in challenge •  7 years ago 

Are you ready steemians?

When I first met @girlbeforemirror and @azurejasper, it was about nine months ago when I was running the Tattoo Story Contest here on steemit. At first @girlbeforemirror was an entrant, but eventually she took over running the contest for a little bit. Though friendships on steemit do not always stay as close as one may hope, I have always appreciated @girlbeforemirror and @azurejasper.

Recently, when @azurejasper posted about the heath issues and medical bills that @girlbeforemirror was facing, the community stepped in with upvotes and donation posts to help fill in some of the financial needs that they are having. However, there are still financial needs that remain.

The Need & The Challenge

After talking to @azurejasper in private, it seems that roughly $2000 is still needed to cover the current bills that they are facing. @Papa-pepper thinks that although this is a large amount for a couple to deal with, it should be very little for our community to take care of.

Therefore, I am officially challenging the steemit community to a duel.

I am prepared to match every donation that you guys can give, up to a total USD value of $1250. I will personally match every SBD and STEEM donated to the wallet of @azurejasper up to a total USD value of $1250. If the community is able to donate $1250, then we should be able to bless @girlbeforemirror and @azurejasper with $2500 to finish taking care of their current needs and expenses.


So, I wonder who will win this duel. Will the combined effort of the community be able to outgive @papa-pepper? If you can donate the equivalent of $1251 USD, then you win (and so does @girlbeforemirror and @azurejasper). However, if I still have more that I am willing to donate than the steemit community does, then I win. (I think that we should all be able to win in the end, but just for some friendly competition, let's see how this goes!)

Let's Do This Steemit!

Also, to help this challenge be a success for @azurejasper and @girlbeforemirror, please considering doing any of the following:

  • Resteem this post for added visibility.
  • Donate anything that you are personally comfortable with to the wallet of @azurejasper.
  • Mention this challenge to your friends on steemit.
  • Drop the link to this post in postpromotion chatrooms on and discord.

Read more about the situation that they are facing here:

Let's see what you've got steemit!

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with


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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

ILL bit my $13 SBD its my first time dollar on girlfriend would be angry for this but i will do it just to help..


Thats right!

That's so cool @bien.

Now she has nothing to be mad about ;)

If she still does, she no bueno :)

Karma will pay you back!

Aww thats so sweet!

Papa you are Amazing! Everyone here, thank you. @azurejasper is floored by this. Generating double digits on a post is an exciting steemit moment for us.
This is amazing!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

This post received a 2.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @getvotes! For more information, click here!

Just donated my entire SBD balance... which is measly, but hopefuly every little bit helps! Love this community!

I saw that, and matched+ with a 5 SBD donation.

Some gave everything! Thanks @dougkarr!

GREAT JOB! Sometimes giving everything is more noble than giving a little bit of a lot.

true that! <3

Yes oo

That is really awesome @dougkarr

Good on you @pappa-pepper! I've just donated all of the SBD I own ($297.248).

That gets the whole thing a lot closer to success! It's admirable!

Great idea. I have 5 steem. what can that do? I am resteeming and upvoting. Transfering it to u now convert it to sbd.

Matched it and sent it over! Thanks @richguy!

God bless you as usual.

Papa-Steemit taking care of his steemian family!

Great job! 5 steam from 1 hundred people would be enough! Every bit counts.

I'm in for 50 SBD Papa! upvoted and resteemed

Really? 50 SBD! Wow!

MATCHED 50 SBD for 50 SBD!

Thanks @jdawg! Very generous!

Happy to give! Can't exactly let you win either. lol
Thank you, but you are the generous one around here.

Can't exactly let you win

LOL- Great attitude and good idea!

hahahaha 50 is a great donation but unless someone donates 1251 then he wins and everyone let him win.

Great job @jdwag


Thank you all so much! I'm stunned at the swift response to @papa-pepper's challenge, and the generosity of everyone who's commented, resteemed & donated!

The generosity from this amazing Steemit community has truely floored me. The steem & SBD donated is going to go a great way towards easing the financial situation my family has found itself in after the sudden and prolonged illness & treatment of my wife @girlbeforemirror.

My family and I thank you all very very much!

Interestingly enough, I had actually forgot about this! LOL!

I only had 2.156 to send, but if we all do this it will add up! Best wishes to this family. I know all about having an ill family member and sometimes you feel like you are the only soldier going to the front lines against this huge army! I hope @girlbeforemirror is feeling the love🌻

Matched you @farmandadventure! Thank you so much!

