I Work On Raising Funds For People That Have Experienced Crimes Over Their Lives And I've Discovered Irreversible Truth Along The Way.

in charity •  8 years ago  (edited)

While I work on raising money for friends and families from all across the world, studying crimes that are happening right under our noses, I raise the grief from other people in their own sadness that is taking place in our lives today.  I raise up people and do not care to tare people down, nor to embrace the kind of hatred that others expel from their attitudes; their mouths, their ways.  I simply cannot be like these people.  I cannot and will not turn away from listening to people, or listening to their beliefs about certain topics, and cannot act as cold as some of these people can and will.  I do find, however, a vast majority of people that don't know about the crimes against humanity the same ways that I do, and I can't stand when I'm in a debate with someone about these crimes where people choose to expel their hatreds towards me for studying so fervently the nature of our life, and the crimes of our history's days, and many days past.  I feel it's necessary to bring these topics up because of how much that people are suffering, and don't have an idea why.  They sometimes ask the right questions but find no answers, and in the same breath, they aren't even willing to look at the information that is provided all over online, to discover the truth about these crimes that are happening over people, and happening to people without just cause.  

I find myself at odds with people about the administration where Obama did such a wonderful job, and how Hillary Clinton would have been doing a greater job then our current president.  This is a sad mistake when the same people won't even look at a bit of information that is coming from the people who created it.  Concerned mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, neighborhoods and communities, and now people from all across the world wondering where the justice went for so many people with their lives lost, their sons lives, their fathers, their brothers and their neighbors and friends.  So many lives have irrevocably gone without even a shred of hope for them, their friends or their families.  So many lives have been ridden for things that they knew were crimes being taken against justice, and from a people that are merely concerned about the things that they are seeing, and bearing witness to.  It's utterly chaotic where I am concerned because I'm afraid that I know too much about these things that are happening, and the only thing that I can get from people is that they would have chosen another path.

What path is that?  Keep trying for something that just isn't happening?  Keep trying to fight for my life though there are others all around me stopping me from achieving my goals?  Keep on doing what I was doing while I wan't paid correctly until I wasn't paid at all?  What was I supposed to do - just be a slave?  I'm not a slave!  I'm not a subject or a thing, rather, I'm a human being with dignity and respect for human life.  I don't need to share any more of my story for you to know that I've been writing to fight for the people that shared the grief of blood shed and the grief of losing their loved ones due to a government system that is broke on power, broke on justice and broke on giving people liberty and putting that trust into the hands of the people that deserve it.

You deserve it!  You deserve a better life!  You deserve a justice that hasn't gone to pass yet.  You deserve a truth news organization that is willing to hear you, and you deserve the common respect from mankind that cannot accept your belief's.  You see - me as a Christian believer, and a prayerful believer, I trusted that mankind wasn't so bad, and that there was a few evil people in the mix, but it wasn't until I discovered some of the most horrific stories that I began to write my story, and wanting my own story to be heard.  It wasn't until then that I wanted to fight so bad in my life for the right train of power to reign down on the people of today.  I wanted a better path, a better life circumstance, and though at times - much as anyone would - with what was given to me, I started to think that nothing mattered.  I started to feel as though nothing could go right for me.  I started to determine that my life was never going to get a shred of hope in it, after all that I've been through, and I started to become truly depressed.  I got on pills, and I started taking the worlds character of care, but it wasn't until I realized that I could get more from a God who loved me that I stopped taking these pills and stopped believing in a world that I saw was hell bent on shaping itself for a gluttonous reason, and a greedy one - serving the fat cats it's own power while giving the people peanuts and crumbs.  I started to realize that I couldn't move my legs when I wanted to.  I was rollerblading and having to take my roller-blades off to walk, and I couldn't even move my legs.  It was horrific to me, because these were my own feet that I couldn't use.  It was not only  my mode of transportation, but I felt super-glued to the ground, as if I was magnetically charged in the position I was in.  And, as I moved, cars were driving by honking their horns and waving at me, and flailing in laughter at what they saw.  I was scoffed at I'm sure, as I probably would have done the same things looking at myself like that, but - I was devastated.  I was screaming inside my mind for help.  I was needing someone to help me go a few blocks to get home.  And, normally this would not have affected me so much as it did, but I staggered my feet forward until I got home.  And, I was scared.  I was scared that it was because of the medications that I was being hurt inside, and I found out that these pills most assuredly did cause me to feel the ways that I was feeling.  

