Fu Hao, China's female General

in china •  7 years ago 

Women in China, as the democratic party and seems to be there, and like talking about them, and like they have some rights, but, in fact, remember them only on major holidays, for show.
How many famous Chinese democratic parties you can call now? How many famous women? A smart and beautiful famous Chinese women?
A woman in China is different from Russian Women – in the burning huts, she does not go, and bridled a little handle horses I have not yet met. A woman in China, especially in recent years, the phenomenon of the spoilt, capricious and, in my opinion, is little adapted to the harsh realities of life. Perhaps this is correct, and points to the fact that the position of women in China is getting better and better – and very soon Chinese men will stop wearing them on their hands and transplanted to pink limos (shiny-prelezhashie!).

In the summer I had the opportunity to visit the excavations near the city of Anyang (安阳), Henan, and there, in the town Insua ((殷墟 yīnxū archaeology. Yin ruins, the ruins of the capital, Yin)), Chinese archaeologists in the early 20th century unearthed a lot of interesting things. In short, Insua is the first historically confirmed the Chinese capital. If you dig deeper into the abyss of chronological Chinese history is the capital of the dynasty of Shang ((商朝 – shāngcháo)) (17-11 BC), but rather, the capital of the late Shang (no 13-11 centuries). Now it is a huge Museum complex in the open air, protected by UNESCO, very interesting for lovers of Chinese literature, since it was also found Yin writings. Definitely this place deserves more attention, but one of the findings of the ancient city is no less important historical significance.
First in Chinese history a female General lady Fu Hao ((妇好 fùhǎo)). In 1976, the former capital of the Shang dynasty has been found a tomb with an area of 20 sq. m, the owner of which managed to install without much work thanks to the inscriptions on the bronzes found there, as well as texts devoted to her deeds (let's not forget that her contemporaries preferred to write on turtle shells and animal bones – the originals, what can I say :-)

Fu Hao was from an aristocratic family and after reaching a certain age was one of the over 60 wives of Emperor Wu Ding ((武丁 wǔdīng)) (1250-1192 BC), whose joining attribute the prosperity of the state. As evidenced by the Chronicles, Fu Hao was a good, smart, talented and eventually became the favorite wife of the Emperor.
Talent From Dean saw in his wife unexpectedly. Once on the Northern borders of the Kingdom a war broke out, in which none of the parties could not achieve significant benefits. Fu Hao begged her husband to send her to war, assuring him that she will be able to overcome the enemy. Let me remind you, it was the XIII century BC – please this women looked crazy. But the wife after all, darling, darling so that she was allowed to live with her lawful husband but on the contrary, the greater part of his life she spent either in military expeditions or in his parents ' house.
Fu Hao / First in Chinese history, a female General Magazeta

From Dean turns for help to the Heavenly Office, and to the surprise of the Emperor, the spirits agree to a military campaign of his wife. The army is recruited entirely from volunteers, and a few months later the wife returned with good news – the enemy fell, the border shut. The Emperor was not stupid, and noticing in her talent, gave her office a tenth of the entire army. The war that time to the number of participants was much less battles of our time – during normal battles, both sides could gain from slightly more than a thousand people. And now the interesting figure – regiment Fu Hao during its peak reached 13 thousand people.
At this point, you can argue, they say, wait a minute, after all, such an army could win only by quantity, but not the military talents of the young General. Possible. But let me remind you again that the action takes place in the XIII century BC – and I just can't fit that 13 thousand of soldiers could obey the woman (even the Emperor). This right should be earned.
During his military career, Fu Hao took fighting more than 20 of independent States (don't know if here is the appropriate phrase) of the time – and won.
Woman-General in itself is strange, not only within China but also the world in General. But Fu Hao was a woman of unusual intelligence, therefore, was close not only to the powerful, but to ordinary people. The education level of the population more than three thousand years ago left much to be desired, how, then, solved the majority of problems without the participation of attorneys, lawyers and analysts of all stripes? It was much easier – with references to the spirits. And the spirits of the Chinese, so that's enough to completely solve all problems. Fu Hao was the first woman who was allowed to participate in the ceremonies of divination, predicting the future – and she took advantage of this, in the shortest possible time learning how to interpret cracks in turtle shells, as well as to communicate with the souls of dead ancestors, spirits, demons, and a close acquaintance with important personalities played a role in the strengthening of its position.
It is interesting Fu Hao to prisoners of war – a great economist, she may not have been, but slave labor is not encouraged, thus all of its prisoners of war (officially, they were slaves) and the slaves her family worked for themselves. Socialism with Chinese characteristics shrewd woman started to build already in a particular state.
The voltage associated with the campaigns, childbirth, participation in the political, economic and ritual activities significantly weakened the health of Fu Hao and at the age of 30 years, leaving four sons, she died.
Fu Hao / First in Chinese history, a female General Magazeta

The husband was inconsolable, in fact, so was erected a tomb in her honor, and besides money and jewelry in a large quantity in the tomb were found more than a hundred copies of various military weapons – that shows the important status of Fu Hao, not only as wives of the Emperor, but as a military leader. The posthumous name of Fu Hao 母辛 (musing, mǔxīn); the character 辛 can be interpreted in different ways, but given the love Dean in this case, the interpretation is only one – heavy, bitter, sad, dejected.
Mifologichno the history of China reaches excessive limits all the endless "gushi" and even the writings of historians, and, of course, in the history of Fu Hao, there is a lot confusing at first sight moments, but it is one of the cases, when the hero has earned the absolute right to be the best and most successful, the most wonderful commander, a wonderful politician, a good mother and wife.
Most Chinese of Fu Hao do not know. Which is a pity. Such women the world should know! Even if their age is quite a bit off the scale for three thousand with a small two hundred plus years.

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