in christians •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Imagination is strong tool in for a worthy Praise and Worship. Remember, what you don't think, you don't acquire.
Therefore, imagine every word you sing to God.

In the year 2014, I fell in love with "Floodgate of Heaven" by Sonnie Badu. I sang the song imagining every word in the song. May that same year, I came back from lectures tired and laid down on my bed and played the song through an earpiece and I went to the realm of the Spirit and rain was falling on me through the roof of my room. Realising myself physically I was soaked physically.

Ever since that encounter, i feel drops or drizzling of rain once am in God's Presence.

A pastor once said, you wont be arrested for thinking great, so why do we think more about our problems and not the solutions ?
I believe someday "Rain of money" (Miracle rain by Frank Edward) will rain on me, because my God is a God of impossibilities.

Take charge of your IMAGINATION, its your tool to VICTORY. Claim what you sing, see yourself in what you sing.
You will carry your baby this year
Sickness is running away
Double promotion
Congratulations is now your name
Your husband/wife is coming your way.

This God is Too Much.....Jeremiah 1:11,12. Isaiah 14:24

I pray for you today, you are getting out of depression, sorrow, delay and stagnation in Jesus Name. Amen !!!!

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