Chess problem 55 / Schachaufgabe 55

in chess •  7 years ago  (edited)


These rather cold and dark days around Christmas and New Year offer a really good opportunity to play some chess again. That doesn't only mean playing internet blitz chess but also being creative by composing some nice chess riddles for you. :)

Recently the number of strong chess players taking part in my competitions increased a lot, which means I need to adapt my chess problems accordingly by making them a little bit harder to solve. That also means more artificial chess positions full of obstacles on your way to the victory ...

I really hope you will have some fun by exploring the following position! Against the best black defense white is able to checkmate within not more than 13 moves! However, I guarantee you that especially some of the shorter side variations are really spectacular. Can you lead the white pieces to a dramatic triumph? :)


Diese dunklen, kalten Tage der Weihnachtszeit und rund um den Jahreswechsel bieten eine gute Gelegenheit, mal wieder etwas mehr Schach zu spielen. Das bedeutet nicht nur, im Internet zu blitzen, sondern auch kreativ zu sein und für euch ein paar nette Schachrätsel zu komponieren. :)

In letzter Zeit ist die Anzahl sich an meinen Schachaufgaben beteiligender starker Schachspieler stark gestiegen, was bedeutet, das Niveau der Rätsel entsprechend anheben zu müssen, um keine Langeweile aufkommen zu lassen. Das bedeutet auch mehr selbst kreierte, nicht aus realen Partien stammende Schachpositionen voller Hindernisse auf dem Weg zum Ziel ...

Ich hoffe sehr, ihr werdet viel Spaß beim Untersuchen der heutigen Stellung haben! Bei bester schwarzer Verteidigung setzt Weiß in spätestens 13 Zügen Schachmatt! Allerdings garantiere ich euch, dass insbesondere einige der kürzeren Nebenvarianten ziemlich spektakulär sind. Könnt ihr die weißen Figuren zu einem dramatischen Sieg führen? :)

FEN: r5k1/P5pp/8/4N1P1/B2b1R2/4pK2/7P/qq5Q w - - 0 1

White to move:
Weiß am Zug:

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First, the eighth row is very weak, so, if white could take the black Rook on a8 with check, white would win by checkmate. On the other hand, The queen in column b is the only piece that defend the b3 square, thus:

  1. Kg3 (attaking the Rook on a8 with the Queen) Qe1+

    Black can't take the Queen on h1:
    1. ... Qxh1
    2. Bb3+ Kh8
    3. Nf7+ Kg8
    4. Nd8+ Kh8
    5. Rf8#
    3. Ng6+ hxg6
    4. Rh4#
  2. Kh3 (No more checks with senses) The game is lose for black. If black move the Rook, for example:
    2.. ... Re8 (attaking the Knight)
    3.. Qd5+ Kh8
    4.. Nf7+ Kg8
    5.. Nh6+ (double check) Kh8
    6.. Qg8+ Rxg8
    7.. Nf7# (Smothered mate)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

1. Kg3 Rd8 -> What now?

1. Kg3 Qg1+ -> What now?

1. Kg3 h6 -> What now?

1. Kg3 h5 -> What now? :)

Sorry for bad formatting before editing the comment!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Here I go:

1. Kg3 Rd8 -> What now?1. Kg3 Qg1+ -> What now?1. Kg3 h6 -> What now?1. Kg3 h5 -> What now?
2.. Qd5+ Rxd52.. Kh3 Qxh2+2.. Qxa8+ Kh72.. Qxa8+ Kh7
3.. a8=Q+ Qb83.. Qxh2 Qxa43.. g6+ Qxg6+3.. Qf3(attacking a5) Qg1+
4.. Qxb8+ Rd84.. Qg2 Qxh74.. Nxg6 Kg64.. Kh3 Qxg5
5.. Qxd8# easy xD5.. Qd5+ Kh85.. Bc2+ Kg55.. Bc2+ g6
6.. Ng6+ hxg66.. Qd8+ Kh56.. Qb7+ Kh6
7.. Rh4#7.. Qh4#7.. Nf7+ Kg7
8.. Nxg5+ Kh6
9.. Qh7+ Kxg5
10.. Qxg6+ Kxf4
11.. Qg3# (Qf5#) Very very difficult xD
  ·  7 years ago (edited)


  1. Kg3 Qg1+
  2. Kh3 Qxh2+
  3. Qxh2 Qxh4 is not possible. In case you mean Qxa4, then
  4. Qg2 Rd8 -> What now?

Interesting is also:

  1. Kg3 Qg1+
  2. Kh3 Qxh2+
  3. Qxh2 Qa3 -> What now?


  1. Kg3 h6
  2. Qxa8+ Kh7
  3. g6+ Qxg6+
  4. Nxg6 Qg1+ -> What now?

The last sequence (1. Kg3 h5) is accepted, but please check your notation again (4. Kg3 is not possible).