Count me in for $50 SBD!!! I'm on my way!

I'll match it!

You're still my hero Dude!!!

Matched! 50 SBD for 50 SBD!

It's a start! I'll see how things go. Maybe I can do some more... I created a monster giving that guy money- Now I have to pay rent lol!

Super generous @richq11 !

Agreed! Did you know that I met @richq11 once?

It is a pretty wild story - but you can check it out here if you want:

Loved it! Spaghettis for dough... Long live crypto. 🍝

Match me Dude... This is a community- we help each other!

wow, great gesture! Karma pays!

If that's true, I must be making up for a lot of really bad shit!

From my experience karma is VERY real. Sometimes plays out over long periods sometimes short periods. Simple answer is live according to your ideals and u will be just fine!

Well, I'm almost 72... It needs to hurry up, I'm running out of time lol!

hahahahaha well check out what I do, will help speed up the process!
There is ALLways hope!

This is such a great initiave @papa-pepper. I am not really becoming a fan. Your generosity is contagious. Steemit community will unite for this cause! All the best @azurejasper❤️

Ok I was pretty sure I used the 50 Steem I won Monday in the wildnstrange contest yesterday to Power up but my wallet still shows 50 steem, so I'm going to donate it instead. Whose wallet do I transfer it to @papa-pepper?

Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
Acts 3:6 KJV

50 Steem just transferred to him.

Awesome job Bro! ur a hero, karma pays!

25 SBD sent with lots of love, hope and hugs.

sending you digital hugs for your generosity! and an up vote!

Matched in full @hopehuggs! Thanks for joining in!

Every little help, an upvote and $3 SBD on the way!

Send my 3 SBD over with yours! Thanks @kubbyelizabeth!!!!

Well, for what it's worth, I gave you a 100% upvote @papa-pepper
I've also got a #payitforward post that is getting paid out tomorrow. All liquid steem raised is being transferred to @girlbeforemirror. It's up to about $118 and decreasing each day but it's going in the pot!

Awesomeness @merej99 !! Thanks for the link !!

Okay, @papa-pepper the #payitforward post for @girlbeforemirror has finally paid out and liquid funds plus an additional donation for at total of 100 SBD has been sent to @azurejasper :)


I'll match both!

resteemed. don't have much voting power right now but i hope my little bit can help.

Thank you for the resteem @franklynx!

every vote and re steem helps!

Thanks for matching @papa-pepper!

Thanks for donating so that I could @globocop!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank YOU for matching and for the effort you are putting in here.
Any other help with admin /work needed, let me know.

Thank you also for the nice surprises! 🌶
Much appreciate!

Pls keep us posted about @girlbeforemirror's progress !

winner winner!

Great job!

@papa-pepper 5 sbd transferred. I would've done more, but i'm new to steemit, and only had 15 ish. I really feel for @azurejasper, the spine is very precious. I don't like asking people to look at my posts, but I feel this one is relevant to this post, and it might help other people avoid spinal injuries. So please could you have a look, and maybe resteem. Nice idea btw, u seem like a cool guy!!

Health care services are run by companies to make money, that is why we need to revolutionize it, maybe PTOY will help.
Maybe new projects will come and help too

Agreed, our health is their business and the worse that our health is, the more that they can make off of us. Wealth over health too often these days.

amazing .....i resteemed.

What you do for this community is amazing ! I have been missing a lot on here lately , very busy and many of the people that I was following from the start are getting lost with all the new people that have joined , this is another awesome initiative that im sure the community will more then come through on ! Way to go , and keep up the great work @papa-pepper !!! Your awesome !! 👍👍👍upped 100% and resteemed !!


FULL MATCHED! Thanks @bien!

well done @papa-pepper ! sending 10 SBD towards @azurejasper , wishing all the best and get well soon !

MATCHED 10 SBD for 10 SBD!

3 SBD from me @papa-pepper, a small contribution for a nice cause!

Matched 3 SBD for 3 SBD! Thanks @jzmsamuel!

guys, enter and get a chance to win 100$ worth of STEEM! all you have to do is follow me and upvote this post! read!

The root of the problem is that health care is too d-mn expensive. Not only that, many cures are suppressed. It's a huge racket.

I absolutely agree with you there. It has become wealth over health, and we are the cash cows.

Thanks @fulltimegeek!


In 1973 'The Health Maintenance Organization Act' was passed which made it legal for the healthcare industry to profit off of health. There's no money to be made in cures, right?

This is a great article about it:

Prior to 1973 it was ILLEGAL to profit from healthcare. Crazy isn't it?

100% this. The medical/health industry switched to a profit-based model several decades ago. I can't recall which administration approved this but it has crippled our system ever since. I'll place a big bet that there's already cures for many diseases out there. But cure does not line the pockets of those in the industry. Imagine if cancer was cured - the amount of money that goes into cancer treatment, radiology, and rehabilitation is in the billions. It's all rigged.

edit: found it - it was the Nixon administration that signed the bill into place allowing healthcare providers to profit, prior to that it was illegal. called "The Health Maintenance Organization Act"

There is no money in a cure.

And dont forget all the "non-profit" fundraising and merchandise sales!

Cash care is much cheaper than insurance.
Co-ops that work on cash basis... works

That's what we do!

Is your co-op state specific? I really need to find something before its too late.

We use this one :

Duly noted.

Thank you!

Cash care is much cheaper than insurance.

Good to know. But, I'm still searching for a provider of Steem Care.

It's up to us to make it happen I'd think. Steemit could actually be a platform for a cash based health co-op.

Just in case you missed it @fulltimegeek. From papa-pepper's comment reply above:

We use this one

I agree healthcare cost is absolutely outrages. At least here in America government programs and insurances company never pay full price. Hospitals know this so they raise their rates to be more in-line with actual cost. The poor guy who gets slap in the face with these massive overcharges tend to be the people who still pay full price prices even when they have instance from out of pocket expenses.

You really need to get the full itemized list of every single thing they charge you on and fight them tooth and nail. Heck it’s not crazy to be charge a $50 consulting fee for someone just asking you “do you smoke?” even when you say no. Or they overcharge you on pills because they just had to “open” that 5 pack when you only needed 1. Yet they will never give you what you paid for, or even show proof they still have the other pills. Best to look at everything, and think logical about it and fight for a cheaper bill.

Its so true and not something I want to talk about here as someone is in a bad spot and only want to send love but the system is so diabolical.

Love all you do for our community, @papa-pepper
You make steem beautiful.
100% Upvote > Resteem > sent 50.00
Bless you dear @azurejasper We love you.

Was my contribution matched? No response @papa-pepper > for some reason.

I looked in his wallet for you. It was. "
5 days ago
Transfer 50.000 SBD to azurejasper
MATCH @pitterpatter"

Thanks for this! Way to help!

Thank you so much @enjar for responding and taking the time to research. For a minnow you are so helpful. Stay creative and Steem 2 Xtreem

I'll try my best to help.... Though I don't earn well.. But i think my little contribution will be of some use... Thanks for sharing and caring

I am brand new so no steem but have upvoted and resteemed, it's wonoderful that you are doing this.

Thank you for doing what you can!

Great idea! I love how this Community jumps in to help other members. ❤️

Thank you! I think it is incredible too!

With this idea by @papa-pepper we can save lives..what an kindhearted this >>>papa-pepper

truly so amazing!

A very worthy cause and opportunity to help each other, especially in the time of need. Thank you @papa-pepper for taking the initiative and for helping make Steemit a place of true generosity and support.

You are welcome!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Any of this 2 account @papa-pepper? @azurejasper and @beforemirror?am i right?Feed me back asap please..

Send to @azurejasper

Ok thank u @globocop

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you @bien! It's great to see the true spirit of people manifesting positively here on Steemit.

My pleasure @globocop..even i dont have that much sbd all of my post,cause my blog is nonesence...but still i earn a little bit and help others...thats the beautiful one of this community...

Hmm - if you just write about what you think is interesting - it certainly isn't nonsense. However, commenting is just as important as top level posts... The glue of Steemit...

PS:// If one earns more - one can help more. 😎

Thanks for being so helpful @globocop!

Least one can do...

@azurejasper will take the donations. Thanks @bien!

My pleasure @papa-pepper..i can still raise fund slow slow by blogging to buy shoes and phone...but azure really needed it as soon as possible..

What a nice idea, loving the concept ! I just resteemed and sent $10 SBD to @azurejasper , hope it helps, it's nice to see this community getting together again and again.

Matched your 10 with 10 of my own @ragepeanut! Great job! Thanks for pitching in!

Thank you for challenging us all to this particular duel Papa-p! I like these kinds of fights, lol!

$10SBD sent!

