China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-05-14

in china •  5 years ago 

First posted on Hive.

English news:

Police in China's Shandong Detain Outspoken Poet For 'Subversion'

"on charges of "subversion of state power,"
[... because he was ...] critical of [President] Xi Jinping"

--- L'état, c'est moi.

China relocates villagers living in 800m-high cliffs in anti-poverty drive

"The households have now been moved to the county town of Zhaojue, around 70km away."

--- All of course totally voluntarily & since they have no idea how to live & earn money in the city, they will be handsomely compensated.

"each person will have to pay 2,500 yuan ($352; £288) for this particular move"

--- Well... But surely this is an entirely altruistic move by the government to help these impoverished people.

"The county government has ambitious plans - planning to install a cable car to transport tourists to the village and to develop some surrounding areas."

--- See, it's all for the improvement of the community. Of course they have to be out of the way in order to earn money with a major tourism project. If their village becomes a tourist trap, they couldn't work their fields anymore.
Benevolent emperor Xi just knows what's best for the common people. Even Tibetans:

Tibetan Families Absent From Their Villages Are Removed From Resettlement Lists, Left Without Homes

"the families left in limbo said they had left their home areas only briefly to find work or educate their children and had not voluntarily moved away for good"

--- Everyone could say that. I mean, it's not as if they had their hukou there. Oh, wait ...

"Many of those resettled are unhappy with their new living conditions, though, and complain of resources inadequate to support their families."

--- Ungrateful Tibetans. Emperor Xi does everything possible to make you happy & you complain that you can't find jobs to support yourself?

$1.6T in century-old Chinese bonds offer Trump unique leverage against Beijing

"The bonds were issued by the Republic of China -- which ousted the imperial government in a coup -- as far back as 1912 and backed by gold; they were defaulted on in 1938."

--- Interesting idea. & not as far-fetched as some might think:

"under international law, successor governments are responsible for the debts of their predecessors"

--- Since the PRC claims to be the only one true China (& is internationally largely accepted as such), they are responsible for debts incurred by former Chinese governments.

Coronavirus: Can China test all of Wuhan in only 10 days?

"There are more than 60 testing centres across the city [... which ...] have a maximum capacity of 100,000 tests a day at most"

--- No problem at all, some mathematics with Chinese characteristics & everything will fit.

""Some districts [in the city] will start from 12 May, others from 17 May, for example," the Wuhan Centre for Disease Control said."

--- See? Easy-peasy. That way 3 months become 10 days & we can boast how quick we are.

Wuhan reopened last month. Now, new coronavirus infections spark mass testing and renewed fears

"By Tuesday afternoon, many communities began blocking their streets again."

--- They don't seem to trust their government. How come?

Coronavirus crisis sees China losing 'soft-power leverage'

"diversification is an issue but one that mustn't necessarily mean retreating from China, but rather diversifying within China"

--- Yeah, right. That would change a lot.

"a number of European firms are now experiencing difficulties in recruiting specialists willing to work in China"

--- Many people are not quite as stupid as the companies they are working for.

"it was urging us, instead, not to make the international support known to its own population. On the other hand, we were downright flabbergasted when China was launching a massive campaign on the internet about its own deliveries of face masks to other countries"

--- Flabbergasted? Then you don't know much about China.

As China pushes back on virus, Europe wakes to 'Wolf Warrior' diplomacy

"The aim of European diplomacy since the Second World War has been all about finding a compromise. China doesn’t necessarily look at things the same way at all."

--- Oh, China likes compromises, but it sees only the other side bound by them. (&, BTW, the EU is not Europe.)

Video News:

--- BBC News: "Coronavirus: New coronavirus clusters have been reported in China"

--- Sky News (AUS): "Better 'free and poor' than 'gagged and rich on Chinese trade'"

--- Heritage Foundation (audio only): China's "Thuggish Regime" Will Destroy the Free World If Unchecked

Not in the news (yet):

Chinese officer doesn't really like talking to Indians

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Gegenseitige Kontrolle aus Tradition

"Da braucht es weniger leibhaftige Denunzianten. Überwacht wird bereits heute auch digital."

--- Ach wo, die KPCh braucht auch in Zukunft ihre Denunzianten. Die brauchen sich keine Sorgen um ihre Jobs zu machen.

Deutsche Manager sollen trotz Einreiseverbot nach China fliegen

"Anfang Mai unterbreitete die chinesische Regierung Berlin schließlich das Angebot, über Möglichkeiten der Wiedereinreise zu sprechen. Ein entsprechendes Angebot ging auch an Frankreich und Großbritannien. Laut Medienberichten ist auch Japan in Verhandlungen dazu."

--- Die hochwohlgeborenen Manager müssen dann auch nicht 2 Wochen in Quarantäne, sondern nur 2 Tage. Wenn's um's Geld geht, ...

--- Tja, dann waren da noch 2 FAZ-Artikel, die ich verlinkt hätte, aber wenn ich sie jetzt aufrufe, kommt nur sowas:

Entweder hat man technische Probleme oder mag mich nicht mehr. Egal was, ohne Zitate & Titel verlinke ich nicht. Pech.

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