*| Shield of Holy Protection |* | vers.1.58 | **Official** |*

in chaospunk •  5 years ago 

!NEWS! [ 5/25/2020|12:20pm ] Trickery is Afoot!!!!

( Sudden realization!!!) I will begin by expressing that I don't yet have any reason to believe that any of the reports that I've come to be fed by the various people here have actually occurred, as I have good reason to suspect that they are feeding me bullshit stories so that I intentionally spread bullshit news to report! [[[SNEAKY!]]] ✓

Now .. wouldn't it be extremely weird if people were lying to me, en masse?? .. that would be rather odd, indeed! .. I will update IF I gain any confirmation. For the record, I never heard any of these alleged "45 rounds" being fired! .. Extremely crucial to take note of .. if it came to be true that I've been fed lies to this extreme degree, it would be incredibly damning evidence that would be next to impossible to cover up .. that's why you don't get caught in a lie if you were to ever attempt to do so .. for if you are caught, it only calls your entire shtick into question as a result! )

[ 9:04am]

Disheartened by the true discoveries that I continue to keep making. All of those who were lost in this war will always be remembered, and will forever be honored. The war has gone hot and I'm here, apparently on my own, with no real support from the loved ones of my past. Look at the evidence I post before criticizing anything right now. I don't expect anyone to believe me, yet but I truly do believe that one day, the world will know the truth! Godspeed fellow warriors of light, may we overcome the immense challenges we face so that we may officially bring the light back to this planet as we came here on mission to do in the first place!

| 8:09am | Monday | May 25 | 2020 | ] Gunshots [[[ALLEGED!!!]]] | [Action!]

( 11:00am addition - Sudden realization!!!) I will begin by expressing that I don't yet have reason to believe that any of the reports that I've come to hear have occurred, as I have reason to suspect that they are feeding me bullshit stories so that I intentionally spread bullshit news to report! [[[SNEAKY!]]] ✓

Now .. wouldn't it be extremely weird if people were lying to me, en masse?? .. that would be rather odd, indeed! .. I will update IF I gain any confirmation. For the record, I never heard any of these alleged "45 rounds" being fired! .. Extremely crucial to take note of!)

It was reported to me by one of the fellow residents who lives here that him and a few other residents were outside to witness what they heard to be allegedly "45 gunshots fired" by "one bolt action rifle, as well as another semi automatic rifle" fire in rapid succession in one of the nearby buildings that is in relation to the shelter that both of us are staying in.

This was the very first time anyone told me about this happening, and this allegedly happened to occur early yesterday morning, occurring within practically the exact same timeframe that I was experiencing seriously weird happenings around me, which I've been painstakingly doing my best to document the details of all of the various happenings as accurately as possible, as they come to occur, also taking the time to report the timeframe of the various incidences occurances as well .. (documented in this ongoing journal) .. Apparently the police came shortly after in response to the gunshots with a SWAT team, weilding guns, as well as allegedly deploying a robot armed with a gun as well.

I was also told by the same resident that many police officers had been witnessed weilding weapons, "arresting and jailing many people" on what I believe he had told me was Pandora Street in response to another alleged shooting that took place, in what he detailed to me as being an "absolutely chaotic scene", even reporting to me that he had witnessed a "woman covered in blood" at one point as well .. the group of residents witnessing this event allegedly became terrified by what was occurring around them and made the decision to hail a cab and hastefully escape the scene. This resident was clearly quite shaken by what he was reporting to me, as I could tell by his nuance energy tone while he recounted this alarming story to me. ( I'm going to ask my friend to detail his account once more for me later so that I may document the reported details with more precision.)

As me and him were chatting outside the shelter yesterday evening, a random male adult walked past us, unassuming at first, but then he immediately turned and looked at me with a sense of visceral malice, as he proceeded to hiss/screech at me loudly like some alien/demon straight out of Hell. No joke!

I had also overheard a different resident talking with someone else about a story that occurred that day where his friend told him "Today's the day!" .. I found this curious, so I enquired to him what he was talking about exactly, to which he responded to me by sulking his head down, cowering as if he was overcome with shame or something .. this was rather odd as this particular resident was always rather friendly with me in the past. This rather rude response was out of place and very distinct .. this same resident had also been allegedly attacked viciously outside of the shelter not long ago, landing him in the hospital. He has since returned bruised and battered, but now carries a distinctly different vibe, as if he was put in his place by people above him or something.

