in christian •  4 years ago 

Hebrew 12:1 1 John 5:4-5
Hebrew 13:12
Isiahh 33:15-17
Exodus 2:10
Hebrew 11:23 Romans 3:23-26

The call and conversion through faith in difficult times, the characteristics of faith in trying times, The character of the faithful in trying times.

Faith can lead to repentance - Faith leads you to identify with one person. Faith helps to endure reproaches. True Christians do not change his attitude - They must persecute you. The more they persecute you, it is because your faith in God is more. When you grow in faith, more stones will be thrown at you. Faith in God and the characteristics of the faithful work together. Faithfulness are revealed through obedience. You must be fearless in hard times. You must love God and his people. Humility and patient ought to be found in your life. Make sure you are walking with God at all times in any situation.

Matt. 5:5 Matt. 11:28-30 Numbers 11:27-29

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