Fuego de Dios

in christianpioneers •  7 years ago  (edited)


David Hogan, an amazing man, he was rebelious against church and God, because of what he saw in the church, but after God dealing with him, he started preaching the gospel of the kingdom and shortly after that he went to Mexico. His heart was so moved by what he saw amongst the indians. So he decided to move among the indians and start preaching the gospel to them. He endured many persecutions, but that didn`t stopped him. He started to pray for sick people and nothing happen for 4 years. After 4 years he had a breakthrough and after that he saw God doing miracle after miracle, even raising the dead. His devotion to God and His Word are truly inspiring.
This is what God can do through a man, even a rebelious man. We have an amazing God, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever considered following an atheist on Steemit?

No. Why should I?

So you can unfollow him later...

I was far away from Him in a period of my life, and He resqued me. Why would I unfollow the only one who was brave enough to give His life for me?
When you say that, to unfollow Him, I can tell that you dont know Him. If you would realy knew Him, you wouldnt say something like that, because you wouldn`t want out. Open your heart to Him and say: If you are real come in to my heart and let me experience you. And then see what happens

I meant me you big numpty, you joined Steemit, followed a bunch of people, including me for some bizarre reason, and then unfollowed me which is the only reason I noticed you.

I'm about as anti-religious as anyone you are likely to encounter on Steemit - the 666 name was intended to make that obvious!

Well, in my list, whoever follows me, I follow him back.

That wouldn't be me!