After getting off pills, I struggled with friends and family to see what I was going through.  I struggled just to not feel so aggravated, and so angry.  I was most assuredly angry after reading some of the horrific things that I read, and watching some of the video's that I found about it.  I felt as though it was a huge fraud against me.  Doctors telling me that I might need to take these pills forever, just to be happy - and nowhere along the way, was I happy.  I couldn't have sex right, I had major side effects that affected my life in ways that I felt no one should possibly ever have to go through.  I was scared on top of it all because I didn't want to feel like I wasn't like anyone else.  I wanted to feel like a normy, or a normal person.  I wanted to feel like I could at least use my own legs for more then I was allowed to do at that time.  And, it wasn't for about a month or so, that I began to feel free.  I could listen to music more then anyone and hear something that I didn't hear in it before.  I felt the words!  I felt the music!  I felt great!  And, I was also on roller-blades using my feet again!  I felt like I was able to do more then I was able to do on pills, and I felt like a real human being, flying down the night streets that I rode all by myself, and was free.  I was free as a bird now.  I was in the open air, feeling the air as I flew by it, and it was the most assured feeling of relief from all that was troubling me.  

Yet, I still faced other issues in life, the most important part of me was back.  My feet.  I could feel good as I traveled and I could speak!  On medications I couldn't speak - I could think the thoughts, get half sentences out before getting cut off for not speaking loud enough, or strong enough, and I could think clearly about the things that were going through my mind.  I wasn't having racey thoughts, but it was like thoughts and feelings flooded back into my memory, and I could listen to things that no one could have the guts to listen to, but me.  I could watch videos and listen to Alex Jones and not feel as though I was annoyed.  I could listen to new and old video's where they were about things that other people would have turned off at the sight of them, or the sound of them, and I could study.  I could write, like never before, I could write and collect my thoughts and put those thoughts to use.  I wasn't able to do these things before!  My mind was scattered in thoughts, much the same way that they still can be today, but - there was one significant difference.  I could collect them!  I could gather them, and it didn't matter so much what I wrote anymore, but that I wrote.  It was the key!  I fell in love with writing!  I fell in love with learning and studying things!  I just had my mind back is how I felt.  I had something to be grateful for, and that was that I could see, learn and use the senses that God gave me, more in a way that I felt I was meant to live.  And, most of all I wanted to fight for people.  I wanted to defend people who were going through troubles.  I wanted to inspire people, and tell people that there is a life out there that is much better then the life we are living today.  I just knew there was!  I just didn't know how to go about getting it.

The first thing I started doing was on a site called tsu.  It was an empowerment site much like a facebook, but way better.  Not only was everyone nice, and everyone fair-minded, but people just in it of themselves were excited to be doing something more then what facebook was.  Tsu was giving people money for curating their own content.  If you uploaded pictures, you'd get paid for it.  If you wrote a story or a poem, you'd get paid for it.  If you shared with friends and family, you'd get paid for that too.  Even if you just messaged people back and forth on the site, you'd get paid for it.  So, it was impressive!  It was brand new, and a new idea that was striking an accord with facebook owners, and facebook had offered millions of dollars at one point to buy tsu, because at 5.2 million people on tsu, we were starting to make waves on facebook, and collect some of our friends, and saying - why don't you do the same things you are able to do on facebook, except get paid for it.  Well, facebook didn't like that!  They didn't like that tsu was not selling either and was not going to give their idea to facebook.  They had no reason to sell it, and not even now while it is no longer public but on the dark web.  Tsu, decided that it was creating too many dreams to stay active, and keep paying it's members - so, it went off-line.  But, what we were a part of was very real and very enthusiastic, and it empowered our lives.  It empowered me to want to study how to start my own charity.

