Trapped pieces

in chess •  3 years ago 

Even though there are 64 squares and only 32 pieces, those squares can run out and your pieces can be left out without legal moves and getting trapped. It is a frustrating situation when you can't save a piece from being taken because you didn't foresee it would get trapped a few moves before.

Sometimes, even with a pawn move, you can take away your opponent's safe squares. Even queens are vulnerable to be trapped because any trade for a lesser piece is dangerous.

The Queen is such a powerful piece and it controls so many squares, it is hard to believe it can be trapped, but with the correct tactics and a positive position, every piece is trappable.


Black just pushed the pawn to c5, planning to trap White's bishop with c4 on the next move. How can White best escape this threat?


Great job! White's bishop escapes being trapped and attacks the trapped rook on a8. White will win material.

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