Childhood Music Memories

in childhoood •  last year 


I am still in my thirties but am coming from the generation of the old school kind of music. That’s why anytime I hear some old school music, I get a rush of excitement and I automatically start to dance.

Most kids now are born into a generation of Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and other new-generation artists.

But am coming from a generation were musicians sang as their very lives depended on it.

When I was a child, my dad loved music a lot. We had gazillion records and catalog of so many artists. My dad was a man of entertainment, he loved the good things of life.

My dad and mom in those days wherein the habit of playing some particular songs over and over again. This consequently had some kind of mind programming effect on myself and the rest of my siblings.

Boney M. was their favorite and we loved it too as children. My mom liked the Boney M. track “Daddy Cool” and there was another track we kids loved so much it was called “Rasputin”. It had some sort of imaginative story theme to it.

Till today anytime I am silent, I hear these songs with all the instrumentations play in my head and I remember the good old days which brings a mixture of happiness and sadness.

If you are reading this and you have kids, you must know that music is a very important aspect of childhood.

Parents of today just see their kids as babies but they don’t know that a child is a powerful recording machine. I am what I am today based on how my parents brought me up.

I had an uncle that used to come to visit occasionally, he loved BarryWhite’s music a lot, whenever we learn that he was coming as children, I and my siblings would always giggle and say “Oh my God, uncle Barry white is coming”.

I didn’t quite like Barry white’s music as a kid because of his songs where all about his love and adoration for women which I didn’t quite understand at that young age. Later I got to understand the lyrics when I was much older and fell in love with it.

Anytime I hear a Barry white record play on the radio, I just remember my uncle from my childhood.

Your childhood music memories can bring solace to your present troubled mind. It lets you remember and associate with wonderful memories.

What’s your childhood music?

How does it make you feel when you hear them play on the radio or in your head?

What are the memory associations? Are they good or bad?

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