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The Judaic/Christian/Islamic claims to privileged access, ethnocentrism as a means of revealing truth; and using geography as methods of imparting truth, are ALL irrational and illogical and therefore ARE fallacious and untrue.
It's possible God could somehow exist but not in any way​ that these faiths claim.

So God may not even exist but if He did, it wouldn't be in any way that these faiths claim? How can you make such an assertion if you don't even know whether God exists or not, let alone know anything about Him? First you'd have to know God exists and know some things about Him before you can criticize any faith... otherwise your rejections will simply be dismissed because they will be based on your personal opinions...

I can make such an assertion based on 3-primary fields of study:

  1. historicity. None of the stories are true, or at least; none of the stories that matter are true. No worldwide flood, no captivity in Egypt and no Exodus ( not a shred of evidence), no grand Solomon Kingdom, and I could go on and on. All of it Jewish tribal myth which was mostly taken from The Sumerians.

2)Science: the creation story is inane from our modern understanding! Virgins don't make babies, there is no efficacy in prayer (it's anecdotal delusion), there are no miracles. All of this is scientific fact....

3-Logic and Reason: one CANNOT say they are using these processes while espousing religious nonsense.
To say one is using the faculties of logic and reason while asserting tribal myth as fact is called cognitive dissonance. Here are a few examples of fallacious faulty thinking which CANNOT be true:
-God loves you but will punish you forever! Complete logical fallacy which is an affront​ to reason.
-The psychopathic​ God of The Torah showing up as a somewhat peace loving figure. To be consistent he would need to show up as a psychopath (we may still get this from our Jewish friends in the form of The Noahide Laws ( but only because​ the Rabbi's are delusional). But at least it would be logically consistent.....

But really, this is not personal to you. People have believed every manner of lunacy concerning God throughout history ( which doesn't necessarily mean God doesn't exist), in fact; there are over 20,000 versions of The Christ story within Christianity​ alone; let alone all the divisions within all the other religions.
There is nothing I've asserted here which is personal opinion. Everything within this post can be backed up by academic study.......
Now, if one is looking to make meaning for themselves within their given cultural tradition I would suggest to look to people like Jordon Peterson if one is Christian; Sam Harris if one is Jewish; and Ayaan Hirsi if one is Muslim.
I won't get into Hinduism and Buddhism on this thread but we could get into their particular fallacies​ at another time and place.

Virgins don't make babies and that's why when Mary did, it was a miracle and a sign as prophecied by Isaiah thousands of years before. Prayers work but sometimes the answer God gives is no. Just because you don't like the answer, doesn't mean prayers don't work. This is all emotional and subjective. There's no logic, reason or substance behind what you're saying and I think you know it too...

Your last sentence is sheer projection as there is no logic or reason within Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.
Once again it is all tribal myth, ethnocentric inflation, and geographical hubris.
I do have respect for The Amish, though, as they live congruent lives consistent with pre-modern archaic belief systems.
For theists like yourself to use and embrace everything that science gives us while denying its academic insights is disgraceful.
The fallacy of personal incredulity is not applicable to arguments against established scientific laws which makes Biblical cosmologies completely ludicrous.
Religiosity is an established Darwinian​ fact, though, and in that you are consistent and I have no problem with religiosity per se, but it has to be logically consistent and coherent; which modern fundamentalists are not.
The upvoting yourself is called the fallacy of the appeal to popularity.

Here Dr. Carrier proves the case that the Judaic/Christian/Islamic faith is delusion by definition:

Below is the full debate which Dillahunty clearly won.
Sye didn't argue anything other than, ' I believe it therefore it's true'....
But the last thing I expect from theists is honesty ( they seem incapable of being honest). I do consider myself an honest theist, though, which means God is possible, but not the tribal god of the Jews and that religions offspring Christianity and Islam. Hinduism has also failed to meet the burden of proof for God which means God is a unproven speculation, but the tribal and geographical claims to God have been clearly shown to be false. Therefore those who believe in that type of God are practising delusion.
I choose not to be deluded in my theism.

Now you're making more assertions about the history as if there is some sort of a time machine where we can go back in time and prove for a fact what has happened and what hasn't happened. And the rest of your objections are emotional and subjective. Just because you don't like the God of Bible, doesn't mean He doesn't exist or cannot exist. Sorry! Furthermore, just because you can't comprehend something about Creation doesn't mean it can't be true. That's the fallacy of personal incredulity. Saying x sounds insane therefore it's not true is an exact example of this fallacy.

@pjbnikao Please check out my introductory post. You may that we have many interesting things to talk about.