God's People out of Bondage.

in christian-trail •  7 years ago 

Our Study tonight is taking from the book of Genesis 15:13; Exodus 1:1-22; Jeremiah 29:10,11.



God has arranged unprecedented blessings for us as He passionately takes us through the book of Exodus, the second book of the Bible. It's authorship has been credited to Moses. From the book, we would see the climax of God's people's experiences, dehumanization, limitations, deprivations and finally, God's unstoppable and timely deliverance. May we be challenged to receive God's inexhaustible provisions in every aspect of our lives. Amen

The Bondage

God's people were compelled to serve under the harsh and inhumane situations in Egypt for over four hundred years.

  1. It's prophetic announcement (Genesis 15:13). Why did God allow it? Perhaps to prepare them for an experience and also to teach us lessons today.

  2. The steps towards slavery, Joseph was sold out (Genesis 37:31-36,James 1:1-4).

  3. The Fathers involuntarily moved to Egypt (Genesis 46:11).

  4. The climax. The Egyptians forgot Joseph. Nothing happens by chance. They are "caused" by something, by somebody (Jeremiah 29:10,11). However, for God's people, Satan is not and cannot permanently be in charge. God's unstoppable and irresistible deliverance will come.

The Effect of the Bondage

  1. God's grace still makes for expansion and increase. There was severe darkness but not stronger than God, so did not want to destroy them.

  2. The people were expecting deliverance but did not know how it would come. Expectation then provoke Manifestation.

  3. The best is never achieved in bondage. There must be liberation. The best for God's people was not In Egypt. Canaan was waiting for them as Manifestation.

  4. The nearer the deliverance, the tougher the battle (James 1:8).

    • Devil's scheming (Exodus 3:8-10)

    • Reinforced suffering (Exodus 3:11-14)

    • Male children were target (Exodus 3:15-22), but God was supervising.

  5. God's time was was close. He was almost set but was preparing Moses. Now is your time. You should be the Moses of your Family, church and nation.


This is a challenge to look unto God for His timely and unstoppable liberation. God has not changed. He will liberate and set loose as many as are looking forward to His Salvation.

Are you ready.

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