Hello everyone and welcome to this DIY project, alternative energy and cheaper living blog.
Here you will see how to cheaply make windturbine from start to finish, also how to build your own offgrid or emergency 12volt system.
This is my hoverboard wind turbine and it costed me only 120€ (250max watt power)
Corect wire gage (jumper or welding cables)
Batterys gc2-145 (used in camper van)
solar(SRNE 20amp) and wind controllers(bridge rectifier)
case for inverters and controllers(less wire used and easier to move araund if needed)
Solar frontier solar panel 101volts 145watts
All system build with solar panel mounting and wind turbine, 2kw (modified sine wave inverter) (500watt pure sine wave inverter-Reliable power) costed me araund 600euros.
if anyone wants to know more detailed images then please ask and i will add them here.