in chemtrails •  7 years ago 

They are trying to exterminate us!

You need to wake up or we are all gonna die!

This is not a “conspiracy theory”! Look at the sky!

You say it’s just contrails from the exhaust system on the plane, but we all know that’s not possible! Not only that NASA has even admitted to spraying us with these chemicals, claiming this is their solution to global warming! We are being sprayed with heavy metals and poisons like barium and strontium, causing serious health problems like cancer, Alzheimer's, morgellans, and fibromyalgia.

You think it’s outrageous to think that our government would poison their own people, well I say it’s outrageous to not see that this is EXACTLY what’s happening! Open your eyes!

We must stop this NOW! Write to your state representatives! Awaken others! Get mad! Do something!

The Depopulation Agenda for a New World Order- Agenda 21

NWO Killing Us with Chem Trails- Geoengineering

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NWO is play, they always say the opposite. So they say NWO they mean OWO. If we are to be depopulated they will need us to do it. I would guess superimposing 2 or more established cultures on top of each other bring to boil then lighting the fuse, boom Yugoslavia on a larger scale.

Whether this is true or not, I behave as if it is. Most humans are meant to live on Earth so in my opinion, if we maintain our immune system and don't put any more stress on it than necessary, we will survive. Live life and have fun. Don't stress over the future. No one gets out alive anyway.


Fuck yea!!

This is a serous stuff .. Now a days Government can do anything and from where they get money and resources for doing illegal stuff ... FROM US (income tax) :(