READ: Zechariah 2:1-11
Key Scripture: For I,’ says the LORD, ‘will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.’” (Zech 2:5).
A woman gave a testimony of how her witch maid confessed. The maid had been sent to bring the woman’s heart. In the night the maid tried all she could to get the woman’s heart but couldn’t. She tried doing same a couple of days more, but without success. Then, early in that morning, the maid approached the mistress and asked her, “Madam, why is it that someone cannot take your heart away?” She was so surprised at the strange question, that she began to probe into the question. It was then the maid revealed that she had a plan to remove her mistress’ heart but that the plan had always been aborted by flames of fire burning from around the chaplet on the mistress’ neck. You can see how God’s fire can surround you. When you are covered by this fire, you are under divine protection. Forces of darkness cannot harm you. Evil cannot prevail against you.