By the way, just as a hint: chess software is not allowed to solve my problems (apart from some exceptions where I explicitly inform the competitors). I am sure you are aware of that, are you? :-)
I mention that because your variations are very accurate without any small typical human errors ... I didn't say you are using chess software - just wanted to state the rules again, just in case ... :)

Edit: Sleeping time for me: I will check all remaining answers tomorrow. Good night for now. :)

  1. Apologies for the notation, with so many letters it's easy to get wrong
  2. I know that chess software are not allowed, I think moves are forced in most cases, anyway, I present you my chess software :)
    WhatsApp Image 2017-12-27 at 8.59.34 PM.jpeg
  • 4.. Qg2 Rd8 -> What now?
    5.. Rxd4!! This move took me a long time to see it
    If Rxd4, Qa8#
    If Qxd4, a8=Q winning the game.

  • 3.. Qxh2 Qa3 -> What now?
    4.. Qg2 (attacking the Rook again) Rd8
    5.. a8=Q Qd6
    6.. Bb2+ Kh8
    7.. Nf7+ Kg7
    8.. Nxd6+ Kh8
    9.. Qd8#

  • 4.. Nxg6 Qg1+ -> What now?
    5.. Qg2 Qe1+
    6.. Kh3 Bxa7
    7.. Rf8!!

I'm very sorry if I made you doubt. Chess is my favorite sport and I always try to do my best.

Don't worry! I had to ask that. It seems you are very talented & engaged solving my chess problems. :)
I will put an official solution now with a few selected variations.
I hope you had solving this chess riddle which cost me quite some time to compose. :)

tnx for resteem

Things I'm noticing in position:

  • b3 is an important square. If unguarded white has Bb3+, Ng6+, Rh4#
  • White also has a potential Qxa8 but king is currently in the way.
  • Black wants to Qxh1 but can't at the moment because of point 1.

Kg3 has to be the first move clearing the diagonal while also keeping 4th rank clear for the rook.

Black's possible replies:

  • If Rd8 then Qd5+, Rxd5, a8=Q
  • if Qg1+ then Kh3, Qg4+, Kxg4, Qxh1, Bb3+, Kh8, Nf7+, Kg8, Nd8+
  • if h6 then Qxa8+, Kh7, Bb3
    • Qxb3, g6#
    • Bxe5, Qg8+, Kg6, Bf7+
  • if h5 similar to h6 but black can try Qg1+, Kh3, Qg4+, Nxg4, hxg+, Kxg4, Qg1+, Kh3, with white Qg8+ to follow.

Rather good ... but not complete - check the solution above!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Okey, very hard to solve. After a quite long think my proposal would be:

  1. Kg4 (threatens Qxa8), if
    a) 1....Qxh1 2. Bb3+ Kh8 3.Nf7+ Kg8 4. Nd8 Kh8 5. Rf8 check mate. That was quite easy to see.
    b) 1. ...Qxa4 2. Qxa8 and mate
    c) 1. ... Qg1+ 2.Kh5 ! g6 3.Kh6 and I do not see how Black can defend against all the threats: Bb3 (and the mating line from above) and Qxa8. Qxg5 does not help either. It just prolongs the resistance a little bit.
    d) 1...h5 (I think that is the best defence) 2.Kh4!, then if
    d1) 2..... Qxh1 3.Bb3+ 3...Kh7 (3....Kh8 4. Kf7 Kh7 [4...Kg8 5.Kd8! Kh7 6.g6! Kxg6 7.Bc2 Kh6 8. Kf7 check mate] 5. g6+ Kxg6 6. Bc2 and check mate next move) Kh6 (4...Kh8 5. Nf7 Kg8 6. Kd8 and Rf8 check mate) 5.Nf7! Kxg6 6. Bc2 Qe4 7. Bxe4 check mate
    d2) 2....Qe1 and only then 3. Kxh5 (if White takes on h5 before Black could move Qh7 probably) and Black cannot defend against all threats (hopefully, haha....)
    What do you think?! I am not so sure .....
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