I studied charities, and studied how I could raise money for people that truly were hurting, right here in the homeland of America, because there were millions and millions of people that were hurting.  From what I saw, people were and are still hurting everywhere.  So, I wanted to make a difference.  Little did I discover but how to start writing code to create a website.  I created an html site just playing around with code to do so, called, "The Giving Tree."  But it was just an idea and nothing set in stone.  I needed money for a person to make things work right, and to make it to where other people would get involved.  I wanted to study public relations, so I did on my own, and found out all in all that creating a charity took more money than what I had.  So, I started reaching out to charities, and while I was on tsu, when tsu was still active, I was donating to charities, and I thought tsu was never going to end - even though it was still in "Beta Mode" or a beginning stage, I thought tsu was the bee's knee's.  I thought they were going to be around forever.  I wanted to meet the owner Sebastian, and get down to New York City and shake hands with the guy, I wanted to meet the man that wrote my checks, I wanted to thank him for creating something so bad ass and awesome that I just was struck in the heart that I wanted to do something like this, and get heard, and get my own talents and voice heard, for what my heart was worth.  I wanted the right things to take place in my life, and I thought that to and through - doing all that I was doing - I thought that it was possible, until I ran into more information that posed issues to getting my dreams and goals met once again.  I was shot down by charities help, communities, letters and letters I wrote for the right reasons and the right cause - because, I wanted to truly help people.  And, I even wrote the Clintons Charity Foundation fund about my goals and dreams with this plan, and I received nothing back.  I wrote many others, but here is the ticker.  I studied charities so much that I see a loop hole in creating them.  They get written off in taxes just like a church does... so, in other words, it pays them to steal money from people, not giving people a dime back to the American people, because I found that there was an agenda here where people were giving to them, thinking that people like I could get that money, and this was not the case at all.  They were losing their money so that an agenda could be put into finalized steps to achieve their own agendas and meet their own criteria for what that money was there for.

It was Cartel funded even and illegal drugs were involved from my research, it was a lot of shit-heads all in favor of their own crimes against humanity.  So, I was raising my own awareness of such matters and I was studying things tooth and nail to discover the truth.  And, I remembered hearing about some boys that were high on the tracks and so high on marijuana that they couldn't hear the trains whistle blowing, and that they ended up dying at 4:30 am some hot night being blown into by a train.  However, with everything that was said, and what other things I discovered in video's and articles all over online - I simply doubted that this was the case - and it wasn't.  The Clinton's were murderers, and the whole world is standing on their side and I wondered - how in the world could this happen?  Wouldn't people know about this?  Wouldn't I know about this?  Wouldn't the news be telling me that these things were wrong.  But, sadly enough - NO!  The agenda goes so far as to take over our school system text books, our news and media organizations, and our education.  It was an agenda to get people whipped into games and "fun" things while their crimes would be covered up by a mainstream and the hidden agenda repeats itself.  I even discovered that we had lost the war because America's C.I.A. was bringing in foreign psychiatrists from the Nazi era and people were being treated really shitty back in the day, they were electronically-shocked, drugged-up and even given things like L.S.D. without knowing that they were doing these things for mind-control.  Some victims received settlements and were paid off, while others couldn't get justice at all.  Some ended up killing themselves, and even some were killing themselves from the same place and building that I am now in.  It's scary to me to think that I am just another part of their agenda now... and that I could be killed as well as all these other people, all for knowing some things that I wished I hadn't even learned.  But, the fact of the matter here is that I do know some things that others cannot accept.  I know the world is a shitty place, and that justice is not done for the families that they are destroying.  People think that we won the war on terror, and that we won the revolutionary war, because that is what we are taught - but what they aren't taught about is covert harassment or psychological warfare that people refer to as gang-stalking.  They also don't know that all of what they are working on is just controlling the mind, or better known as mind-control.  They don't know that the Cartel funded Foundation that the Clinton's have isn't in our favor rather it's just a created foundation to raise money against us, and to keep using that money to subvert our reality, pervert our medical fields and get doctors and psychiatrists to give us medications that are actually damaging our bodies and hurting our immune systems and much, much more.  It's getting people high, and even said to replace the God-mind, or the hive-mind of an individual.  And though, you cannot replace God, if a creator is real, which He is real, you can play on peoples emotions and use these medications to target the pleasure part of the brain where people can become less considerate about others and what the medication is really doing to them, then what others who want to sell you onto their medications will tell you.  