MATCHED 10 SBD for 10 SBD! Thanks @generikat!

Upvoted and Re-steem , can't help much now.
I will send some once I get my payout. :D

Thank you @rainchen!

Sent 20 from the trail Papa..

Thanks for looking out for the community.


Matched in full! Thanks for that!

Resteemed and donation will be on the way. Such an awesome place, when we can all pull together to help another person in need. God bless you my friend.

Great, thank you!

5 sbd sent good luck, looks like you might lose this one, but diffently one that shouldn't bother you to lose.

MATCHED 5 SBD for 5 SBD - and I am hoping to lose, but I'm not sure if you guys can do it!

I know it's not much, but it's all I had in my Steem Wallet at the moment. 3.760 Match it! =)

I matched it! Thanks mate!

10 SBD winging it's way to @azurejasper

Thanks! You are always giving, and this time, I'll even match it!

Thanks. I just hope it helps :-)

Sending another 100

Even more, once again!?!?!?

@clayboyn you amaze me!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We both like to help people out! :) just to make sure I don't cause confusion I only sent 100 since you started matching. If the community doesn't match your other half, let me know and I'll make it happen.

nice. Greetings from steemvotes.

Nice Article , look at my wall too, there is some special

Thanks for the resteem @princekayani!

yeah always more then resteemed your posts, so look at my personal posts, there is less value but you will see something new.

I just wanted to say that you are an incredible person @papa-pepper. I have no steem in account because I am new here, but is there anyway to do cash? Let me know please. You are an inspiration to all of us.

Not sure about that. You'd have to ask @azurejasper.

Thank you. Will try to contact her.

@steemsupport is with you on this! I will donate all the SBD I have!

Looks like I'll be matching it!

I'll resteem this too :) By the way I would highly appreciate If you can take time to visit my Introduction Looking Forward To Meeting New Friends Lemme know your thoughts. :)

Wonder post.

2 SBD sent to @azurejasper. Good work @papa-pepper.

This minnow don't have much, sent over 10SBD with the hope it makes a difference. Forever fan of your kindness and generosity papa-pepper.

Ah, here it is. Fabulous of course :)

A great step I'll resteem it and send it to all the groups in which I'm joined

3.677 SBD from me. Not much but you'll fortunately double that so thanks!


great man very good I'm new so i have nothing yet but i can 0.1SDB from me :)

Wow, setting the bar so high yet again. Nothing I can say besides ur a great man and also that I hope they find a way to stop using the medical system. Not only is it a rip off but there is almost always a healthier way to heal than doctors/hospitals.
Bless you all~*~

Can't do much, but glad to help, 3.95 is just over half my sbd, transferred, hope it helps!

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 8 with 525 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 10 with 157 comments

Did you hit your limit yet?

Hi can you please give me a shout out. Im new here . Love your posts btw :)))

Your post is very good, I love it. Thank you for sharing. I hope your experience becomes knowledge for all of us. I have come and Upvote in your interesting post. And do not forget to follow and upvote do the same to me. Hopefully steemit remains the foremost.

Seeing as I'm still unemployed, I'm not comfortable with donations yet. However, throwing some higher than usual upvotes around might help a bit aswell I hope!

Completely understandable @playfulfoodie. Thank you!

Sent 3 SBD and resteemed! Good luck to everyone in this challenge!

I'll get on matching it in a bit! Thanks!

You are good man! What is the total? Did we beat ya yet? ;)

@papa-pepper, @azurejasper, could one of you update me on where the total stands?

I don't have much right now but will resteem this to help spread the word.

Resteem is all I can do for now. I am a very new member.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

OMG you guys are amazing.

Donated I am sorry guys I cannot donate much, but know that my heart is with you :(.

I'll match any amount, it all helps! Thanks!

I've just transferred 5 SBD to @azurejasper.

I will match it shortly. Thank you so much!

I'm happy to help @papa-pepper.

You're a nice person to do this challenge. Blessings to you and yours. 🐓🐓

That's great @papa-pepper

Was wonderful to go to my Steemit wallet, to see there was something there that I could give in support of @azurejasper and @girlbeforemirror.

Grateful for your generosity @papa-pepper.

Blessings, love and light being sent to all of you. 🐋💕🐋

This post received a 4.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @bien! For more information, click here!

Just transferred 15 steem - thanks for doing this!! You rock!

Screen Shot 2017-07-13 at 10.56.00.png

That's great and amazing. I love that.