Celebrating CHRISTmas Season During COVID-19 2021

in christmas •  3 years ago  (edited)

It is, indeed, the final month of the year 2021. December is a month that many people, especially children, look forward to since it is Christmas season. It's also a moment to reflect on what's transpired in the previous months and make plans for the year 2021. We've been through a lot of hardships, tribulations, challenges, and natural disasters in the last few months (individually, in the family, in the community and in our country).

But, in the middle of the pandemic, how can we celebrate this season? Many people are asking this question.
Let us take a moment to think about the genuine meaning of Christmas. Christmas is a time to commemorate the birth of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6) "Because a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us, and the government will be placed on His shoulders. He will also be known as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace "(Imaginative+ paraphrase). He came to this earth to willingly die on the cross for our sins. Yes, because He cared so deeply about us.(John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whomever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.")

So, remember that JESUS is the reason for the season amidst the presents/gifts, gorgeous Christmas decorations and lights, wonderfully soothing Christmas music, and Christmas parties all around you. It's the birthday of Jesus Christ! The greatest gift we can give to JESUS is our lives, and the Lord demands that we act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with him (Micah 6:8).

Thus, it is worthwhile to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, because we are constantly witnessing His goodness and fidelity in our lives, even during difficult times or pandemics. Every day is a huge gift from Him. Let us give thanks to God for it.

In the midst of the pandemic, one way to celebrate Christmas is to have an online Christmas party with family and friends.

  1. Make an online meeting day and time.

  2. Make the following preparations:

a. The flow of the program


I. Introduction/Welcome Remarks

II. Invocation Prayer

III. Christmas Praise and Worship Music

IV. Christmas Messages of Hope

V. Christmas Thoughts

VI. Games/Video Presentations/Virtual Gift Exchange

b. Video games

Examples of games:

A. Individual competition

The premise of "bring me" is simple, and the possibilities are boundless. The game master will ask for things / items at random. The winner will be the first person to take a picture and publish it on the chat box.

"Can you tell me what's in the box?" The game master will create boxes containing something, and she will give a hint as to what is inside. The award will go to the first person who can chat the correct response.

The game master will prepare some words from the bible for "Bible Drill: Find the Word" (so the participants will ready their individual Bible with same version as what the game master will use).In Isaiah 9:6, what is the 16th word? The participants will open their bibles and seek for the 16th word in Isaiah 9:6. The winner will be the first person to type the correct answer in the chat box. GOVERNMENT is the 16th word in this poem.

B. A game for groups

"Group Christmas caroling" involves the game master breaking up the group (which is simple if you use the Zoom app) and assigning each person a Christmas song and tune. Allow the group 10 minutes to practice their presentation in the breakout rooms.

c. Raffles held online (you can use the use online random name picker application)

d. Prizes that are accessible to a large number of people (you send the prices through any available courier in your place)

e. Christmas video (optional: pictures that remind you of God's goodness in the year 2020 or a memorable time that has an impact in your 2021)

f. Exchange of a virtual gift or words of encouragement (word of encouragement to all)

Hopefully, this information will assist you in having a fun Christmas online celebration. We can't let a pandemic or social distance stop us from celebrating this season.

It is my hope that you have a CHRIST-centered Christmas celebration this year, as well as a happy 2021!

"Here's a reliable saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to redeem sinners, the worst of whom is me. But I was offered mercy for that very reason, so that Christ Jesus could demonstrate his tremendous patience in me, the worst of sinners, as an example for others who would believe in him and gain eternal life. Now, forever and ever, be honor and glory to the King everlasting, immortal, unseen, the one God."


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