If you cannot phantom how this bank is going to work, let focus some of the main services that it is able to provide:
1. Payment anytime anywhere: After getting your E wallet from Change bank, you will be able to make payment via your E wallet to buy any necessities. Although countries like China have We chat pay and Alipay, but you are only able to obtain the services in China. Change Bank E wallet will let you use your crypto currency anytime anywhere around the world. Say if you are now in Italy and ran out of Liras or Euros, you need not have to go to the money changer to change your money. Simply flash you E wallet and you can buy your pizza!
2. Diversify your investments globally: Now you need not have to go through a broker or some priority banking investment management services from the banks to invest say a coal mine in Mongolia. Simply go to the Change market place and select the investments that interest you, which not only restricts to projects, but bonds, real estate, commodities etc. The Change market place is an arena where all activities are clear and transparent, you will be able to manage your own investments and understand its progress from there.
3. Equal Opportunities: Investing will no longer be a rich man’s game, believe it a not there are still many countries in the world without banks. Change will offer opportunities for people to earn interest and invest just like the more developed countries.