Chess problem 56 / Schachaufgabe 56

in chess •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hello chess fans, I admit that my last chess riddles have been rather complex, which meant that not only you had to think hard, but also I myself had a huge amount of work when publishing the solution with all its numerous side variations.
This time it should be a little bit more easy again, but nevertheless requires some creativity from your side.
I wish you much fun finding the fastest way for white to win! :)


Hallo Schachfreunde, ich gebe zu, dass meine letzten Schachrätsel sehr komplex waren, was bedeutet, dass nicht nur ihr scharf nachdenken musstet, sondern auch ich jede Menge Arbeit beim Veröffentlichen der Lösung mit ihren vielen Nebenvarianten hatte.
Dieses Mal sollte es wieder ein kleines bisschen einfacher sein, aber nichtsdestotrotz benötigt ihr ein gewisses Maß an Kreativität zum Lösen dieser Aufgabe.
Ich wünsche viel Spaß dabei, den schnellsten Gewinnweg für Weiß zu finden! :)

FEN: 1Rq4k/5Bp1/q4pP1/4p3/4p3/1P6/1PP5/R1N1K3 w Q - 0 1

White to move:
Weiß am Zug:

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Hmm let's see.

  1. RxQa6 QxRb8
  2. Bd5 Qb4+
  3. c3 Qb5 (whichever move I think puts black Queen vulnerable)
  4. Ra8#
  1. Rxa6 Qb8
  2. Bd5 Qb4+
  3. c3 Qb8
    It is true that white wins, but that's not the fastest checkmate ...
    In the start position white can checkmate within five moves!

By the way: you 'forgot' the upvote! :)

Ah! I always forget to upvote D:
I'll try

  1. Na2 Qb8
  2. o-o-o QxNa2
  3. Rh1#

That's it (also other black moves don't help)! You are the winner of this round! :)

Thank you! :) I have finally solved one of your difficult puzzles after so long. Nice job @jaki01

Nice position! I've never seen something similar. Interesting that Black is so helplesss against the mate despite his two queens on the board......

An aggressive castling never occurred to me.

Also, I let myself off the hook and figured playing digital chess on my phone wasn't a video game, so where could I go wrong.

Three hours later I realized I'd stopped paying attention to the tactical challenges I was doing and was just moving pieces almost randomly.

TL:DR - My relationship to video games is sufficiently negative that I can't play chess digitally.

This may seem like an insane solution - but I'm thinking about printing out a series of problems and recreating them on an analog board.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
An aggressive castling never occurred to me.

I actually had created another chess problem where castling playes a role before, but this new one is somewhat more difficult.

From a scientific point of view I can imagine that also this problem could be interesting for you.
Unfortunately the diagram is not shown in the article anymore. Therefore I added it again in one comment (it would be great to be able to edit also old articles).

Your idea to use a 'real' chess board again for analyzing chess positions sounds reasonable. :)

Machst du das wöchentlich? Also an einem bestimmten Tag und Uhrzeit?
Seit wann machste solche Schachaufgaben? Würde gerne immer mitmachen, ein wenig mein Schach auffrischen ;)

Nein, ich mache es immer dann, wenn mir gerade was einfällt (dann arbeite ich die Idee aus, bis es passt) ... Ich präsentiere ja keine berühmten Schachstudien, sondern 'komponiere' die Aufgaben selbst (oder nehme Stellungen aus meinen eigenen Partien).

jap :D so soll es auch sein. man sollte sich zu nichts zwingen.

Geht klar, bleibt aufjedenfall interessant so ;) Dann muss ich einfach zeitig online sein, mal schauen ob ich es das nächste mal schaffe...

Ich habe anfangs auch oft beim Schachrätsel mitgemacht. Mittlerweile ist die Aufgabe schon immer gelöst, wenn ich rein schaue. Das macht aber überhaupt nichts. Die Lösung schaue ich mir erst dann an, nachdem ich mich an der Aufgabe versucht habe. Bei diesem Rätsel lag die Lösung von Anfang an förmlich auf dem Brett, wenn man erst einmal erkannt hat, wie nackig der weiße König steht und wie gnadelos er genagelt ist.
@jaki01 macht auch noch Spaß, wenn sein Rätsel schon längst gelöst ist.

Hi @jaki01.

  1. Ra4 Qxb8
  2. Rxe4 and the checkmate is unstoppable on h4?

I looked at this too, but black doesn't have to take the rook on b8.

If Ra4., f5...