Why isn't medication healing people rather then hurting them worse?  Why aren't we becoming stronger medically then we are deteriorating?  Why aren't these medications for depression causing people to heal and get off of the medications rather then to keep people on them indefinitely, and with more cases then not cause more suicidal thoughts then when off of them.  I don't even have the slightest inclination that I'm depressed anymore.  I get down, but in a natural way...  I might cry, but it's because I feel a lot of horrible things are happening in the hearts of mankind.  I get utterly sad and broken spirited, but I'm nowhere near where I used to be.  I feel fine off the medications.  I'd just like a better economic situation and a better environment before I determine if my actual brain has a chemical imbalance, and this is what people sell you out on.  You might just be oppressed and suppressed into a depression, but you might not actually be depressed.  

Instead of asking you if you ever think of suicide, why aren't they rather asking you if you feel like living more then you are capable of living today?  Instead of asking you how many times you think of committing suicide, aren't they asking you how many times do you feel like you want to live better then you are able to?  Instead of asking you if you're homicidal or want to hurt other people, aren't they asking you if you want to help people live more then ever, want to stop people from killing themselves or want to help other people heal?  You see!?  The agenda of what you see on television is to create you to think you are depressed, and so naturally anyone is going to get depressed.  It's a psychological trick they play on people so they can manipulate a crisis to make people think that they have a chemical imbalance in the brain, but can't so much as prove it to you, other then telling you that they can see it in your mood or behaviors.  They can't otherwise prove it to people that they actually are depressed.  Much like affirmations, telling yourself that you're better then this, and that you're happy, and why... and repeating back to yourself that you're worth more and that you deserve better, and that you're not depressed can do wonders for a person spiritually.  

When I discovered the Crimes that Clinton's were committing, I wanted to get that information out to the public, and especially with the kinds of dreams that I had... I didn't want to be controlled or pushed around by the government, and that's exactly what was taking place in my life next.  

I will write more later on this one, please keep this in mind if you are going to send me any earnings through steem, and that I want to be able to help people but, right now I need some help financially.  I am feeling drained of my resources and people don't believe that these things are happening to me, rather they are happening because of something that I did.  I simply cannot side with that thought however from what I've seen and lived through... I know I have a story to tell dammit, and I am going to tell it if it takes all my life to say it.  Because there is a truth that sits inside of me, something that cannot be seen.  Something that people will have to discover on their own if they aren't willing to learn it from me, and it's an important truth.  It's just my love for my fellow world around me that I know is hurting, and I want that hurt to stop.  But, it's bigger then that....  again I'll be writing more on this later.

