The Christmas air is around the corner and I still have a couple of things undone before the big date. I still have to book my trip to my hometown as I don't want to wait on long queue or be in a fight with the ticketing person or a fellow passenger just to be in that trip
I have yet to buy gifts for my loved ones and colleagues for exchange gift we call "manito manita".Considering my budget and their wishes for gifts of course.
I have yet to do my annual cleaning and decorate my home with the Christmas decors as it will surely be depressing spending another Christmas Eve away from home for work
I have volunteer works to do with various group
Yeah it's the busiest time of the year. But hey who cares about the stress when the festivity is in the air from beautiful Christmas trees to family and friend gathering .Did I hear pigging out? Definitely don't we all love a good excuse to forget about those calories we normally count.
"Pasko " is the term for Christmas in my country. At this time of year, you'll see brightly lit lanterns called " parol" and people waking up early to attend the early morning mass for nine days " we call "Misa de Galo" in belief that whatever wish they have it will be granted at the completion of those nine mass they attended to.
So there as much as I want to attend the "Misa do Galo" I can't because I will be at work. Instead I will visit nine churches in nine days and hear mass regularly before the big event
After all, this worldwide celebration is not about Santa Claus in his cute red costume but of the child Jesus.
Also in my to do list is to blog about what makes Pasko more fun in the Philippines.So do follow me for those posts.
Finally before the year ends, I want to have a spiritual retreat. To make an objective assesment of the year that was and to realign my goals for the 2018.What makes up your to do list this Christmas?