Fearfully and wonderfully made... Praise God

in christian-trail •  6 years ago  (edited)


Lumina Jubilee is home!

We spent 48 hours in emergency care at the hospital but at 730pm tonight, after deciding that having our family together at home was what our girl needed most, we left.

She was checked in because of severe seizure activity, but we were held there because of high temperature, irregular heart rate and vomitting.


She isn't all better but she is MUCH better.

Prayers are still needed and always will be, but God has definitely helped us turn a corner.


God Lives and Moves:

Tonight before we left the hospital Lumina threw up twice, and we were convinced and upset that this meant we would spend another night apart. Then I prayed, I asked for healing and relief. I said to myself, the hospital staff and God that we can't go home if Lumina throws up, because that would mean she needed an IV and hospital help.

I prayed that He would show us she was ready by helping her keep dinner down, and I fed her knowing full well if she was sick that would be it. I fed her and an hour+ later she was fine so we took that as the reassurance we prayed for.


On her way home she shuddered and shook but as soon as we were home I held her and haven't let go since. Since 8pm (2 hours ago) she has been sleeping on my chest, soundly, no symptoms, no shaking, no seizures, just peacefully resting. If that isn't answered prayer...


God knows if she will have more seizures, I don't. Hopefully she doesn't, I believe that's possible, but more importantly, if she does, may we at least be together, near her, to hold her hand through her tough times. In Jesus name, amen.


Lumina is not "normal" but she is perfect. Thank you Jesus for healing, love, and the chance to share your work and our joy.


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I'm encouraged to find my strength in God through your story. I pray you will continue to draw strength from him as well and that the love of God will be upon your little girl, Lumina, always.

Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!