I'm back, and just want to say thanks to the people reading my work.  It's all being made in great efforts to change things for the better for a lot of people's lives including my own.  I was hacked, my phones were hacked, even to the point of losing data created, losing pictures and other content that I was working on.  My computers were being hacked, and on a regular basis in what I call covert mechanisms to change and stop my first train of thought, and to stop me from writing.  It's all covert operations folks!  Nothing to see here, carry on and watch your stupid television news, watch your favorite television shows and the breaking down of my machines has nothing to do with your freedoms.  So keep paying attention to all those games, and all the glitz and glamour that is out there for you to see and become mesmerized by the scope of these people in their pursuit of harnessing truths by pointing their other sins at you - the American people, causing you to become distracted by truth and media.  

This is simply a game folks.  People don't know why I even say these things, but it's because I am writing to raise funds to stop hidden agendas, and I want to take some people to court.  I want to stop people from bad busniess efforts that are destroying us financially and ethically taking over our lives.  I want people to wake up!  I want people to see the same truth that I see in just how bad out economy is crashing due to people thinking that they aren't being tricked here.  People are being tricked, and in bad ways where material things are mattering more then their own families matter, who are under attack through covert mechanisms.  They don't have the power to stop all the good forever, and one day, I believe that all our greatness can still be achieved.  I believe in the dreams that people have, and I believe once people discover how they can use their own time to discover truth about the system, and other things, like some of the people running it, they can most assuredly find truth.

If all people are going to do is run away from it, and steer clear of being able to talk about it, and smile and nod and think that they know more then you do - they are in for a rude awakening, because it's not just me saying these things - but a lot of people who are sick and tired of these sequesters of people, all in favor of things that they don't understand.  How are you going to understand a thing if you're unwilling to even look at it, or even remotely try to watch things that are happening behind the scenes of these people.  I'm not asking people to take my words for the truth, I'm calling people to do a little research of their own, and discover the material that I've seen.  It's all over the place.  This is why they want to shut people down from ever discovering the truth about them, and to create more mind boggling things in the world; games, foreplay, fake news, crisis actors, psychological operations, wars, intimidation, fear... a whole slew of things to keep people away from ever discovering the truth.

I'm not saying to live a life and not to have fun, but what I am saying is that today people are building bridges of information so that you cannot get to the truth.  And, when you finally discover it, you're going to be so confused that you won't know what to believe.  And, my hope is that you'll believe me when I say this to you.  I love and care about humanity, I was asking forgiveness from people that I never meant to hurt.  I was someone that I didn't want to be, and I discovered why.  I was this person because I was stuck in a never-ending cycle repeating the same things over and over, because I didn't believe that these things could be happening to me...  and I thought like most people do.  There's just a lot of evil in the world, and a lot of things that people are willing to play over our lives, and it's all just bad people doing bad things to you.  This is not the case however!  There are psychological operations being taken place here, and you're a target for what you know and what these people don't want you to share with the public at large.  They don't need you making your ends meet, and don't want people to be real with each other.  They don't want you to make your ends meet, because if they did, they can see clear through the fact that you'll be making heads turn and getting people to look more into things, and it's not working out in their favor anymore.

Today, people are collected on... meta data is recording all your phone conversations, and all your text data, and people don't care about it because they think, "what do I care, if I'm not doing anything wrong, then why should I worry?"  The fact of the matter here is that people don't think, and that people need to wake up.  People are ruining your lives through this information, knowing more things about you then you might be aware of, or even know about yourselves.  

