represents oneness, spirituality, and divinity.


Chakras can often become blocked/unbalanced. When this happens, it disrupts the flow of energy in our bodies and causes emotional/physical issues. There is a lot of information out there on the chakras and healing them so if you think you may have an unbalance you can check online or find a reiki practitioner ( that is trained to see and realign your chakras so that energy can flow freely through you.

In today's standard american diet (SAD), most of what is purchased and being consumed falls into the “white/beige” food colour category. Your typical day may start with cereal, pastry or granola, for lunch a sandwich and chips and for supper pasta or chicken. What's really cool about plants is that their colour (or the tiny compounds that create their colour), sources powerful phytonutrients/phytochemicals, the thousands of different chemicals studied in plants have proven their ability to reduce our risk of chronic diseases and cancer.

The rainbow found in our food represent over 25,000 different phytonutrients and when we eat/drink these foods we stimulate enzymes that help the body eliminate toxins, boost the immune system, promote healthy oestrogen metabolism, support cardiovascular health and kill off cancer cells. What’s even cooler is that each different colour represents different families of healing chemicals.


Most Americans Aren’t Getting the Range of Colorful Foods They Need
According to a 2009 phytonutrients report (based on data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys), 8 out of 10 people in the US are falling short in virtually every color category of phytonutrients.

Based on the report,
78% of Americans are falling short in red phytonutrients
79% of Americans are falling short in yellow and orange phytonutrients
69% of Americans are falling short in green phytonutrients
88% of Americans are falling short in purple and blue phytonutrients
86% of Americans are falling short in white phytonutrients

Our bodies benefit from variety, we need a rainbow of nutrients and colors. In fact, the variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables have enormous healing powers. Eating a diversity of colorful foods can be an easy way to get a complete range of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to thrive.

By continuing to read you will learn the essentials of each chakra and how eating the rainbow will help you reach your health and wellness goals.


Root Chakra/Muladhara
Element: Earth
In balance: safe, secure, grounded
Imbalanced: Joints, hips, knees, thighs, lower back, feet, feelings of insecurity, unsafe, survivor, fight or flight.
Nutrition: bright red foods from the earth, food grown with deep roots or on a vine, red herbal teas
Practice: walk barefoot, beach yoga.
Mantra: I am establishing roots by learning to forgive my caregivers from early childhood, I am safe safe, secure, and my basic needs are being met on a daily basis.I am the hero of my own story.

Sacral Chakra/Svadhisthana
Element: water
In balance:healthy relationships, pleasure, joy, balance, harmony, creating, abundance.
Imbalanced: addictions, negative self-image, hormone imbalance, infertility, cravings
Nutrition: earth and trace minerals, mushrooms, water, orange foods, orange spices and teas
Practice: daily affirmations, yoga, swimming, hiking, massage
Mantra: I am express my creativity and pursue my passions. I am nurturing my intuition and my relationships that thrive.

Solar Plexus/Manipura
Element: Fire
In balance: worthy, progress, warmth, comfort, healthy boundaries, self-worth, inner power, energy, gut/intuition, trust, intimacy, eye contact
Imbalanced: unbalanced cortisol and insulin levels, powerless, victim, irregular sleep patterns, stress, adrenal fatigue, poor listening habits, acidic body, victim
Nutrition: fermented foods, yellow vegetables, healthy fats and yellow herbal teas
Practice: meditation, outdoor activities, breathwork, yogic twists and ab work
Mantra: I am authentic and intuitive. I am tuned in and manifesting my goals.

Heart Chakra/Anahata
In balance: love, open, calm, forgiveness, unity, letting go to be present
Imbalanced: isolation, heart/circulation issues, fear, panic, tension, lungs, oxygen
Nutrition: nutrient-rich vegetables, leafy greens, seaweed, alkalizing fruit, healthy fats, raw nuts, green vegetables, aloe juice and water
Practice: breathing techniques, good posture, rolling shoulders back, hearth openers, walks, hikes and gardening
Mantra: I am full of joy, compassion, and love, not only for others but myself. I am letting go of the past and forgiving everybody for everything and establishing my own self-worth.

Throat Chakra/Vishuddha
Element: Ether
In balance: truth, communication, warmth, innovative ideas
Imbalanced: gland and thyroid issues, hormonal imbalance, unable to speak your truth.
Nutrition: blue foods and herbal teas, nutrition from all elements
Practice: speaking truthfully (in person, journal or visualization) and getting things off of your chest
Mantra: I am focusing my energy on true expression, intuition, integrity, honesty, and openness

Third Eye Chakra/Ajna
Element: Light
In balance: connection, oneness, synchronicity, psychic ability, premonitions, visions
Imbalanced: neurosis, headaches, self-sacrifice, confusion, mental illness
Nutrition: sprouted nuts, metal detox, purple foods, cruciferous vegetables, wild meat/fish
Practice: meditation, yoga, long stretches, hiking, tai chi, travel
Mantra: I am nurturing my intuition, my ability to plan and each of my senses. I am guided, clear and part of the solution.

Naturally White/violet
Crown Chakra/Sahasrara
Element: No element
In balance: vibrant, glowing, supported, flow, higher intelligence, manifestation, mindful
Imbalanced: neuroses, migraines, nerves, joints, loneliness, unsupported, delusional
Nutrition: water, natural salt, cleansing herbs, seeds, vegetable broth, garlic, miso, mushrooms and violet food/tea
Practice: positive thoughts and visualizations, asking for help, gratitude exercises
Mantra: I am nourished by love and my strong connection to the divine. I am engaging in spirit-lifting activities and mediation.


Call to Action
Make a rainbow meal: try creating a meal that uses every color and reduce the amount you may be consuming processed food and factory farmed animal products.
Get social by using #elementalgrowth or @naturallyashley108 - Let me know what steps you you want to take to add the rainbow to your plate?


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Disclosure, there is a lot of science behind what im talking about it's not all theory and opinion however I am not a scientist, a doctor or perfect - what I am sharing with you is what I am doing, what is working for me now and my recommendations are based on my current experience and knowledge.

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