Chess problem 62 / Schachaufgabe 62

in chess •  6 years ago  (edited)


What are 'normal' people doing when they are suffering from a bad cold? They lie in bed and sleep. What am I doing (unfortunately since yesterday I am coughing, sniffing, having headache and limb pain at the same time)? I cannot sleep at all, and as I lie in bed nevertheless, I had no other choice than composing a new chess riddle for you (I cannot concentrate on anything, even to write these lines makes me tired, but the 'chess center' in my brain still seems to work in 'automatic modus'). :)

In soccer there is the saying "Attack wins games, defense wins championships." Concerning the chess quiz of today, white has to attack but also to defend it's own king at the same time. I guess, the first move is not especially difficult to find, but as always, I expect you to show me the whole variations until the white victory!

Have fun! :)


Was machen 'normale' Menschen, wenn sie unter einer heftigen Erkältung leiden? Sie liegen im Bett und schlafen. Was mache ich (unglücklicherweise habe ich seit gestern Husten, Schnupfen, Kopfweh und Gliederschmeerzen zugleich)? Ich kann überhaupt nicht schlafen, aber da ich dennoch im Bett liege, hatte ich keine andere Wahl, als ein neues Schachrätsel für euch zu komponieren (ich kann mich auf nichts konzentrieren, selbst diese Zeilen zu schreiben ermüdet mich, aber das 'Schachzentrum' in meinem Gehirn arbeitet anscheinend im 'Automatikmodus' einfach weiter). :)

Im Fußball gibt es das Sprichwort "Angriff gewinnt Spiele, Verteidigung gewinnt Meisterschaften". Was das heutige Schachquiz betrifft, muss Weiß angreifen, um zu gewinnen, aber zugleich den eigenen König verteidigen. Ich vermute, der erste Zug ist nicht besonders schwer zu finden, aber wie immer erwarte ich von euch, mir die kompletten Varianten bis zum weißen Sieg zu zeigen!

Viel Spaß! :)

FEN: 8/3P2p1/5pPk/3NpB1p/4P3/1p1p1PPK/p3rqP1/7R w - - 0 1

White to move:
Weiß am Zug:

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  1. Ne3 Rxe3
  2. d8=N! (pretty move) Black can't stop the checkmate on f7

Right, but ...

  1. Ne3 Re1 ... what to move now?

Or also

  1. Ne3 Qe1 what now? :)
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Let's see:

  1. Ne3 Re1
  2. Rh2 a1=Q
  3. d8=N Qa7
  4. Ng4+ hxg4+
  5. Kxg4#


  1. Ne3 Qe1
  2. Ng4+ hxg4+
  3. Kxg4 (White king is very safe on g4, black can't stop d8=Q) a1=Q
  4. d8=Q Black can't do anything!

2.. Ng4+ Kg5
3.. Nh2 a1=Q
4.. d8=N! Black cant' stop checkmate on f7 and e6 at the same time

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I mean after

  1. Ne3 Qe1
  2. Ng4+? hxg4+
  3. Kxg4 Qxh1 black wins.

Lol sorry. Now I see the problem xD

  1. Ne3 Qe1
  2. Rxe1 Rxe1
  3. Ng4+ hxg4+
  4. Kxg4 a1=Q
  5. d8=Q Qa8
  6. Qxa8 White wins, black can't stop checkmate on h8
  1. Ne3 Qe1
  2. Rxe1 Rxe1
  3. Ng4+ Kg5!

Just make it complete now. :)

  1. Ne3 Qe1
  2. Rxe1 Rxe1
  3. Ng4+ Kg5!
  4. Nh2 a1=Q
  5. d8=N Qa7
  6. Nf7+ Qxf7
  7. gxf7 g6
  8. f8=Q gxf5
  9. Qg7#

Are you sure you didn't forget any moves?


hab grad mit meinem vater gespielt, ne kurze und ne lange variante aber im endeffekt kam es zu einem ähnlichen siegeszug - ich bin ein noob in chess notation also hab erbarmen :D
2.Qxg2 Kh4
3.Qxh1 Bh3
4.a1=Q Qh8 Matt

ahja und gute Besserung!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Lass mich sehen:

  1. d8Q Qxg2+
  2. Kh4 Qxh1+
  3. Bh3 Qxf3
  4. Qh8+ Kxg6
  5. Nf4+ exf4
  6. Qe8+ Kh6 (6. ... Kh7 verliert wegen Bf5+)
  7. Qh8+ mit Remis.

