They are Killing Us (Episode 4)

in chemtrails •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hi, I'm Karin Hall with Chaos News.

Kaitlin and I are sisters, best friends, confidants and soulmates. We have no secrets. We share everything, including our most private, intimate wants, needs and desires.

We grew up in the city, and weren't exactly what you would call good girls. The fact is, we were a couple of teen-age party sluts.

Mom and dad finally had enough and packed us off to grandma and grandpa's farm one summer. We'd been thrown in jail... junkies forced to go cold turkey. No electronic devices, no social media, no video, no lip gloss, mascara, eye liner or nail polish, and definitely, no boys.

We weren't happy. If we wanted breakfast, we had to get out of bed when the rooster crowed. Farm life was hard work. It took a while, but we eventually inhaled enough fresh country air to begin appreciating life's simple pleasures.

The big old 2 story farmhouse didn't have air conditioning then, but full width verandas, high ceilings, tall windows and big shade trees helped get us through the dog days of summer.

Grandma and grandpa occupied the main floor. We sisters shared an upstairs bedroom with its big four poster bed, tall antique armoires, fireplace, large sitting room and sizeable bathroom, complete with old fashioned galvanized metal tub. We slept with windows wide open, naked as jaybirds, hoping to catch some cool night air. Kaitlin and I grew ever closer.

When a breeze did stir, the storm shutters clanged against the house with a bang loud enough to wake the dead. This, and the creaking of the old, wide plank floor boards spooked us, but we soon came to love the old house. Ghosts and goblins inhabited the attic above, and we could hear them moving about at night, especially when a storm was brewing.

We'd sit out on the veranda after dinner, chatting, whittling, telling tall tales, playing the violin, singing and enjoying the cacophony of chirping crickets, hooting owls and howling coyotes. The flickering glow of fireflies bewitched us all. Grandma and grandpa rolled a few joints, sipped Tennessee sour mash whiskey, and rocked in their chairs.

None of us wanted this magical summer to end, but it did. Despite the city's dazzling lights, glitz and glitter, Kaitlin and I started looking forward to spending summers on the farm. We eventually lost our taste for big city life, and today, we live on the farm year around.

Grandma and grandpa are starting to slow down now, so it's good we are here to pick up the slack. There are aunts, uncles and cousins galore, but it looks like we've been chosen to take the reigns when the time comes. We've become known and respected as responsible, thoughtful, dependable, disciplined, emotionally stable, focused, competent, hard working farm hands.

Don't get me wrong, Sis and I haven't forgotten how to have a good time. Grandma and grandpa continue to occupy the main floor, and we sisters the big upstairs bedroom. There's air conditioning now, and electric heat, but we still prefer the old wood and coal fireplaces on those cold winter nights.

There's nothing like the warmth of a sweet smelling coal fire, slowly releasing its ancient, Jurassic secrets. We always read before going to bed.

Our rag doll Molli, curls up on either my or Kaitlin's lap... and we have a new addition to the family, who can pretty much be counted on to lie between us. Wheezy showed up at our door, one dark, cold, rainy night. It was a sad sight to behold. She'd been badly injured, left for dead, out by the highway. It's a miracle she found the strength to make her way to the house.

This young coyote was in a desperate condition. There was no fight left in her. Shivering and wheezing badly, she was ready to accept whatever fate had in store. We patched her up, loved her and nursed this poor creature back to health. Every night when that big four poster bed finally calls us to sleep, Molli jumps on top of Kaitlin, and Wheezy snuggles up next to me.

Spring hasn't officially arrived yet, but honeysuckle are blooming, trees budding, and weeds bursting forth. There is no mistaking it, our winter sabbatical has come to an end. It's time to order in supplies, service the equipment, burn ditches, clean out streams and work the forests.

I look forward to working out of doors, but something is not right, and it hasn't been for a while now. The bees, butterflies, dragon flies and other beneficial insect populations have noticeably declined. Once bountiful birds, singing their morning medley of songs, are nowhere to be found. No woodpeckers can be heard pecking for the tasty bugs that dwell inside decaying timber.

Wild flowers are in short supply, and the trees show increasing signs of stress. Natural springs which reliably flowed year around are drying up, and we've had to set out a watering tank so the wildlife can slake their thirst. Even blue skies are becoming a rarity, as aircraft continue to criss-cross over head, dispersing their load of toxic chemicals, heavy metal nano-particles and DNA morphing fibres.

In case you haven't heard, planet earth is deliberately being killed... and, we along with it. Even the Sheeple are beginning to stir, suspecting that all might not be right in the kingdom.

Few understand the Chemtrails agenda, but we can assure you, it's nothing short of pure, satanic evil. Morgellons disease, which used to be extremely rare, is becoming commonplace. So are autism, dementia, and a whole host of other diseases.

In 1900 one out of every 25 Americans could be expected to get cancer. Today, it's 1 out of 2, and rapidly trending to 1 out of 1.

Will Americans discover the courage, summon the strength to acknowledge what is going on, and take the steps necessary to root out the dark, satanic, evil forces that have gripped our nation? There's not much time left, and, as usual, our future rests in our own hands.

Our programming is controversial and may not be available on all media, so be sure to check non censored sites like Bitchute, Gab, etc.

Chaos News does not advocate or promote violence, violent revolution, civil war, religious strife, racial discord, vigilante justice or unwarranted anti-Semitism.

God Bless America.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Contact Karin Hall here on Steemit @chaos-news or on Gab.

Note: This is the full transcript for our video on Bitchute which can be viewed here.

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Pindar ...Rothschild

Council of the 13 Royal Families

The leader of the Earths Illuminati is called the "Pindar". The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the Draco". Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, expansion, and fear... The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth.