Pretty Powerful. Take IV.

in charity •  7 years ago 


It is the fourth year we are doing Pretty Powerful charity event in Belarus.
We prepare orphan girls graduating high school for their prom night. It is more than a dress or makeup. It is a boost of confidence. Very often girls in orphanages don’t get much of women’s love and care. Some of them have never worn a beautiful dress. Some girls were abused, and indeed, all of them were deprived of fundamental family virtues. Pretty Powerful aims to prove to these girls that they deserve all the happiness in the world by giving them the feeling of being beautiful, unique, loved.

We dress up the girls, do their make-up, hair, organize a photo shoot, and do many other fun things and educating activities. I thought this time would be perfect because I learned from the past and put in hours of work into this year’s project. Alas, perfection has not yet been achieved.

This year I collected over 50 dresses and planned a mentors program for the girls. A very talented designer Kate Hatsukovich and I built a website and created a beautiful (at least in my opinion) campaign. I flew in Belarus four weeks before the event and worked with the team to organize the event. The venue, sponsors, entertainment - everything was up and running.


By the law of my country, all charity events must be confirmed by the state institutions. Especially when it comes to orphans. In my case, I worked with the Ministry of Education.
I had a meeting with Vice-Minister of Education. An official letter was signed, and full support was promised. I don’t want to say bad things about my home country. But in this segment of the preparation things went a bit wrong. I’d say so wrong, that most of you probably won’t even believe it.

As a result of challenges and unfulfilled promises, I decided to invite to the event several deaf orphan girls. Initially, it wasn’t a part of a plan. The event was dedicated solely to the girls that are applying to universities and have ambitious plans. But we had to make changes. And now looking back at the event, I am so grateful for these changes.


The girls with disabilities are not invited to most of the events and have no chance to get into university. This party was their first one. And the dresses were the first dresses they’ve ever worn. Makeup, hair, defile, and dance tutorial mesmerized them.

They walked into the room at the beginning of the event timid, looking down. By the moment they picked the dresses, they were laughing, smiling, dancing. The positive transformation was so evident! Their supervisor was crying as well as some members of the team touched by the happiness of these girls. The supervisor shared that this is the first time the girls look so happy and open to society.


I know that one event will not change their lives. But I also know that it will show them that their lives can be different and they have enough power and beauty to make this shift. And they are not alone. Mentoring program that is starting in a month will guide them.


The change begins when the girl all dressed up, with beautiful makeup and her hair done looks at her reflection in the mirror and realizes that she is beautiful and she deserves all the beautiful things the world may offer.

The challenges pass, evil people crawl into the shadow savoring their defeat. Because there is NOTHING that can stop my PRETTY POWERFUL team doing good.

I want to thank Kate Hatsukovich for her talent, professionalism and for always being there for me; Lora Ivashkevich for the connections and support; Ninel Arakelyan for being unbreakable fighter thanks to whom this year’s event happened. I also thank my mom Galina who’s been helping throughout four years. Her work is a vast contribution to Pretty Powerful events.

Thanks to all the generous donors and mentors-to-be. Most of you do not have a connection with my home country Belarus. And yet, you show compassion and generosity toward orphan girls.

This charity event warms my heart. It reveals so much light and beauty of the world! I am willing to keep working, learning, improving, expanding. This project is a teamwork. All of us is a team. So if you have ideas and/or desire to participate, reach out!

E-mail: [email protected]

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