[[[{{| PANIC IN VICTORIA |}}]]] [ 10:13pm | Sunday, May 24, 2020 ] (archive)

(Yes, I know this is probably getting old for some, but I mustn't allow myself to become silenced .. Disregard if you don't care. I am only posting as a precautionary measure)
[Posted on Steemit (blockchain, more secure) as well in the event that they attempt to alter any of this information becomes altered.)

| Shield of Holy Protection | | vers.1.58 | Official |*
[ As of 8:11pm, May 24, 2020 ]
|Cautious Alert is raised|
[[[ Allies ]]] - Prepare for battle in the event of a worst case scenario situation becoming triggered!|
[** The danger is real! ** ]
[ If I don't continue to post ongoing updates, red flags must immediately be raised, I am beyond serious.]
| [ Current Situation: Yellow [Caution] | 3:53pm May 24, 2020] |
[ Alleged Gunshots reported to be heard - read report below ]

||| NEW ||| + {[Added : Shit-List]} (Sunday, May 24, 2020)

(My post is being CENSORED and erased as i share this report with various facebook groups! .. no logical indication regarding why this report should be censored unless it contained material that they deemed offensive, or if it contained information that they didn't wish to be publicly displayed. All Information contained shouldn't be deemed sensitive, nor is any of it offensive for that matter, so I find this to be rather suspicious.) (Sunday, May 24, 2020)

[ Sunday, May 24, 2020 | (archive)
!!! Eyes Open !!! - [ 10:27pm ] New intelligence has been collected just now indicated that at around 4:20am many AR15 (or a gun of similar stature) rounds had been fired out of a building that is very close by and there was an alleged firefight that took place - details are still limited at this time. I was also told that there was another person who one of my friends here had helped yesterday who was also convinced that many people were coming after him as well. Many people have been incredibly on edge, and there is a visceral feeling being experienced by many people that shit is about to go down!

(4:16pm) Two suspicious homeless people outside, not too far from the building, clearly trying to (what I suspect) create some kind of weird distraction by throwing around, unproductively I might add, empty bottles and cans with uncertain motive. (Didn't appear to develop into anything noteworthy.)

(3:57pm) (Shots onfirmed to have been fired!) [Potential disinformation that was fed to me] I just recieved news and confirmation from the security guard who works here that there were allegedly shots fired here last night/early in the morning .. no suspects have been taken note of at this time. This security guard also mentioned to me that he too is allegedly well aware that there has been quite a bit of suspicious activity taking place all around here lately as well.

( [Update:7:20pm] [Potential disinformation that was fed to me] I heard from another resident at around 4:00pm - Apparently he was informed that the gunshot happened in one of the buildings that is close by at around 6:00am .. he proceeded to then tell me that someone allegedly shot a hole in their wall in this same building he spoke of .. he continues: he proceeds to then tell me next that he allegedly heard a police flash-bang go off sometime shortly after .. he never provided an explanation or any theories regarding why the police would have even needed to go to the lengths of firing off a flashbang in the first place. This resident had allegedly served in the Navy, and was quite familiar with the sound as well as the smell that flash-bangs emit from their use, as he would explain to me during this conversation .. this resident would then proceed to also tell me that the sound as well as the smell of flash-bangs apparently turned him on quite a bit, strangely .. so I imagine that he must know the sound/smell quite intimately to likely not mistake these things for something else. ( I should clarify that I don't necessarily believe this residents story either since he is a confirmed sociopath/manipulator, and appears to be aligned with "the bad guys".)

(3:20 pm) Back from trip to pharmacist, noticed a police van in position along my direct path there .. my guess at the time was that they might be looking out for me. ( [727pm update] However, I would later hear today from a resident here that the police might be parked there (all day) due to an alleged gunshot that was fired somewhere close by, early in the morning.(This explanation didn't make very much logical sense to me either.))

(2:39pm) Going to pick up my methadone, coming RIGHT back afterwords. [ completed ] ✓

(2:05pm) Currently locked in the bathroom as I write this. I have seen them do some rather curious renovations in the back bathroom/shower room which I've been finding incredibly questionable .. there is a completely new side room, back in the shower room that was never there in the past .. my intuition was always suspicious of this new exposure .. it may be nothing at all, or it may be something critical .. I've often noticed people go back there in groups, appearing as if they hold secret meetings back there, I speculate that it may be due to the fact that there are no cameras or recording equipment in there, allowing for a certain shroud of secrecy .. I must point this out and state any and all red flags as they become raised for my own personal safety. I'm not taking *any chances! .. I know that not everything will indicate something that is truly threatening, but it's important that I take note of everything suspicious that I can.