In order to get these kinds of things off the front pages, the Obama administration and the Clintons needed to create a false news and blame the Russians, when the Russians didn't have anything to do with meddling in our affairs.  The C.I.A. has not been known for doing a whole lot of good things people, and they have been working on demeaning the public for a long time.  They need to keep their whole scheme under the radar so that people aren't willing to wake up to hear the truth.  They blamed Vladimir Putin for being in cahoots with Donald Trump, having his intelligence services hack the D.N.C. and to expose emails and make the Clintons look bad, and this didn't happen.  It worked out in Trumps favor.  So, now they are hacking every single telephone call, text message and email within the United States of America and more.  So then this committee states that the N.S.A. hacked the democratic election committee.  What!?  You guys just aren't getting any truth on your national television at all.  Why would the N.S.A. hack the D.N.C.?  Because the intelligence committee simply do not want Hillary Clinton to become the president of the United States of America.  There's a lot of people here that know, and know for a long time now that these people are liars and criminals and should be placed into jail for their crimes over humanity.  But, no one wants to even think that these things are happening, have happened, and question as to weather or not she should be running in the election at all.  I don't get it.  For one, there is the Benghazi thing that she is still going to answer to, the emails that are proving that we could have stopped four men from dying over in Libya and you want this lady to even possibly become our president.  A child is better trusted then these people to run for office!?  And, they all work for the global elite!  Why the hell would you want someone that is for globalism to even think that she should become the president of the United States of America?  Why on earth would you even conclude to this as a possibility!?  Are you blind or are you just not willing to look at the facts.  Not only are the boys on the tracks unjustified!  They are DEAD!  THEY'RE DEAD!  And, many others who have been concerned to say the least are now DEAD too, and you want to give your vote to go into these murderers.  

You couldn't get to actually go and speak to her unless you basically donated a lot of money towards her campaign and yet, people from all ends of poverty were even in favor of voting for such a scum bag from even being entered into our election polls?  All of this just helped Donald Trump because people were sick of globalist bull shit, and lies and lies all over the place over these people from continuing to do what they do.  They're sick and if you asked me, I believe these alternative news media's that have been being shut down and shut up ever since 1987 when these boys were found on the tracks with stab wounds in their backs and blunt forced objects proving that these kids were murdered for just discovering the covert cocaine smuggling operation done by the Clintons and many other Cartel criminals.  And, this is the same kind of crap that you want to have running our country?  Boy, are you ever just stupid!  You're stupid!  You're not even willing to watch one hour long documentary of concerned citizens on these matters, when there are thousands, while almost half of these video's are being censored from the internet today.  They are being taken offline within weeks or even a few months of being placed online, so how can I expect that you'd ever even see these things taking place.  I guess, I know too much about the murder behind the cabal, and you're all caught up in your American ways, and new aged Americanisms to think to even consider that people could become so corrupt with their money, and their greed, and even stealing from you.  Your voted went to HER!?  HOW!?  I ask myself why this was such a close election, because it's not like you have any truth at all about the things that I'm talking about because you haven't seen the things that I have.  You haven't seen the importance of a few mothers fighting for their sons lives, which are deceased, but have the courage to speak out against these people and their criminal behaviors in their poor quality video footage all over online, simply because they had a story to tell, and a real one.  They weren't in it to diminish her, or to make money with their video's - the only thing that these people wanted was justice, and rightfully so.  They had a real story to tell, and the American people at large just accepted the fact that these kids got what they deserved for being willing to smoke a little marijuana?  Come on!  Give me a fuckin' break!?

Another thing is that in the Middle East when people were running for cover, we used the proper terms while Hillary Clinton couldn't handle her secrets well enough, because some of these people running for cover just weren't able to run fast enough, and running to get away, running for their lives to get free, and just weren't able to get away.  They lost their lives!  It's very telling that the intelligence community would feel so strongly about Hillary Clinton as they did, because of the countless loss of life, that they would try to sabotage her campaign and prevent her from becoming their boss.  They didn't want it!  This only helped Trump to win this election as well.  It's also telling that these people would also break American Law, and create sanctions to do the things that they were doing.  They created regulations in war to basically make up the laws as they go and get to kill whoever they want while they are in pursuit of their most precious oil.  This is all a bankers war, and a rich mans trick when you look into it, because they want their petro-dollar and their reserves to work as little as possible for the American people because they can't handle their own truths from spilling out, and today, they are spilling out all over the place, and it's sad to see - terribly sad to see - no one care about the many truths that people are coming out with today, and with a real problem in their lives to be telling these things.  They aren't Nazi's, or criminals, or racists, but real people with a loving freedom in their hearts for all people that one day, whites and blacks and all races can be together as though they are color blind.  This isn't the case now!  It hasn't been since we "free'd" the slaves, and it hasn't ever been that way, and not even for the white man.  It's now a war where no one gets out alive and all people are becoming slaves to a system that is rotten and embedded in collusion and hidden agendas over the American people.  