You are right! Ra4 does not work.

A bit easier than your previous ones, but still challenging. Lets see here:

Ra6, Qb8 (the whhite castle at b8 is such a threat that black queen needs to take it out)
Re6, Qb4 (white is one move away from checkmate. so queen focuses on white king to buy time)
Ke2, Qf7 (white king can't be threatened so black queen moves to protect black king. any other move will lead to checkmate next turn)
Re8, Qe8 (black queen can only kill white castle at this point)
Be8... (at this point, black has nothing except pawns and a king. White has a bishop and a rook. Game over eventually .

I realize this isn't the fastest strategy so I'm going to keep thinking.

That's not the fastest: white can checkmate in no more than five moves! :)

Let's see. Looks like the queens are stepping on each other's heels.

Maybe Be6? That seems to be winning unless I am missing something.

For example, Qxe6 and then Ra-a8 wins.

THe line Be6, Qxb8 looks like the most difficult to counter. But after Rxa6, the only check for black is Qb4, after which c3 and there's no more checks.

Nice one, and yes definitely seemingly a bit easier than the previous puzzles.

Argh. Wait. Nevermind, what am I thinking? The queen on b8 just sits there.

Much more simply: Rxc8+ Qxc8 and then Bd5

Wins ... but is still not the fastest way. You have to checkmate within five moves! :)

That's not the fastest: white can checkmate in no more than five moves! :)

Oh geez. You said this was easier. The more I look the harder it gets. Mate in five seems superfluous :-p

So, I guess it's something with swinging the rook over to h1 with checkmate, but I don't get any farther then Rxc8, Qxc8. It becomes a quagmire after either Ne2 or Kf2. Am I on the right track??


Devilishly tricky. OK, I think I"ve got it this time. I always forget about the prospect of castling in puzzles:

Rxc8, Qxc8
Ne2, Qd8 ... (the Queen Has to go to the d-file to prevent castling)
Nd4! then exd4 (if Qxd4, Ra8)
0-0-0!! and no stopping the mate.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think after Ne2, Qb7, 0-0-0, e3, am I right?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Rd8# hahaha. I didn't see that move!

;) the crazy move to at least stop mate after Nd2 is Qg8...
In that case I don't think 0-0-0 right away leads to mate in five, but simply Bxg8 should, for example:
Kxg8, Ra8++ or:
e3, Ra8 with discovered mate on next move

  1. Nd2 is not possible.

oops, sorry!.

  1. Rxc8+ Qxc8
  2. Ne2 Qb7 (idea: Qxf7 ... and no checkmate in 5)

You are trying to kill me, aren't you. Haha :-D

Let's go a different route:
1.Na2 maybe, Same idea of castling, ie:
2.0-0-0 and it looks like there's only kamikaze queen moves from there... qf1
Rxf1, Qg8
Rh1+, Qh7

Missing anything this time?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Na2 is a cool move, not easy to see it. This must be the solution, I think.
Anyway, how do we know if castling long is available for white? I mean, @jaki01 didn't say any about it, we have to suppose it?

Sorry: I saw this too late, so you were actually faster than @kajalpats! I will change the text of the solution!

  • Ich schlage mit dem Turm von A1 die schwarze Dame auf A6
  • Schwarz kann von C8 dann nicht auf A6 schlagen, da sonst der weiße Turm von B8 den schwarzen König bedroht. Bleibt für schwarz eigentlich nur, mit der C8 Dame den B8 Turm zu schmeißen.
  • Nun rücke ich jedoch mit meinem Läufer von F7 auf D5
  • Schwarz macht nun irgendwas, ist eigentlich egal
  • Im nächsten Zug ziehe ich den Turm von A1 auf A8
  • Schwarz muss nun mit der Dame den Turm auf A8 schlagen,
  • die Dame auf A8 schlage ich dann wiederum mit dem Läufer von D5
  • Nun brauche ich nichts weiter tun, als den Bauern von B3 bis auf B8 vorzurücken und ihn in eine Dame umzuwandeln und somit Schach Matt anzukündigen

Ka, ob das jetzt am schnellsten war, ist aber auch schon spät hier :D

Hast du schon von unserem deutschen Discordserver gehört? Würde mich freuen, dich dort zu sehen ;) Hier ist alles erklärt:

Liebe Grüße ;)

Nach 1. Txa6 spielt Schwarz 1. Dxb8 und kann noch ein bisschen kämpfen ... Es geht noch schneller: Weiß kann Schwarz bei bester Gegenwehr in spätestens fünf Zügen schachmatt setzen!