~)))The exact and precise, uncensored contents of this post serve as my symbolic Queen [Chess] .. A critical, most effective piece - ever vigilant. In the game of Chess, the Queen carries the inherent ability to move all over the chessboard at it's own accord, as long as the Queens path is unblocked and its movements made are within its direct line of sight .. it's role is to continue to protect the King first and foremost at ALL costs!(((~

..This is an ongoing journal and provocative expose into some of the random weirdness and strange oddities that seem to occur to me within some of my day to life .. this ongoing public journal has already proven itself to be exceptionally fruitful for me thus far, so I'll continue to post new entries as I feel inspired to from time to time .. as long as I continue to update this journal, I believe that my personal protection becomes more and more resilient as my account becomes more and more solidified and obvious. One day, I believe that this completed account in which I've continued to document will go down in history to be remembered and studied by many..

May it be taken into note and serious consideration that my ability to articulate myself is quite exceptional, which should be clear to anyone who has taken the time to read any of what I have disclosed here in this post .. this important element is critical to take into serious consideration in the unfortunate event that my voice and perspective is called into question and I am just painted as delusional or otherwise.

| Shit list |
| (As my personal enemies expose themselves, I will document as conclusions are firmly drawn. These "people" I've had to tolerate every day while living here .. these cowardly individuals have exposed themselves clearly to me at this point, indicating to me which side they have chosen to be on, within this ongoing silent war in which I've continued to painstakingly endure while living here at this particular shelter. When my enemies are perturbed, they can't help but make their true nature and intentions incredibly obvious for me and my exceptional intuition to decode accurately, due to the fact that they have noteably poor impulse control as well as the fact that they appear to carry very poor personal psychological awareness, not to mention appearing to not have much developement of their higher consciousness/higher self.) .. (They often also expose themselves in moments where they feel a sense of comraderie with their fellow gang members, being exceptionally boastful at their endeavors, often veiling threats amidst their interactions.) .. ( [Bad Actors]) .. (this laundry list begins with the most obvious, to the least obvious) |

  • [ "David" ] (his last name allegedly means "Horse Thief", as he opened up to about one day) .. (his role in all of this has been made immensely obvious to me, as he is absolutely terrible at lying .. something that he continues to do as a means of protectsusecta sus his true persona from being exposed for all to see .. I see you David, make no mistake! .. David seems to have poised hmself as a type of leader figure among the group. His disdain for me continues to be shown, being there the entire time that I've lived here. Him and Johnny are more or less fused together by the hip, continuing to plot God knows what. Allegedly tied to what he kept referring to as "The Gentlemen's Club".)

  • [ "John" aka. "Johnny" ] (He has already given me a clear death threat the other week after an incident occurred where he was shouting rude, insulting remarks at me off in the distance back in the smoke pit/backyard .. these insulting remarks being projected towards me were shouted at me unprovoked, as he was being the typical bully/asshole that he continues to be, which everyone here at the shelter can confirm. His inability to suppress/filter himself at all from his lower impulses gave him away - without any doubt in my mind!) ... (This incident was clearly heard by a staff member, as well as many of the other residents who were also there to witness this incident as well which occurred in the back smoke pit at the time .. this group of people were there to witness this entire incident play out. I asked her to document this rather evidential incident in her notes for the day, to which she confirmed to me that she would.) (This John is not to be confused with "Big Chungus" John, who also lives here.

  • ["Al"] ( Caught him just now (10:59am, May 25) red handed in the process of either thieving or altering something from within my cot. He gave me the distinct guilty look that I just can't deny the moment I spotted him. Someone who is innocent of being a thief never has to make it formally known that "he's not a thief" as he came out and declared unexpectedly one day not too long ago.)

  • ["Troy"] (Active liar and openly proud of it. Caught him fiddling around with banking information that raised alarm bells for me. He has already told me about the numerous times that he has been caught forging signatures. Allegedly used to be in the Navy as well. Disgraceful human!)

(Anyone else who may be grouped into this list is currently only a suspect, conclusions have not been fully drawn, so their names need not currently be named at this point in time. There is still ample time for any of them to join my side, which I can assure you is the winning side .. I'm still alive and kicking, now aren't I? .. how is it possible that just one guy could attract so much heated adversity, and still remain living after all of this continued bullshit has taken place against him for so long? .. seriously ponder that one.)

