kill Switch Diplomacy: How the Rothschilds Prepared China to Be the Next USA

in china •  8 years ago 

The Truth will stand on its own merit.

China has been built up into the biggest global superpower by the Jewish financial elite and every valuable Western technology has been shipped there. This was identical to what the Jews did with their USSR, turning it into a massive super state of a military superpower, to wage conquest upon the rest of the earth, which they did. The only reason they were halted was the second war monkey wrenched their plans globally and led to the stagnation and fall of the USSR. There are reports that the America tactical silos are contracted to Israeli firms for certain electronics' functions, they also have their agents all over the Pentagon and other key Western military and government networks.

Did you know Chairman Mao, the founder of Communist China was "handled" by an American Jew named Sidney Rittenberg? Did you know that? He was a linguist in American Military Intelligence. He wrote a book, "The Man Who Stayed Behind". Jews like Henry Kissinger and Sir Martin Sorrel, head of the largest advertising company in the world, do regular business in China as do Sidney Rittenberg with his investment advisory company "Rittenberg & Associates".

The covert Jewish control of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) explains why convicted Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, found guilty of stealing thousands of classified documents from the Defense Department where he worked, gave these materials to his masters, the Israeli Mossad operating in the U.S.A. The Israelis, in turn, transferred these valuable military secrets straight to Red Chinese dictators in Beijing. Pollard, a Jew born in Galveston, Texas, sits in a federal prison today. Recently, when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to America, he visited Pollard in prison and assured the despicable turncoat Israeli spy that the Israeli government was working behind-the-scenes with Obama’s White House to pardon the convicted spy. Meanwhile, Pollard is a national hero in Israel—honored for stealing America’s most precious military secrets which Israel gave to Communist China.

‘Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history’.– David Rockefeller.

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