in christain-trail •  7 years ago 

Jesus said except a man be born Again?he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3
Because man'snature is so sinful and corrupt , its impossible for him to understand God.Therefore he is blind to spiritual truth Eph 4:18, He cannot see the kingdom of God John 3:3,He cannot please God Roman8:8 and spiritual things are foolishness to him 1Cor 2:14.
Jesus said, "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God (John 3:3) Ye must be born again (John 3:7) not made over" but be born again " Now this is a spirirual change in the spirit of each person and is a creative act- takes place through faith in the crucifixion of JESUS CHRIST.
So when we believe in our heart that Jesus SHED His blood to atone for our sins, that's when we are born again.

The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from All sin (1 John1:7), Therefore if any man be in christ he is a New creature; old things are passed away;behold all things are become new (2 cor 5:17). We have a new heart, a new NATURE, we are a new creature (Ezek 36:26).
Ponder on it, resteem because we are saved to save others.DQmaSkZUGPFYYvJmXCpL9H8xaBZu4oY9rP4zYQXYz63brEf.jpeg

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When we believe with our hearts and confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is our saviour, we shall be saved. Child of God you have said it the way it is. It is not a matter of changing church or being born by christian parents. It is personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Being born again is staring a new life in Christ, I will always try my best to support all steemchurch no matter how small is my SP, thanks for sharing..

Being Born again is a really great thing that man could do himself to get saved. God bless you this post and it my prayer that by God's grace more souls that are lost would come back to Him. His blood we are cleansed

Wow!!! The main thing is always the main thing

We are very blessed that we can rely on the blood of Christ to save us and that we have the word of God to guide us in all truth and wisdom.

It's not just saying a prayer, or walking an aisle. It's believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's how we are born again.

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Yes, we are redeemed of incorruptible seed. Hallelujah.