Currently at the time of this posting (archive):
| Monday May 24, 2020 | 11:45am |

My allies must know to be ready .. the enemy appears to be making preparations. I will continue to post ongoing updates .. if they do create the cascade, this may turn out to be "the shot heard round the world" giving their entire charade away for all to see.

| Sunday May 23, 2020 | 2:15am |

It's actually quite interesting for me to just sit back, quietly observe, and take in and process all the weird external stimuli that continues to manifest around me without any judgment of being something that I wish it wasn't, and consciously restraining my instinctual knee jerk fear response from being triggered ..with all of the rumblings and elaborate sound FX going off around me that I keep hearing as if by "random" all around in the gym .. a lot of the FX are actually rather cheesy, like one of those Arnold Schwarzenegger sound boards straight off of ebaums world or something, I'm not even exaggerating! .. Super Cheez! .. if I sit back and just allow the apparent apparitions to continue presenting themselves to me as they feel naturally inclined, I actually find it somewhat endearing that they (classic spooks) are trying so desperately hard to get a rise out of me .. some examples of the random things I'll distinctly hear: sometimes I'll hear the distinct sound of a missile launching off in the distance, sometimes I'll hear the sound of some creature scuttling about on the ground, sometimes they'll make a random loud clapping sound in order to hopefully cause a spike in my adrenal response, these are just a few of a wide array of zany spoooooky sound effects that I'm currently in the midst of hearing tonight.

What I think a lot of this boils down to is that these alleged "spooks" are basically much like your run of the mill ghost, more or less, but almost as if what I'm hearing is actually occurring in a neighboring parallel reality or something .. just a theory .. the only real difference that these particular spooks have with classic ghosts that randomly appear is that these alleged spooks that I keep speaking of appear to crave that precious fear energy stored inside me (aka Loosh) that I theorize that they are feeding off of whole the evoke the adrenally triggered fear response made by the fight or flight receptors .. these "cute" little critters just love to rouse up my senses! .. that's how I know that they love me! ;) .. awe!!! <3 I love you guys too, spookeez! :)

Seriously though .. now that I'm actually just taking the time to just soak it all in, taking in this Broadway performance with a non-judgmental critical mind .. it's no wonder that this has successfully been spooking me up until this point from time to time.. the sound FX definitely can be rather convincing at times, I'll give them that at least! .. that's the only real logical response a person would naturally respond with while being put in this otherwise off-putting type of haunted house-esque ongoing sideshow event. Now I see right through the illusion! .. one of the reasons I'm glad I put up this trusty shield! .. works as I knew it would! .. now .. we shall see what comes next! Thanks guys for helping me grow and face my fears! .. I still know you would never actually try anything, since you'd quite obviously wind up being caught red-handed as a result.

(3:00am!!! Witching hour!!!)

Ooooh ... Spoooooky! .. they definitely just turned up the total creep factor, just for me! The sound effects are bizarre .. it's hard to explain what that sound even is .. like they keep revving something up in the background .. definitely keeps repeating itself more frequently than necessary at this hour .. and in a gymnasium with 30+ people sleeping in as well, I might also add! .... anyway!........

(Current Theory | 2:30pm | May 24, 2020) (archive) This rather questionable, insanely loud and overpowering tone which I had distinctly heard early that one particular morning (yesterday) had acted as some sort of alarm/beacon system that may have been deployed as a means of rousing all the troops (those aligned with "evil") together secretly .. it was only after this rather strange but incredibly noteworthy occurrence had happened that my personal situation escalated to a degree in which I began to clearly interpret the situation having escalated to a certain degree of grave seriousness .. my current theory is that this apparent gang of evil minions is connected together and tethered together united as a type of darkened hive mind collective, inherently having the capability of even communicating with one another as if by some sort of telepathic magic .. I have taken personal note of quite a few noteworthy and questionable occurrences that have continued to keep occurring all around me on a fairly regular basis while living here, all of which have given me serious reason for me to actually allude towards this rather unbelievable conclusion. My life feels much like a science fiction story at times.

