## Facts about Prophetic miracles and sorcery's magic

in christianity •  7 years ago  (edited)

Before now many of us has been wondering or thinking of how to distinguish between miracles and magic. In 1990s we have been seeing both magic and miracles in churches and on the streets.

Both of recent I think the rate of magicians on the streets has been reduced to almost zero. A good number of them has gone into churches and religion now.,that while it's been so difficult to diffrentiate between them all.

But I think this my article's will guide you a little on how known them, when you see them even in churches.


A miracle is manifested by God through His Messenger, which is against the normal course.A miracle is thus a proof of truthfulness of one who claims to be a messenger of God, Who never allows a miracle to be performed by an imposter of messengership.


Sorcery or magic is manifestation of a thing against the ordinary by a person who is impure and evil with the help or means of some special acts. Those acts are such, which anyone can learn by heart and bring about results.

A magic is a manipulation of the relationship between the terrestrial and spiritual realms, merely for worldly purpose.

What is magic??


According to the Oxford English dictionary, magic means ‘the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.’ Magic, on the contrary, is nothing but manipulation of nature of objects.

When you try to suppress the real nature of objects or things while performing magic. You tend to use the so called energy available around you in the performance of magic. It is important to note that the performance of magic is personal.

What is miracle


According to the Oxford English dictionary, miracle means ‘an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is attributed to a divine agency.’ Miracles rely to a great extent on the will of God. This is the reason why you cannot expect miracles to happen time and again. They happen very rarely in your life, if at all they are destined to happen.

When you try to suppress the real nature of objects or things when performing magic, miracles have nothing to do with suppression of nature of things or objects. Miracles do not involve the use of energy.

What is the difference between Miracle and Magic?

• Magic is the act of a human being whereas a miracle is the act of God or any divine power.

• Compared to magic, miracles are very rare.

• The skill of the magician or the performer becomes evident in the act of magic, whereas the power of God becomes evident in the act of miracle.

• Hence, it is for sure that these two words cannot be interchangeable since they show great differences between them.

• When something is very beautiful so as to make it very remote from daily life too we use the term magic.

• Man is unable to do anything like them.

• They are done only with Allah's permission.

• Miracles bring prophecy claimants to prove prophets' proclamation.

• They are accompanied by challenges that defies all creatures to do something similar to them.

far more comparison of miracles over magics

1• child bearing

Bearing children is a wonderful miracles and occurrancies while it's has never been written by anybody that child birth occur with magic

2• pathing of the red sea


When Moses the prophet of God stretched out his sword to the sea and commanded the sea to give way so that the Israelites can walk through on dry land.

3• Aaron snake Vs Egyptian magicians snake


In this account where we saw how the snake of the Egyptian magician was swallowed by that of Aaron's snake.

4• feeding of the 5000people with five loafs of bread and two fishes.


This account was carried out by the son of God. When his followers were tired and hungry and the stop for a nap and then He took five loaf of bread and two fishes and present it to God and God answered him and Grant Him is request.

My conclusion on this

In short, magic is something performed by men, by the will of men, for man's purposes, and without any legitimate supernatural component.

While miracles are performed by God, by the will of God, and for God's purposes, purely by His power. Those who dismiss biblical miracles as "magic" misunderstand both.

You can also read more on this articles on

1 Moses and the read sea

2 meaning if miracles and magic

3 The difference, the advantage of miracles over magics

If you have been reading along with me or you have any additional facts to add to the ones above, kindly provide the link below...


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