Rest In Peace to Chris Cornell. Some Glitch Related Art

in chriscornell •  8 years ago 

I like Grunge! I appreciate Grunge! Soundgarden is one of my very favourite Grunge acts! The way he died has got me thinking about anxiety and antidepressents/antianxiety medication. I am very grateful that even though I have high anxiety I never went down that road of phramaceutical medication! I feel awful for kids who are forced onto these sorts of drugs. Chris Cornell took too much anti anxiety medication before his death.

The anti depressant meds go deep into Grunge history and mythology! Kurt Cobain from Nirvana stated that it was taking Ritalin when he was a kid that helped fuck him up later in life. It is creepy to not feel your own emotions. I think that it is better to feel the full range of sadness, rage and anxiety raw without meds. That can be a difficult path and you will need some community support. Society has to change and be more supportive instead of just relying on a one size fits all pill popper solution. That's Western Medicine for ya - treats the symptoms but never the cause!

One tune that addresses this issue by Nirvana is called Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle. "I miss the comfort in being sad". Frances Farmer is a famous actress from Seattle who got a lobotomy. There have been a few movies!

One of my favourite songs by Soundgarden is - Jesus Christ Pose. The song is commentary on the fashion industry during the 90's where is became trendy for ladies to pose like Jesus Christ for magazines. There arms spread out like on the cross. Symbolism for female cultural contortion and sacrificing yourself to the machine.

It's such an intense awesome video! I love it!

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