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"THIS BOOK OF THE LAW SHALL NOT DEPART FROM YOUR MOUTH, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. FOR THEN YOU WILL MAKE YOUR WAY PROSPEROUS, AND THEN YOU WILL HAVE GOOD SUCCESS."
Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)

• A Vision is powerful.

  • When you discovered purpose, received a mandate from heaven, which also is known as vision, you experienced God's favour (Psalm 35:27; Proverbs 16:7).
  • The blessings of God come on you and the work you do If you are at the right place, doing the right thing, in the right way He wanted you to do it, and at the right time.
  • The doors into great places would be opened for you, If you are at the right place and doing the right thing. God would bring Men, people, or positioned them around you, to help you in fulfilling the assignment, If you are at the right place and doing the right thing.
  • Doing the right thing and being at the right place cannot be overemphasized.

• If what you are doing, your work in the ministry, is presently not flourishing or prospering as you had desired. Do these:
(i) Find time and separate or call yourself aside to meet with God, in order to ascertain the call on your life.
(ii) Seek to know the actual plan of God for your life and ministry. Know the mandate, the command, or the marching order.
(iii) Pay attention to every command or instruction given to you by God. Especially the most recent one.
(iv) If part of the solutions would be that you needed to start all over again, do not hesitate to do that. Do not be discouraged nor be relented to take a step in starting again If the need be.

  • If you are heading towards a wrong direction and afterwards discovered you are wrong and have missed it, wisdom demands that you make a U-turn and start afresh towards the right direction.
  • A journey towards a wrong direction would never lead you to your destination, that is, where God intended you to be.
  • God would never put His approval on whatever He had not called you to do. In other words, He would not bless what you initiated by yourself.
  • Thus, It is pertinent to build according to the pattern given you by God: "WHO serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, AS MOSES WAS DIVINELY INSTRUCTED WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO MAKE THE TABERNACLE. FOR HE SAID, “SEE THAT YOU MAKE ALL THINGS ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN SHOWN YOU ON THE MOUNTAIN" (Hebrews 8:5 NKJV).
  • Do not relent in fasting and prayer. Even if you are at the centre of God's Will, It does not mean the devil would not challenge your work, he would, but he cannot prevail.

• If God stopped what you are doing, it could be that He wanted you to change the direction you are heading.

  • Whenever God stopped what you are doing, He does mean He wanted to start a new phase, or chapter, or another thing, in your life or ministry; which might be better than what you have been doing before.
  • At such a time, wait on Him to seek His face for directions on the next phase of the assignment.
  • It is not the time to be discouraged or demoralized or be angry with the whole issues, or be frustrated; but rather, It should be a time to fast and pray, and seek God's face, for whatever to do next.
  • Know that the next phase of the work, which you are being led into newly, would usually be bigger and better than the previous ones.

• Inclined Prayers.

  • The prayers you are inclined or prompted, or have an urge to pray would be answered. Both those you had prayed in the past and the current ones.
  • If you are burdened to pray on a particular thing, in a particular way, It means God wanted to do something on such a thing.
    It does mean the thing you are specially burdened to pray on is relevant to your assignment or ministry.

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • If you are reading this piece and you had any ailment in your body, I declare your healing now in Jesus' name.
  • I declare an end to the sickness in Jesus' name. And the affliction will never rise again in Jesus' mighty name.

• Take notice of this:
IF you are yet to take the step of salvation, that is, yet to be born-again, do it now, tomorrow might be too late (2 Corinthians 6:1,2; Hebrews 3:7,8,15).
a. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your Sins (1 John 1:9); And ask Jesus Christ to come into your life (Revelation 3:20).
b. Confess that you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that you confess it with your mouth, Thus, you accept Him As your Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9,10).
c. Ask that He will write your name in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:8).

  • If you took the steps As highlighted above, It means you are saved—born-again. Join a Word based church in your area and Town or city, and be part of whatever they are doing there. Peace!
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