b) 1. ... Qxa1 ? That's not possible, but OK, I guess you mean 1. Qxa4 ...
c) 1. ... Qg1+ 2. Kh5 g6+ 3. Kh6 Qxg5+ 4. Kxg5 Qxh1 and black wins.

What is also interesting is what you had planned after 1. Kg4 h5+?

b) Yes I meant 1....Qxa4; I have updated the comment. Apologies.
c) Hm, I have to think that over......

Check the full solution above ... :)

Wow another interesting chess quiz again mr @jaki01

Ok , here is my move .
Kg3 - Qxh1
Bb3 - Kh8
Nf7 - Kg8 (black king only has 2 moves)
Nd8 - Kh8
Rf8 (checkmates) white win .

I hope my move right this time :)

Very good try ... check the full solution above! :)

Ty sir @jaki01 . I will wait your very next chess quiz . :)

The second way

Kg3 - Qxa4
Qd5 - Kh8
Ng6 - hxg6
Rh4 (checkmates) white won.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If I don't play chess with regularity, what's the best way to get better at these problems? Would it be as effective to play games against AI?

Edit: I asked my wife about this - who is generally better at chess than I am by a large margin - and she said, in a way that implied it was obvious, that of course the way to get better was simply to play a lot. But although this must have a positive effect on one's skill level, I feel like just playing AIs over and over, without some guidance as to theory or something, might just lead to bad habits and getting better at beating AIs.

Could be wrong - but if my past auto-didactic efforts are any indication I can't help but wonder if there's a more efficacious road - maybe involving books or something...

If you really want to improve you should play games against and then analyse them with strong chess players. They can better explain you the ideas and concepts behind certain move orders than any AI. Apart from that I would solve tactical chess problems on a level below the ones I am presenting here. You must get a feeling about chess tactics. Long variations like these ones here are maybe still too complicated - but on the other side of course I don't know how advanced you already are ...

Not very, I’m afraid. I found some tactical games to run that are very simple and I’ll start folding those into my free time for now.

If you like we can play (unrated) chess at the lichess-server. I am jaki01 there.

I appreciate the offer - I'm downloading that app now - i think I'm going to set some short term goals first and see if I can spend a month getting good enough to consistently beat the low level AIs - right now I still lose to really low level mistakes that I think repeat play with AIs will iron out.

Once I won't utterly embarass myself - and here I'm taking a conservative definition of the "utterly" - then I will definitely take you up on this!

When I was a kid I learned how to play chess at school and even got a diploma! LOL...
So when I opened this post I was like... Lets fix this BUT...
Way too hard for me after not playing for so many years!
I love chess btw, I think its one of the best games to learn for strategic thinking!
Anyways, good luck and best wishes

Yes, I had to increase the level, because by now many good chess players are trying to solve my chess riddles. :)

Games are very nice Sir @jaki01, as my previous appointment, for this game I will be contributing and trying everything possible. This is the way I play chess, Sir, please guidance if there is a wrong way.
Kg3 - Rf8
Qd5 - Kh8
A8 - rxA8
QxRa8 - Qb8

The full solution is out: see above! :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

His questions are very good. It seems to me there are two ways to do a checkmate

Kg4 - rf8
Qd5 - kh8
A8 - r x A8
Q x ra8 - qb8
Q x qb8

The second way

Kh4 - re8
Qd5 - kh8
Nf7 - kg8
Nh6 - kh8
Qg8 - r x g8

The third way
Q x h1
Bb3 - kh8
Nf7 - kg8
Nd8 - kh8

Check the solution above ... :)

Thanks @jaki01 I am waiting for your post about chess anymore

Wow, this is a deep one! Congrats to @juanmi96 and the other solvers. (I'm late to the party and cheated by just followed the given solution.) Great problem and thanks for sharing!