People think that if you have a reason to go fight in court, that representation is easy to find, and all you have to do is make a few calls, because that's the way they show it to you on television with actors used to make their commercials.  These people are paid off to act, and they make it seem as though because of their car accident that they have nothing but time to focus on healing when they are lying to your face.  You can call 1-2-30-50 or even 100 of these agencies that claim they will fight for your rights in court, and won't even budge to take a case.  This is the oldest trick in the book!  Namely that you need representation in the court of law, and without representation and the proper words used for their courts system, no one is going to hear you.  And, even sometimes when you have the representation people are left without their case being won, when they should have won.  This is happening all across America today, and it's a trick!  They don't want you to win against these people because they know that they have been lying to you about justice since day one and pledging your allegiance to a mighty flag of America, and telling you that we won the revolutionary war.  We might have won the initial war, but we did not win the long term war.  The war for our minds.  The war that is against our religious freedoms.  The war that is after our textbooks and our schooling, and the whole way down to you getting jobs and being able to enjoy you so-called "freedom" in this country.  You aren't free, and you aren't even given a truth to be able to secure a right.  We have no rights!  We are currently and formerly known as slaves to a system that is all in favor of its own wicked ways.  But, take your social studies, your geography and other classes and let them replace your civics classes with things that won't matter when you're "educated" and have no idea how you're going to go about making a real living.  Good luck!  You're graduated, and you're so smart - but, wait a minute, now you are being sent off into the world just stupider then ever, because they aren't teaching you the things that it takes to make it in this life, and are hiding their own plans for you, to subvert your realities with a lot of collusion; covert operations, and psychological mechanisms to destroy the average person from thinking that they are able to get free.  You aren't free!  You're being monitored and the people that sit on top see what you are working on, and know right where to go to stop you from getting that all great American Dream that you were taught in public schools.  This is also why homeschooling your children is better known as a crime in some states, because they don't want to know that you might be teaching your kids something of value rather then allowing them to become indoctrinated into a school system curriculum that isn't going to benefit them and their plans for covert operations to take place.

There are free energies out there, and money that could work for all of human life.  There is natural healing power behind plants and foods, and even our food is now under attack.  They want to control you, and they want to control everything that you can possibly know, before you are ever going to think for yourselves.  

The lesson that all of us have to learn is that there is no privacy in this world anymore.  Hackers can get into your system, you can be tape recorded at any time, and even in the comfort of your own homes.  Your televisions have power to record you even while they are off.  The system has eroded almost all technologically advanced systems for its own favor so that privacy cannot be found anywhere in our world.  You can be photographed without your knowledge or consent, and people do this all the time too.  I've been photographed for the things that I know, and I saw it.  It makes me think of all the times that I might not have seen it too.  People are strange, but this lady knew that what she was doing was wrong and it wasn't for any other reason then to point out who I was to someone else.  

When people can be recorded in their own homes, this is an awful situation to be in, and people need to know that they are only safe to go far away from all these devices but, most of the reason why they are created is to make sure that people have addictive behaviors and are addicted to their devices.  Things are said about this in the Bible even, but no one pays any attention to the truth either.  

President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Behind the ostensible government there sits enthroned an invincible government that is owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people."

I would agree with the FBI on matters that Hillary was extremely careless while handling top-secret information.  And, we want to ask ourselves if this person can become the president of my country?  After all that I've learned, I can see why Trump won!  It was because of the fact that people know that she is a fraud, and that people don't want to answer to a murderer.

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Wow fantastic post!

Glad you agree! Thank you!