Did Humans Eat Meat Before the Flood?

in christianity •  7 years ago 

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A different perspective

Earlier this week I posted a blog on the dangers of eating pork. I appreciated everyone’s comments and the different perspectives. One comment on Genesis 1:29 prompted me to write another post.


Genesis 1:29 (NKJV) - And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.

From this verse it is a commonly believed that humans did not eat meat before the flood because there is no mention of eating meat. However, I do not think this is conclusive and I believe that people did eat meat before the flood. Does it not mean they did not enjoy a good piece of lamb?

It was 1000 years between Adam and Noah so it seems to me unlikely that humans did not eat meet. Consider the book of Jasher: I know it is not in the Canon of Scripture, but it does illustrate that at some point in Israelite history it was believed that meat was consumed before the flood.

Jasher 1:17-25…
The story goes like this, Cain and Abel argued because Abel’s sheep got into Cain’s fields. Cain got angry and Abel was unsympathetic and told Cain, if you don’t like it then give me the clothes you have made from their wool and pay me for the meat which you have eaten. He continued and told Cain, when you have done this I will take my flock from your field. Cain responded and said if I killed you who would punish me. At this point things got out of hand and Cain picked up a plow and killed Abel. I would like to know after he killed Abel who kept the sheep out of his field.


Fast forward a 1000 years when God told Noah after the flood:
Gen 9:3 – Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.

This verse has also been used to argue that humans did not eat meat before the flood. However, I think it is taken out of context and that God was giving a reminder. He is saying it is okay to eat meat, fruits, and vegetables just as it had always been. It had to be a question in Noah’s mind because he was looking at how few animals had survived the flood.
The following verses also are a reminder to not drink blood, do not murder, and be fruitful and multiply (which is to say go forth and live your life) just like it has always been. Nothing has changed except that it will now rain on the earth.


My goal is not that you agree with me, but just to give a perspective. Your comments are always welcome.

Have a great day! Every comment is up-voted and thanks for your up-vote, Tim and Joann

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I agree with @bettertogether in that I do not believe that meat was eaten in the garden but once sin entered the world a sacrifice had to be made and clothes were made for them from skin, Genesis 3:21. In chapter 4:4 we are told that Able brought a meat sacrifice. When we get farther in the Bible we see that animals were not just sacrificed and then thrown away, no they were eaten after being sacrificed. I also never looked into the extra biblical books, but I have no problem believing that meat was eaten before the flood.

I think I agree too. I’m thinking the verse was used to explain no meat before the fall. Are we to continue eating that way? Well idk. Although, I’ve heard some research done on those who don’t eat meat and about 7 years later, that is when heath issues pop up.

@simms50 I think the concept of clothes from skin has been used as a justificstion to eat meat. If God made the clothes from skin, why do we never consider that God manifested skin. Why do we assume that God killed, skinned, tanned, amd then sewed clothes. I think it is about perspective and we often try to see in scripture things that support our views. Be well.

When God created man he had skin, I say this because of Genesis 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." Here it says that man was made "from stuff" not that man was a spiritual being with no form. I believe it is a safe assumption to believe that when God made man that he had skin to begin with. The other reason I say this is...Genesis 2:21 "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place." Here flesh is mention indicating that he did indeed have skin!

Now to say that I am justifying the eating of meat because clothes were made from skin, that is not what I am saying....although I as well have heard that argument as well!

I don't think animals were eaten in the garden either. There probably were not enough of them to eat. Animals had to populate the world also.

Good point!

Great post! I love post like this one that make you think. I had never thought about Abel before. That is a good argument. Why in the world was He a Shepard and kept the flocks if they were not eating them. Good stuff.

Love seeing this type of posting here. Expand the knowledge!
A issue I have seen is most people are just not aware that there are other books of Knowledge that were not added to the Cannon...

This is such an excellent post!! And such a great question-- that I honestly do not know the answer to.

God did say to take dominion and to rule over all of the animals. But I do think that no animal was eaten in the garden.

Lots of good things to think about!! :)


We (my wife and I) had this same discussion a couple years ago when we where trying to decide if we should eat meat at all. We came to the same conclusion you did. Although it is my belief that animals where not eaten in the garden by Adam and Eve. Gen 3:21 appears to be the first mention of animals being killed for man;
"Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them."
Good post, good question.
May your day blessed.

There's no point in quoting what people allegedly said in a noncanonical book. Abel kept sheep so he obviously ate their meat.

I disagree, just because it was not part of the cannon does not make it an unworthy discussion.

Very interesting perspective! I had not heard that story of Jasher before. Brings new light on the relationship between Adam and Cain as well. Thanks for the food for thought!