Here are some quality thoughts that sporadiclly amade tonight (May23). These thought contain some bits of observational wisdom and insight that led me to have a bit of an epiphany which would lead me into a small awakening and slight reality shift, as a result:

Here is my hypothesis: (evil) is targeting various selected (good) people who they feel hold a certain degree of apparent claim to a large degree of stake regarding their (good) inherent potential to cause enough of a ripple effect on reality, that they're (evil) actually unconsciously afraid that the various targets hold enough personal potential that is actually entirely capable of directly influencing how reality manifests and how the final outcome plays out in the end .. "targets" hold the potential to directly influence who wins and who loses in the end. This is the reason why I hypothesize the targeting programs exist in their crystallized essence. I speculate that any other reason for the programs to exist otherwise might only be because of deep seated, collectively unconscious jealousy manifesting as the classic bully archetype .. but anyone that understands enough about psychology would tell you quite quickly that bullies only act the way the do upon their target victims due to feelings of inadequacy .. (don't shoot the messenger just because I pointed it out, this is just psychology 101 here!)

What (evil) has a hard time truly understanding is that the outcome had already been guaranteed from the start .. as long as the warriors of light continue to act from their authentic core, there can only be one pathway .. this pathway only appears to sway from side to side as only an illusion that is in the measurable gradients of deviation .. the truth is that once a person has developed to a certain degree of consciousness and awareness, there can only be one choice for anyone to continue to act upon .. in actuality, it's a perfectly straight line holding the grand illusion of deviation, which comes to us in our lives through the many emotional responses that we have to events and circumstances that result in the ongoing turbulation one will inevitably experience throughout life's ongoing play with it's flowing currents that flow through the river of life, throughout the experience we have in which we naturally come to measure known as time, which is in itself another illusion. If you understand what I'm attempting to convey, you would understand how this is precisely why I firmly believe that no matter what happen to any of us in the end, as long as vigilance isn't lost, evil must lose the convoluted game in which they grip onto like a nightmarish vice, only for the game to naturally, albeit slowly, but surely slip away from them entirely in the very end .. just my personal thoughts

| Saturday, May 23, 2020 | 5:54am | (archive)

So I'm in the gym again, sitting here after having climitized myself to all of the strange, ongoing "sound FX" that i keep vividly hearing around me in extreme succession. Now .. something BRAND NEW has manifested for me!.. a deep, loud, overpowering series of tones has now made itself very distinctly present. This is beyond any shadow of doubt, absolutely undeniable for me to actually be occurring in the gym by all accounts. This is a completely new development and it's grown to become immensely loud, and as said already which must be understood overpowering as fuck!

| HIGHLIGHTED POST | (archive)
| Friday, May 22, 2020 | (unsure of specific time of final entry) |

I'm still alive .. no need to worry. :) .. "They" haven't completely devastated my life just yet. I'll make it to the finish line, God be willing!

Yes, many of my posts lately would appear to be rather alarmist .. trust me, I'm well aware of this fact as well as the seriousness of many of the things that I've been suggesting might come to occur (only without having my trusty shield of protection aligned perfectly in place, that is!). I absolutely do not take lightly the fact that many of my posts appear to suggest serious, and grave potentialities that might happen to occur if I don't continue to remain ever vigilant, and continue to make these types of defensive posts just to be safe .. this post serves strictly as a precautionary measure, no need to be concerned at this point in time. If you don't understand my reasoning behind why I feel the necessity of wielding a shield of protection, don't worry .. it's solely for my own sense of well being alone, that's all!

I make posts like these entirely for my own personal protection, and peace of mind. In the mathematically unlikely event that something dire and out of place might come to occur to me or anyone else here living at the shelter in which I'm currently living at ("MyPlace", Yates 1240, Victoria, BC), there would be many red flags that would inevitably be raised with immediacy, and questions would undoubtedly be asked, questions that would require immediate answers! .. it wouldn't be a smooth transaction, lets just put it that way. I have many friends in unsuspecting high places, that's all I need to say .. which is exactly why I have good reason to believe that nothing dire and out of place will occur, especially while having this post documented like this as well.

More than ever before, there appears to be a distinctly clear and tangible, abhorrently apparent felt danger that seems to be appearing and lurking around me within my personal life in the shadows. Imagine it kind of like how you might picture it would feel like if your spider senses were clearly going wild and were off the charts, just out of the blue .. it doesn't really make much sense .. it's out of place .. when you are a highly intuitive person like me, you learn take every intuitive sensation you feel incredibly seriously, and I will never discount what my gut reaction is telling me, no matter how silly or extreme that it may sound.

