Chemtrails - A week of living under the blanket - Day 1

in chentrails •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi there folks! So, lets talk chemtrails... Yes, you know, those twirling streaks in the sky, the ones that seem to be pumped from the back of air-crafts, flying higher than all the commercial flights. Come on, you must know what I'm talking about... But then, maybe, your town isn't saturated like the town I live in.

My guess is that we are all being subjected to this blatant poisoning of the atmosphere, and anything beneath it. So, just to compare, I want to give you all a week of daily videos, showing you exactly how much of this stuff they pump into the air, above a few small towns in Nottingham.

While the day rolls on the humidity rises and the air becomes still and moist. I've now wondering whether this may be linked to feeling bunged -up and a bit snotty, during the spraying seasons. After watching them for some time I've noticed a few behaviour pattern, some of which are obvious and some not so.

  • The seeding seems to begin at dawn, with heavy air-traffic at around 4am to 6am. A steady flow is then kept-up throughout the day. In the evening the air-traffic increases again and a higher level of spraying is continued from around 5pm until dusk.
  • When possible these planes begin spraying from behind a large cloud.
  • An "X" is often seen in the center of the spraying zone, suggesting a marker is purposely made for other planes to aim for.
  • The pattern of the chemtrail, when freshly laid, has the distinct pattern of being pumped out, via a mechanical pump. This creates a completely different pattern to that of a jet engine, which would have a constant form and not the "chuff-chuff", "chuff-chuff" pattern that appears. Obviously they aren't going to put a whole jet-engine inside of a plane built for cloud-seeding, they would simply use an auxiliary pump, one that is either a 2-stroke motor, or a 4-stroke. Something like a building-site generator would probably do, maybe 3 of 4, depending on the pressure the chemicals have to be sprayed at.

The more folk talk about this, the less they will do it, I think. This is as blatant as it gets and how folks walk around pretending it is normal... well, I guess there's just something in the water.

Here is today's evidence, of how our government are constantly spraying the clouds above me.

Day 1 - Exhibit A

Day 1 - Exhibit B

And remember to come back tomorrow, because I'm damn-sure the chemtrails will be.



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5th July Balfron, Stirlingshire:

I've taken photos like these for the last 7 years and yet still people laugh when I mention chemtrails.

Mate, they are some fat-ass trails. Yes, I'm with you about the response you get, folk won't even trust their own common sense. It's getting a lot worse these days, so maybe people will have to start admitting it to themselves. Thanks for the reply and the pics, keep em coming.

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