Isn't it worth your precious upvote then? :)

Oops. An oversight on my part :( I usually upvote every post I comment on! Sorry, it was unintentional. Well, I sent two upvotes now... ;)

Two for you, too! :)

Haha, thanks 😀

1.) Bb5+, Kh1
2.) Nfe+, mate

Shortest spectacular variation.

You can find the full solution above now! :)

We both know that that's complete nonsense ... :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yeah, I was only joking, but more or less that's the route, at least that's my first impression. You know I need time to think. I meant b3 not b5. (I always write full of typos).

1.) Kf4, Qxh1
2.) Bb3+, Kh1
3.) Nfe+ mate

(still joking)

  1. Bb5+ isn't possible ...


This limits my ability, and hopefully this answer right..
K94 - rf8, qd5 - kh8, a8 - r x a8, q x ra8 - qb8, q x b8

Too bad I can't turn a notification on that alerts me whenever you post a chess puzzle. I missed this one :(

You even missed to upvote my article as well, haha! :)

No need to fret my friend, I just upvoted! :)

i always love to playing chess game.this game devlop our mind..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@jaki01 I guess I will become champion in chess just because of your article thanks a lot fella you have made your own niche on steem!!

Games are very nice Sir @jaki01, as my previous appointment, for this game I will be contributing and trying everything possible. This is the way I play chess.

Cool friend..

incredible problem this was

you love chess a lot :)

the solution is there thanks for it :)


beautiful game once again

Contest of Chess Problem, nice idea & good post~

excellent post & nice chess question @jaki01

reteemed & upvoted & commented & followed

looks like we have the winner

Nice chess problem in this winter time. Hope you will get the solution.

~Followed & Upvoted

now who will solve this tough task

time to solve this

love this problem

so nice thanks for sharing !

Hello @jaki01,

Extraordinary good chess problem & nice game.


another hard one and king is in challenge

I've been thinking ... I'm not so good at chess ... but I'm sure you'll win ... boss @ jaki01 😊😊

I thought you were good in upvoting though ... :)

@jaki01 - Cold & Dark helps you to think a lot about Chess... Wonderful time & nice chess problem Sir...


i know playing chess bt i dont understand the coding..... can u explain the code. plz @jaki01

It's another good post on chess, thank you and keep posting

This cold weather leads you to play lots of chess! Great question again!


I like to play chess on offline not on computer
By the way good post

Wonderful gaming for chess. thanks for sharing
Thank you
Upvote Resteem

Wow amazing playing for chess . thanks for article useful.

For your post propagation.

This is chess play is not idea and great post.
thanks for sharing
100% like and resteem

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Too many variables, probably best move is moving the King in g4
to then move Qd5 or Bb3
then Nf7 (or Ng6 if you wanna go through the pawn skirmish and King run).

Great game! thanks for sharing.
((((((((( Resteem Service))))))

Exultant Article of Chess Game . this is great post.
Upvote Resteem

Thanks for your chess article. It is a good . @jaki01
have a great day.

chess very critical game. i love chess.

@jaki01, Nice chess development work by you. The game of chess is played between two opponents who move their pieces alternately on a square board called a chessboard. Still beginning level me in yet.

I'm not expert in chess field. Its wisdom providing game. Spend times for wining contest. Hopefully wait I'll give chess answer in future.

thanks for this update and i think Chess is the best game to sharp anyone's brain..

i am very expert in chess.i have a certificate in chess too.may i play with you?

I will think about that ... aaafter a) you have solved this problem and b) upvoted my article. :)

You can find the solution of the problem above now. :)

If you like you can create an account on the lichess-server. I am jaki01 there.

Better chess gaming problem you asking from society. But I have no idea about correct answer. I can only resteem this post.

❤I love this game we used to play in the days of the university, I have been reminded of the past but unfortunately now busy work

Chess is really a good game to kill the time, I was playing the game in high school, grab on the chess competition, but poor me always defeated easily :) now I still playing chess for fun with my son :)

wow a game that really rely on brain intelligence to be able to make a strategy to be able to attack and lead an army. I want to join in this too, but what is my ability to play chess is weak enough and I can not give a little direction to win this competition. Hope to get amazing competition sir @ jaki01 ..

Vielleicht mal ein Vorsatz für 2018 für mich Schach zu lernen :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment