Be the source of charity, not the charity leech!

in charity •  3 years ago 


If you're an able-bodied/able-minded person, you should be able to provide more value in this world than you take.

Don't be a leach of charity, but the source of charity for those who truly need it:

  • The smallest and weakest of society
  • The youngest who can't easily get a job and aren't fully mentally capable (children),
  • The mentally challenged,
  • The elderly who need assistance
  • People with serious medical conditions, etc...

Every penny you leech off of someone else is a penny that could have gone to helping out the most vulnerable and in need in our society.

Do everything you can to gain skills and provide real value in this world and then to give to others. Stop asking for charity when you're able-bodied/able-minded.

Be the source of charity, not the charity leech!

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