Gute idee, aber so kann Weiß nicht gewinnen, sondern nur maximal ein Unentschieden erreichen.

Danke für die guten Wünsche! :)

D7d8 Königin zurück
Schach matt😉

Naja, so einfach gehts natürlich nicht, oder? Hast aber wieder einmal ein klasse Spiel zusammengestellt👍😊

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


  1. d8D Dxg2+ (Nicht vergessen, dass Schwarz Schach bieten kann!)
  2. Kh4 Dxh1+
  3. Lh3 Dxf3
  4. Dh8+ Kxg6
  5. Sf4+ exf4
  6. De8+ Kh6 (6. ... Kh7 verliert wegen Lf5+)
  7. Dh8+ mit Remis.

Weiß kann jedoch gewinnen, siehe Lösung oben.

step 1. d8=Q, 2. Qxg2 Kh4, 3.Qxh1 Bh3 and a1=Q Qh8

  1. d8Q leads to a draw only:

  2. d8Q Qxg2+

  3. Kh4 Qxh1+

  4. Bh3 Qxf3

  5. Qh8+ Kxg6

  6. Nf4+ exf4

  7. Qe8+ Kh6 (6. ... Kh7 loses because of Bf5+)

  8. Qh8+ with a draw.

Just check the solution above! :)

Zwar kann ich keinen Kommentar zur Schachaufgabe abgeben, dafür wünsche ich dir aber gute Besserung!

Vielen Dank, deine guten Wünschen helfen wenigstens, meine Laune etwas aufzuhellen! :)

@jaki01 it's really sad to hear that you are not well...Get well soon @jaki01 take proper cure and medicine at time and if possible rest for a day try not to take stress and else you will be absolutely fine... By the way how are you now??
Good wishes always for you..

Regards : @rajaduttablogs
Thank you

Thanks, I hope I am slowly recovering again! :)

Ich habe keine Ahnung von Schach, möchte dir aber gute Besserung wünschen! Diese Woche wird/ist das Wetter schön, Zeit schnell wieder Gesund zu werden. :-)

Vielen Dank dafür! :)

Oh je.... Schach ist nicht meine Stärke----- Aber ich wünsche dir ganz baldige Genesung.

Danke! :)

unfortunately since yesterday I am coughing, sniffing, having headache and limb pain at the same time

I hope you'll get great recovery soon. With bad healthy you don't forget community. It's highly appreciated task.

@jaki01 sir...
Actually my chess knowledge is not good...but I'm try learn step by step...

Please help
Thank you


Don't send me money, just write good articles ... if you keep doing so, your follower base will grow ...

Thank you

Another good post on chess and take rest and get well soon from cold fever.

Thanks for your chess article. It is a good work
Thanks @jaki01
have a great day

it's too hard to play..

Once again good post on chess , get well soon friend .

I love this chess game.

@jaki01 I am not the big player of Chess & a new member of Steemit.

I love this game but i not good this game.When i play this game then i loss loss or loss

Hello @jaki01,

Extraordinary good & genius way to spend free times. Incredible question & detailed answer.


game chess is very interesting, seya also very fond of the game, though not as adept as @ jaki01.

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..


wow very excellent post Thanks for sharing i will done upvote..

Congrats to winner thanks for solving it for us :D

Hahhaa, I don't even expect to win this match. but there are things that I wonder why, when sick like that you can still make a chess puzzle to be solved by people? I'm just healthy, to write a little text alone it's very difficult.

Wow! Amazing article.
I love your post.😍😍😍
Nice concept.
I like to play chess.

Thanks @jaki01 for sharing this post.

Upvoted + resteemed your post. 🤗💙

thank you @ jaki01 for this amazing blog

Amazing game of chess missed to solve this one any how my thinking is so poor sir when compared to you.

Thanks for your upvote, but there is no need to praise me too much. :)

i am so late to check steemit today if i have opened early too i cant solve this problem,you are so great sir,multitalented.

I love that chess but I can not play @jaiki01

looks like a great game,hope you enjoyed it sir,super solution for this.

This game is very interesting, congratulations to those who have answered it well. next time i will join to fill it ..

I can not play that chess I can only resteem @jaki01 try at check thanks

Brain teasers probably @jaiki01 is always the number one winner I have never seen before this chess

Wonderful article for chess game.
Thanks for sharing
Upvote Resteem

This looks like amazing game of chess as usual i cant find solution sir,i am not a great player sir.

