The Women's March....What Exactly Are They Upset About?

in chivalry •  7 years ago 

As a woman, I do not understand women at all. I think too much like a man, meaning I think logically and sensibly. These women doing these insane marches makes me embarrassed to be the "fairer sex". For unknown reasons, they are excited about wearing a pussy on their head but when asked what they are protesting they're lost in space. Literally. Clueless. Stupid.


I happen to LOVE men! Oh the horror! Go ahead, open the door for me and you will be genuinely thanked and warmly smiled upon! Stare at me when I'm all dolled up and you make my heart sing. I will return the stare with a huge smile. Oh yeah, I love the attention as I should, because God made woman in a way to attract men's eyes & hearts. So what is wrong with the women wearing the pussy hats?


It started in the late 1960's. Some brain damaged women decided they didn't want to be like mommy, who stayed home, because she was seen as "weak". Little did they know, mothers who stayed home where the glue of society. They missed the structure a stay at home mother brought to the family, missed that mothers who were home, were the moral compass which society respected. They were the gauge of right and wrong. Mothers were the stability of our great nation. They are extremely powerful and didn't know it!


So a few quack-pots decided to drill into women's heads that they don't need a man, they can do this all themselves. Huh? Humans are not animals. In the animal world, yes, it would be true, not in a human world. If it takes a man and a woman to create a life, it takes both to raise them too. Men bring a side to parenting that these nut case women despise. A different perspective, a different handling, a manly touch. Women today are raising a bunch of pussy men who don't know how to be a man anymore. And this was the goal all along. To destroy men. To break up the family structure.


Women are the weaker sex, strength wise and in some instances, brain wise. Men think different, it's a fact, women are more nurturing by nature, men are the hunters & gatherers. Together they make an awesome team as the weaknesses balance out. Women can't do it all. Sorry. You've been lied to. We need men, real men, strong men, both physically and mentally. It's okay to be considered the weaker sex, because we are. Man was here first, woman came later to help man. Can't change a fact.


I cringe at headlines where women have accused men of sexual harassment 40 years later. W-T-F? Must not have been that bad bitch, you didn't report it when it happened! The outrageous claims these awful women claim; "He said my haircut looked nice" "He said my outfit looked nice" "He was staring at my boobs"~never mind that it was lowcut and inappropriate for an office environment!
Hey, you idiot women do NOT know how to work around men! PERIOD! Work with women only if you are that fricken sensitive!


Now I know there are rare cases of real sexual harassment that happen. This is not what this is about. This is about crazy people on a mission to further destroy the family unit, what little is left. A dark force is at work to destroy men. These crazy women want men to go away. This is mental illness at it's finest. If you are still reading there is a reason I said men are the stronger sex, because they are. When the ambulance arrives do you want to wait because they sent two 140lb women to carry a 300lb man down a flight of stairs? Actually happened to my friend. Good thing it wasn't a life or death moment or he'd be dead. Yes, they had to wait for strong men to arrive. Some jobs are for men only.


I think these women are nuts. Men and women were not created equal because God had a specific role for each of us. Only women bare children, only men supply the sperm. Men by nature are built to do harder jobs that require emotions to be turned off, women have the power to change a world but not as the crazies would have you believe. I miss the days when women had the real power, when they stayed home to do the most important job, raising the next generation of productive, responsible, level headed, kind adults, with a husband who was proud to bring home the bacon.

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As a stay at home dad, I do the school-run and talk to and have good relationships with a few of the mothers. We sometimes have deep conversations about the destructive force that is feminism. All of these women I speak to all agree that a man needs to be 'A Man' and fulfil his biological and natural duties. These female friends of mine like to be told they look attractive and have men pay them attention.

This society is heading for a fall unfortunately and it's gonna get ugly I fear.

Loved your post, max upvote and re-steemed :)

Bye for now,


I know of no women involved with these crazy people! We are all scratching our heads wondering what planet they are from because it's not earth. Thanks a bunch for the resteem Robster!! You're a gem! :-)

You're very welcome :)

I'm not sure these crazy folk understand that they don't seem to speak for the majority of women. That's how it appears to me.

Any hoo, catch ya later ;)

You sound just like my wife. You two must have talked to each other because it all sounds as if I was talking to her. Have a great day.

Sounds like you have a very good woman! We seem to be a dying breed, lol.