30 day Porn Detox Challange

in challange •  7 years ago  (edited)

I want to share with you something personal today.

I have gone through lot's of changes in my life the last years adopting more conscious lifestyle on every level - physically, spiritually and sexually. And I would like to share with you my personal experience and my tantric knowledge when it comes to our sexual energy.

Once when we understand the enormous power of sexual energy and how it creates our life's experience, we become more conscious of how we express our sexuality - our vital life force.

Let's talk about Porn.

Instant sexual satisfaction has become so easily accessible through the internet that modern society has become obsessed by it. We splurge our precious energy all over our bed-sheets masturbating in a dark corner in front of a screen...



I have had a couple of boyfriends who have been very much into porn and I have observed a several patterns. I am sure many other women will be able to relate to me.

I don't think porn is evil but it can deplete us and diminish our life force energy when misused and create a lot's of intimacy issues.

Besides the obvious violence and anything involving children, there are much more issues:

  • Porn is unrealistic. Focused on purely physical and unnatural extremes. It desensitises us and we often forget what is true connection and intimacy.


  • Men turn into mediocre lovers after being desensitised, they are rushing the whole sexual experience and loose the real touch of what it means to connect on deep level with a woman.


  • Porn Changes the Sexual Arousal Process

We get aroused by the porn rather than a person, and it becomes more and more difficult to get aroused by a person

  • Every single time you watch porn it changes your brain of what you find sexy, what turns you on, what you desire. It creates disconnection from humanity of our sexuality.


  • There's some very dark material you can find on porn sites. The more you watch pornography the more you are looking for more intense material, it rewires your brain. Dehumanisation of women and violence is a standart in porn these days, it leaves a negative imprint in your brain and what you desire.

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  • The more you release your seamen - your precious life force- while mastrubating watching porn, as a result it makes you lazy, unmotivated, depressed and addicted even.


Bottom line.

"In a subtle way, excess ejaculations will diminish your courage
to take risks, professionally and spiritually. You will settle for
doing enough to get by, to be comfortable, but you will find that
you would rather watch TV than write your novel, meditate, or
make that important phone call.
You will have enough motivation to live a decent life, but ejaculations drain you of the “cutting through” energy that is necessary to pierce your own wall of lethargy and slice through the obstructions that arise in the world.” – David Deida

Connection Is Everything!

While porn creates unhealthy addictions and depleats our life force, when we make love with a partner is a true loving intimacy, according to Taoist tantra, this experience can enlighten the individual in a spiritual manner and has the potential to continuously massage and vitalise the inner organs of the body.

I have experiences some of the most blissful deepest orgasmic states in a deep tantric love making fully connected to my partner. Once when you experience true intimacy, you can't go back to anything less than that. It's like upgrading your food from junk food to healthy nutritious food.

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We are DESIGNED to connect with each other on a very deep level. Human beings do not do well without feeling deep connection. We call it “neediness” and “being desperate” when someone is feeling disconnected. But it’s really just because deep down we know that we are capable of phenomenal connection. And when we feel this amazing connection, things in our lives just get better. Depression lifts. We don’t feel as anxious. We notice the joys in life. We appreciate each other. We feel a level of contentment and happiness that we just don’t experience when we are all alone.


In tantra, this connection comes first. This is the foundation of all the sexual play. It’s like you first have to “plug in” to each other before the energy can flow. And so there is real intention to drop our guards and allow each other inside to truly connect and experience each other.

I invite you to take this 30 day Porn Detox challenge and see what benefits you experience for yourself!


You will feel great experiencing Freedom From Porn!

Here's some of the benefits that you’ll experience when you don’t watch porn:

Your will-power will improve
You’ll become a master of your sexuality
You’ll have more energy to undertake productive pursuits
You’ll be motivated to go out and meet women or share much deeper intimacy with your woman being fully present and becoming a better lover

After just 30 days, you will feel this inner masculinity emanating out into world around you. You’ll be able to feel the arousal, respect the urge and embrace this new feeling. You will be able to redirect this sexual energy in new more powerful ways.

Let's create some deep true intimacy. It's time to evolve sexually!

I hope you have benefited from my article in some way and let me know in your comments your thoughts and if you are up for this challange.

Ilze Mystic Muse

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Hey Ilze, great article!!

Lately i've came across some of the science you shown there. And I like to think I'm pretty much of pron... but even if I consume it just once in a wile I can actually notice, the diference in connecting.

And I made the experiment myself to fell the energy/ motivation and it's true... even if you do it just a bit you will fell way more tired.

I'm taking the 30 day detox challenge starting today!! (Even if I will be alone for 10 more days hehheh)

Have a great day!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I completely agree with what you're putting down. I've both consciously taken a long break from porn and also taken a break because I didn't have access to it.

Doing it consciously is a lot more rewarding because you get the benefit of knowing that you made that choice, therefore reinforcing the truth that you have control over you.

I looked into tantra a long time ago. Interesting. Looks difficult.

Like most things worthwhile, probably worth it though. Finding that connection with your partner is pretty awesome when you can.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Really interesting article and relates to some observations I have made relating to men, porn and their relationships with women.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Your looking very hot believe me

This was a really good post, thank you for sharing this. It a very valuable post.