SMHP - Imprisoned Angels Trapped in Stars Examined

in christian •  3 years ago 

There is scripture regarding the angels that are chained in darkness referring to hell. Jesus stood in front of Mount Hermon and said the Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail Against It "referring to the church". Also a 3rd of the stars were cast down in Revelation after Michael and his angels defeated the dragon and his angels. Looking at Biblical cosmology and the 3 heavens. If the 3rd of the stars that were cast down are angels, were they cast into the first heaven within the firmament?

Many believe that all the angels are locked up until judgement. I feel that only the worst were chained in darkness. The others are able to communicate with us. They are sharing all of their technology. When our "world leaders" go to Antarctica, are they really going to the ice wall close to the firmament so they can communicate with fallen? In Hebrew cosmology, the deepest part of the ocean is part of the waters above the firmament.

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