Father, thank You for being with me all along the way. Though I have let You down many times, You have never failed me. Some things that happened, I still don’t understand, but that is alright. They are part of what made me who I am. Not that that is so great, but at least after all is said and done, I love You. I wouldn’t change anything because of that. You knew what was best for me all along, and here I am today, loving You even more than yesterday.
My Bet Everything that is worthwhile has a cost. In all of life you can see that is so. Nothing is gained without some sacrifice, absolutely nothing. So don’t consider the cost, consider always what has been or is to be gained. That is the right way to look at things. If you keep counting the cost, you will end up treasuring the wrong thing. Look at the prize and be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.