Ich sehs mir morgen nochmal an :D gute Nacht^^

Ich seh mir den Disordserver auch mal an, obwohl ich ihn prinzipiell ziemlich unübersichtlich finde (ich meine jetzt nicht speziell die deutsche Version) und eigentlich lieber im Chat tippe als zu sprechen ...

Gute Nacht und danke für die Info!

I will try the white lead, sorry if my opinion is still not in compliance with the expectations of Mr @jaki01. I am just learning to play chess.

=Bb8 x Mc8
=Gf7 - D5
=Ba1 -a8

=Ma6 x Bc8
=Mc8 - f8 (free)
=Mf8 x Ba8
White Is So Superior.

White can checkmate within five moves! So your solution is not the fastest way. :)

Yes @jaki01, sorry can not provide a good solution.
I'll try it another time

Intersting... would the fastest way would be to move the knight out of the way and then castle the rook and the king. Followed by moving the white rook to H1?

Just a thought.. haven't played chess for a long time. :)

OK, the solution is already out ... but your ideas are very good! :)

Thank you for your kind words.

Ich muss dir ein Lob für deine Seite aussprechen. Deine Denkaufgaben sind ziemlich ordentlich. Macht echt Spaß sie zu lösen!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
Ich muss ...

Ich hoffe, du musst nicht nur, sondern machst das gern. :)
Upvotes verschmähe ich übrigens auch nicht (manche munkeln sogar, dieser @jaki01 würde sich zuweilen erkenntlich zeigen ...). :-)


Wins but that's not the fastest way: white can checkmate in no more than five moves! :)

Jetzt weiß ich womit du Nachteule deine Nächte verbringst :D Aber wenn es so wunderbar ruhig und dunkel ist und einen keiner stört denkt es sich halt auch am besten!

Is that lichess app ?
I like it , sometimes i play online chess with my friend , its addictive in a nice way ,

No, for making the diagrams I am using ChessX.
At lichess I am jaki01, too, in case you like to play once. :)

You mean we play at lichess ? Yes! that will be exciting , seems youre professional in playing chess,
when we can play ?

Nächstes mal bin ich auch dabei! ;) Ich warte hier!

nice we already have the solution to it and @jaki01 is tenx card working ???

They will have to send a new card ... but I guess there won't be a big problem (the card issuer has to be changed).

I donn't understand because I am seeing the two black queens.

Pawns can be promoted to any piece other than pawns and kings when they reach the opposite side of the board from where they start.

Omg i miss this chess puzzle :(
I just open my acc steem.
You already give the solution feelssadman.

Well , wait for your next chess puzzle sir @jaki01

Nice game but i can't understand

@jaki01 sir
Actualy my chess knowledge is not good...but...I'm everyday try learn something about by day I can growing my knowledge...I think one day I can becone good chess player...
Thanks sir..

Wie immer kapier ich nix da! Aber schöne Serie - hast Du gesehen, da gibt es einen der macht jetzt Chess Tutorials auf DTube, find nur grad den Link nicht

Nein, noch nicht ... aber ist eine gute Idee.

@jaki01 I ask you please to you.
Since I took part in steemit I have never felt my post got kan dollars. Reblog is got me once wrote. I really hope thank you.

arrive late, good will be next time :)

Oh, it's not yet too late for upvoting my article. :)

I do it right now, I forgot, I was waiting for my sp @jaki01

Thanks! :)

Wow and i've been scouting for chess posts for the past 2 weeks

Nice to hear ... some other people who liked my article actually also upvoted it ... :)

I actually resteemed it and forgot to upvote.Done that now..

Thanks! :)

Good post

wow its awesome!!

I Love This Game

Sorry new to this day I comment you pieces. In the last few days I have no package. I really like your answer to the challenges cantur. But I may not answer it again because you already gave his description

If you are new let me explain that on Steemit there is the option to upvote good articles and earn some curation reward ... :)

Thank you @jaki01, try your woodworking visit my article there may be of interest to you.

Thanks for upvoting now! :)

Thank you for your return. I want to be friends with you closer. Do you ever go to Aceh s?

Not yet ... :)

@jaki01 I am new so I am always unable to answer the solution but everytime you post a blog on chess I definitely learn a lot and my interest in chess increases..... Thanks a lot I knew nothing about chess but now I'm learning everytime you post a blog on chess..... Thanks a lot ❤️❤️

Hello @jakir01, how are you? Chess brain teasers which are already internationally, Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov player I's Idol. Susanto Megaranto and Utut Adianto become the pride of Indonesian

Thanks fine ... and even more fine if you upvote my article! :)

OK, I vote yes and visit my blog as well.

Thanks! ;)

That's a wonderful brain game off chess.I love it

great game of chess you just played :)

@jaki01 - Thank you for sharing this wonderful chess question Sir... You are the genius, no one found the correct answer Sir...


Hello @jaki01,

Extraordinary good chess problem & you got the answer.


your chess riddles are always amazing to solve :)

wow you guys are very smart in this game i am the only one noob

hey @jaki01. I know you love playing chess too. But if you play more than it can cause stress in the brain. carry on

thanks for sharing the moves easy to understand

interesting that was to solve thanks for sharing

no moves left to make winners did it

Thanks for this chess problem post, I like your every post, have a nice day

nice challenge once again hard for me :)

nice chess problem & impressive post @jaki01

reteemed & upvoted & commented & followed

Chess is always a problem, but to you it's an answer :)

~Followed & Upvoted

congrats to the winner for solving it

Your chess problem posts is always very good, I like, thanks for sharing and keep posting .

Problem & Solution, both you shared well.~

we have the winners :)

I love this chess game.

Thanks for your chess article. It is a good work
Thanks @jaki01
have a great day

Wonderful gaming for chess. thanks for sharing
Thank you
Upvote Resteem

how many steps. .. ??

White can checkmate in five moves.

läuft bei dir bruder

Great game! thanks for sharing.
((((((((( Resteem Service))))))

This is chess play is not idea and great post.
thanks for sharing
100% like and resteem

i was love the chess game. carry on

how 2 queens? @jaki01

Pawn promotion ...

I wanted to learn this game.But I couldn't.Now you are teaching me it.Thanks.You are supporting me to achieve one of my dreams

i played chess in my childhood and i gave up on that..but here i am learning it again..thanks for sharing this :)

When I anymore trying to find the answer ...
But it turns out the brother earlier give the answer ...
Turns out I was late ...
But that could be my reference to better understand on how to play chess from you.. @jaki01

Wow ! Tricky one !! Thanks for sharing !!!

Good game @jaki01

If you like the chess riddle you actually may upvote the article ...

black have 2 queens. but white no have any queens. whay?? @jakio1

Why did you upvote your short comment but not my long article?

i am ask u. ok dear next time i will long comment in your post. @jaki01

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It is not about the length of commenting: I asked you why you upvoted your own comment but not my article?
Edit: I saw you upvoted now ... :)

oh shit. sorry dear I understand now. ok next time i will . Thanks for making a mistake :)

Pawn promotion? :)

I try, @jaki01
1, 1a step 6a
2, 8b ste 8c

Please no link dropping anymore in future! This time I will make an exception and upvote your article because it is rather good.
Furthermore please upvote my posts as long as they are not older than 6 days, otherwise the upvote has no impact anymore!

apologize for that brother. i will improve it will be even better. thanks for his input broda. i wiil vote you and you are vote me right hehe. @jaki01

I like play to chess but it's very complex situation to me.

Your posts and puzzles that you give very cool @jaki01

Can't move the white, two black Queen are active

White can checkmate in five moves.

this is my favourite game i like it @rastalikelove

If you "like" it you actually may consider to upvote the article ...

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very hard to win with one move @jaki01

White can checkmate within five moves.

Very nice competition

If it is "nice" you actually may consider to upvote the article ...

Wow.. MR. @jaki01.. your post is so good.. i like with your chess problem..
When i was 17 years old .. i always playing chess with my friends.. my be on the next time we can playing chess together in online..

Thank you for your information..
I am interest with your post..

If the post is "so good", don't worry: I will not forbid you to upvote it?

Oke my friend.. i upvoted it..
May be someday i can visit you..
Dont forget to me in your post..
I am is @rijalaronaceh

See you again..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

No, you didn't upvote it!

Hehe..excus me..i am so sory.. i just late a few minute voted it..
Don't worry i always follow you every day..
Thank @jaki01..
You was gived me is best suggest to me from you..
Thank you very much..

Now you did. :-)

Oke my brother @jaki01..
Thank you very much.. you always help me..
I will visit you every day..
Bless god to you..

Don forget to me..
If you have something..tell or call to me..

Your information is so important to me..

Special regard for you..