I hope you @jaki01 get well soon, and this winter is over. congratulations to this chess winner. you have thought and showed us with ease but this is very difficult for us.

Wow amazing playing for chess . thanks for article useful.

For your post propagation.

you are a pro in chess sir really amazing work,keep posting sir,have a great day.

iam chess play is not idea and Excellent post.
thanks for sharing
100% like and resteem

Excellent Article of Chess Game . This Is Great Post.
Upvote Resteem

Since I do not understand about the game of chess, I can only say. Hope you get well soon, healthy and fit again. Your health is happiness for us. because with a healthy, we can enjoy your works.

Thanks for the kind words! :)

You are welcome, sir

Very interesting to play chess game. You provide chess community via like these post. Questions given experience.

Chess wanna awesome mind gaining game and need lot of time to win. Nice question you ask from steemians.

white fortress moved to minister. I think that's one step. but I'm not good at chess. I hope my advice is correct.

Please use any official chess notation. :)


Maybe im invite Mr. @andi.satria.hrp who best chess better than i

wow chess games. very popular game. always i love this play. best of luck. thanks for @jaki01

@jaki01 I think you're a intelligent person who's only one to solve this action.

I hope you do it and give me reply correct solution. 🙋

I guess/hope that at least one of you will solve it.
Later (probably tomorrow) I will post the solution.

Okay dear I'm waiting for your solution in tomorrow in this time.


I am very folk to you, after I read out the articles you share I was motivated that sick is not a reason for writing, thank you for sharing with us this useful thing like this.

I am late for this game😖 everyone already told the ans.😖 when you post another game? i won't be late next time.

Why did you upvote your short comment but not the article?

I'm really sorry about that... i did upvote your post but at the time of your upvote return to my blog i think there should net slow that's why your post was not upvoted... very srry sir. it's a mistake cz i usually upvote all you post. & thanks for informing this.

This great games, personally I love this play.
I appreciate your post. best of luck.

In case you "appreciate" my post, don't worry: I will not forbid you to upvote it.

Interesante :)

It's not forbidden to upvote interesting articles on Steemit. :)

hello friend I invite you to go through my blog reviewing my content I am a girl lover of chess and I see that you like to promote it in steemit for me the love of my life is chess I hope you can support me and we play some games greetings

A superb game...that play sybaritical people... @jaki01

I am not a pro in chess! I am still learning it. I will try to come up with my solution. For your cold you should inhale steam (the real one not the steem crypto :P) Get well soon!

Thanks! :)

I really never knew someone who post puzzles here on steemit exist,let me jump on it quickly.
White has d8=Queen threatning mate but has to defend first,so d best move here is 1.Ne3!!! ...rxe3? Fails to d8=Q and so does 1.Qxe3
So what of 1.Rd1 threatning mate,then 2.Rb2! Followed by the winning d8=Q move!
Thanks so much for the puzzle hope to see more.

  1. Ne3 Rxe3
  2. d8Q Kg5! and black wins. :)

move the castle to the king, to be safe from black attacks

Zwar kann ich keinen Kommentar zur Schachaufgabe abgeben, dafür wünsche ich dir aber gute Besserung!

You really love playing chess... (^_^)

Thanks for such amazing puzzles,
looks like we are going to defend black's queen check.
but after the defense promoting our pawn for the knight can help us mate by Ng7.
That's the game plan, let me give it some time for more possible moves though.

I need concrete variations! :)

Btw. 1: it is Nf7# (not Ng7).

Btw. 2: in case you like the chess quiz you may consider to upvote the article ...

Actually very nice and grand game for me

hello friend I invite you to go through my blog reviewing my content I am a girl lover of chess and I see that you like to promote it in steemit for me the love of my life is chess I hope you can support me and we play some games greetings

Actually very nice and grand game for me

hello @jaki01
sorry if i talking this with comment , because i dont know where i can contact you ,,, i have a project to support all content creators..
this project is from indonesia
and we have a whitepaper , maybe you want support us ..
hope your attention @jaki01

Thanks for letting me know, but I never delegate Steem Power.
Good luck with your project!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment
You've done a very good article

Please don't comment here only to upvote yourself. As steemworld shows 80 % of your upvotes are self-votes.

I can not play that chess I can only resteem @jaki01 try at check thanks

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Don't copy text of others (in this case from @lianaakobian), that's plagiarism!