If anything out of place were to ever happen to me here, it would prove one of many things, such as:

a) That I must in fact actually be a big deal, (Wouldnt that just be bizzarre?) And that my existence does happen to mean so much that they'd be willing to go to such an apparent and overtly ludicrous extreme that they felt the strange necessity to either: 1)rub me out or 2) have me framed in some stupid covert operation. I'm not an arrogant person, and I'm not trying to pat my own back, or come off as pompous. As much as it may seem contrary to what I'm suggesting by saying this, I am genuinely a humble person who doesn't like to boast .. I say this because it simply just needs to be said .. because .. now wouldn't it just be darn weird if it all turned out to be true in the end? .. That's what I thought as well.

b) That they are so desperate, and that they find it necessary to actually go to the lengths of feeling the need to take out "little ol' me" in some poorly orchestrated, last ditch ploy, completely risking the "plausible deniability factor" in the process. Would be pretty darn foolish to attempt to pull off something so silly and poorly planned, now wouldn't it? .. especially a plan that I rightfully predict would come to completely fray at the seems, tossing a wild cascade of evidential points of reference wide out in the open, in the wild event that anything "strange" were to have occurred around here.

** I've recently been made aware that there has been some rather sneaky activity taking place having to do with people coming in and out of the back doors in the gym as well as in the back smoking area, out through the gate, completely bypassing the security protocols in place .. there is no reasonable excuse I can think of for anyone to ever use the gate or for anyone to use the gym doors without a worker present .. as it stands there is currently a gaping potential for a security breach to potentially occur. If what I've heard is accurate, these entryways have allegedly been exploited in these recent days. It's essential that this is properly addressed somehow in order to maintain proper security.

The only reason why I'm personally going to the extreme measures of reporting about this potential security flaw is just due to the fact that I've already personally been feeling a heightened danger response intuitively lately as it is. It's critical that I take note of and mention this security flaw for the simple reason that I personally feel that it greatly diminishes the likelihood of a critical breach occurring when it's not happening in secret.

I'd like to sit back and not raise suspicions, but something's gotta be said. We have the security check in the main lobby, and it's actively in place for a distinct reason. **

** Oh .. just going to briefly make mention .. seems rather odd that this one particular person who I won't be naming publicly at this current stage, had mentioned something rather "funny" .. he was openly discussing with another resident and suggesting the fact that he knew exactly how to perform a lobotomy and that the operation would quite effectively shut down the intellect permanently as a result .. I'm sure there must be a good reason why he'd be joking about this particular factoid in that moment in which he had .. this is the only rational explanation really.....right?... **

I'm not suggesting that I have all the answers, by any means, but I do personally hold the strong belief that I am in fact a target, be it "spiritually" or otherwise (my conclusion is personally justified for a wide variety of valid reasons.) .. this has been an off and on, albeit, an ongoing factor that I've had to deal with for years now .. the range regarding the threat potential that I feel intuitively sense has varied in scale and presents itself in a range of subtly different extremes that I intuitively feel acutely.

This ridonculous "problem" that I've been burdoned with just has an incredibly annoying way of continuing to crop up in my life from time to time .. it's annoying as hell, believe me! .. this is something that I've had to make peace with one way or another over the years (trust me, bearing this burden has been FAR from easy!),

I don't suggest anyone believe me, since a lot of what I suggest may be does sound rather crazy, I can admit that .. God forbid anything were to happen to me .. for all I know, my intuitive alarm bells have been nothing more than PTSD resurfacing .. I hope that's the case .. but the simple fact is that I just plain don't know what to believe, which is why I've taken the time to write this, just in case in the off chance that my inner theories come to be proven tru

I've already gotten over the hurdle of needing my opinion to be accepted a long time ago, so it's ok! .. just know that the sole reason that I make these posts is for my self assurance only! .. that is all.

All I ask this: Try your best not to judge that which you don't fully understand .. my existence seems to be something of a very peculiar thing.


(Because the various proofs relating to the liberation of humanity has already occurred within our shared reality (just my own personal observation) within this particular multiverse that we find ourselves living in, it matters not whether anything dire directly happens to me in the end or not! .. This stupid game has already been won by humanity in the end, no matter what occurs! .. "Future proves past", after all! .. ;) .. Amiright?? .. (those who get it will understand the reference)

( By the way, I don't play Gin Rummy .. it's a shit game, and it's out of style .. nuf said! { Inside joke for those who may get it } )

...to be continued.. post posted early for safety measures...

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