Chinese Studies in Nigeria.

in chinese •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Study of Chinese and Other World Languages in Nigeria.

Many Nigerians learned English and Arabic in addition to Nigerian Languages (their Mother Tongues). Great ! But many Nigerians have not learned Chinese, Hindi, Russian, among other important World Languages. When many Nigerians out there have not learned such important Languages, they simply miss countless opportunities to achieve and accomplish their dreams in life. 

Now Nigeria is a large country -- the largest black nation in the world with a population of well over 150 million. Nigeria has many ethnic groups, endless ethnic disputes, threats and troubles; sometimes sure enough these have religious dimensions. In the last few years, we've had such groups as Biafra, Boko Haram, etc. The folks engaged in these struggles are in general speakers of Nigerian Languages, English and / or Arabic, but NOT Chinese, nor Hindi, nor Russian. Definitely NOT Chinese. And the Government of China (for example) has published too many opportunities for people all over the world interested in China and / or Chinese Studies. 

So folks, let's consider this : Instead of Nigerians of different ethnic origins to be wasting valuable time, energy, and resources engaging in endless and fruitless disputes and conflicts; is it not far more intelligent for them to learn Chinese, for instance, where the Government is fully supportive and giving grants and scholarships, and build Chinese Schools for our children and posterity with the simple objective of Unity and Progress ? 

Biafra, Boko Haram, and their likes are not the Solutions of the ethnic Problems in Nigeria. The Study of Chinese ( supported by the Government) is. Nigerians need to learn Chinese ( now that the Government of China fully supports it). We should particularly encourage Nigerian Children to learn Chinese and other World Languages early, so that their opportunities in life may be even greater, more manifold, almost boundless. 

Rather than Biafra or Boko Haram, let us fully embrace, fully support, and spread brilliant and progressive ideas like the Confucius Institutes in Nigeria

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