Gratitude Day 24:
Giving to those of different faith to motivate them

ACTS 20: 35
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
I feel so elated right now writing about the act of love that I witnessed today at work. Just yesterday, I wrote about the birthday of a great mother and principal to the school where I teach.
The second is a good mother, nation builder, a destiny shaper, a disciplinarian, a leader and an administrator par excellence, Mrs Adeyemi O.A. She is indeed a great and a complete woman in and out.
You can have a re-read of the post here

She marked her birthday with the staff even though she wasn't in school that very day. She was away on an administrative duty as a member of the executives to the Association of Principals of Public Schools in Nigeria, Ogun State Chapter.
As a good and a caring mother that she is, she didn't hesitate to send down to the school all she would had given us had she been around. We(staff) all had funny enjoying her birthday celebration. Though the cake was ready as well but wasn't cut until she came around today.
My major reason for bring this up again is for her large heart. She did something so remarkable in my sight today. She bought full crates of eggs each for all the Muslims staff botht under her and also for the staff and the principal of the senior school.
As you all know that the season we are in at the moment is the month of fasting(Ramadam) for the Muslims faithfuls. Shen gave out over ten(10) crates of eggs to them. Of course the number might not be too large for many to noticed except for those that know the price of eggs sky rockets in Nigeria during fasting period like this.
I am personally happy for the motive behind the giving.
She didn't give out crates of eggs to mark her birthday. She gifted the Muslims brothers and sister in both junior and senior school with crates of eggs each to encourage and to support them during this period of fasting.
I am grateful for this act of love because Mrs Adeyemi the principal isn't a Muslim, but yet she saw the need to give. It didn't bother her that they were not of her faith. She still gave out generously.
A colleague at the office said something when the staff went in to the principal office to show their appreciation for her kind gesture and love towards them. He said,
You don't have to be rich for you to learn how to give. Giving is a spirit that flows with those that naturally have the heart of giving. When you have the giving spirit, who you give to doesn't matter.
The principal welcomed them cheerfully and advised them to be steadfast in their payers, I am grateful because acts like this are rare to find among people of different faiths.
Addition to the 'Hope Beckons' Series
The modalities to participate for the 'Hope Beckons - Share&Care' are under way and would be communicated to us in due time.
God Bless!