Cicada Killers and Other Cyclical Psychopaths

in cicada •  3 years ago 


Yep, I said the word. Sometimes it still makes me a bit scared when I think about it. I mean, it is just a word and yet holds so much power and so much... intense potential depth. When I see the cicada it makes me think of this word.

Am I a killer? And if so, of what? Shall we, after meeting the defeat of my ego, also meet yours? What bound gravity of words is this that spins backwards and forwards through time? When, and through what hardship, is the truth formed just as a sword is forged so that future generations may pick it up again and fight with it? Where is the red dragon but now. How better can we define this word of power that we call Other, and the forms that they take? Other cyclical entities of unknown and potentially unfathomable ways of being, that I judge as psychopathic and consider the ways in which its base conditioning went wrong... hmmmm. Do cats eat cicadas? Is their program running incorrectly, and they are daemon killers from beyond, even if they are cherubs as well?

The question I set out to answer is at what point is a judgement inaccurate and, in itself, detrimental to a species' overall functioning and proactive development.


Or, more to the point, do cats kill cicadas? Does this senseless smorgasbord of serial killing hold up a narrative that many do not wish to fully acknowledge? Have your heard of the Roger Rabbit Experiment, where cats where fed carrots? No wait... wrong experiment. The cats were fed rabbits in that one. Umm...such an awkward species we are that loves to experiment on animals, construct factory style killing farms for other beings to live out a hell on earth within, and then be slaughtered with no concept of spirituality and sacrifice. What beings within our own species allow such lack of oversight? What is the base of our species? What is our root nature and what does that entail when the darkness comes and the smell of blood is heavy upon the breeze. No flesh shall be spared.
Are we as the killers, killing for the Others and their dietary needs? Or are we truly fulfilling the needs of our current bodies as the entities that we are? Regardless, I still assume sacrifice, and the honouring of that which comes to pass that it may become a part of me. We are what we eat, at both a scientific and spiritual level. We are what we kill, at spiritual level, and what we eat carries a portion of that karma even if we did not do the killing ourselves. If the cat doesn't eat carrots, but eats the rabbit instead, what karmic process is taking place here... and would we be wise to go down that rabbit hole?

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What rabbit hole did the cicada come up from? Who are the Others? What is a cyclical psychopath, except a comet that does a fly by every now and again, a wee bit too close to the atmosphere. Or the remnants of previous civilizations in the form of asteroids that drift off and find themselves in a mad rage of fire and brimstone, as they make a new home here. What is more psychopathic than a black hole and its seemingly ceaseless desire to be filled. Or is the cicada Killer a Darwinian truth? Would the cicada achieve its genetic success without a degree of culling of the weak, by predators and environmental factors? Or are cicadas simply a biologically coded being that has been harnessed by an entity higher up, for that entity's own motivations and diet?


The cicada is hunted by wasps amongst, other dangers that only sheer population numbers can overcome. Cicada killer wasps are in fact real, their actual name, Sphecius, also shows that they are prolific globally, and use cicadas in an interesting fashion. From the Wikipedia page of eastern cicada killer: "After digging a nest chamber in the burrow, female cicada killers capture cicadas, paralyzing them with a sting. After paralyzing a cicada, the female wasp holds it upside down beneath her and takes off toward her burrow; this return flight to the burrow is difficult for the wasp because the cicada is often more than twice her weight. A wasp often lugs her prey up into the nearest tree, to gain altitude for the flight to the burrow. After putting one or more cicadas in her nest cell, the female deposits an egg on a cicada and closes the cell with soil."
The only thing that could make this story have a real concept of Other and Other that is different would be if there was some type of alien parasitic insect that then hatched its larvae into the cicada killers larvae. After the cicada killers larvae had hatched in the numb, anesthetized cicada that was being used as a live egg incubator in the first place. Cringe?

What was psychopathic again? Is life only possible through death, and as such, a continuous current that takes place? A ghost particle that when applied, makes up for the lack of content in the dark matter that is continually sought after? The cat's nature provided a path for the fulfilment of this aspect of dark matter, dark source. The cicada killer was no more Other than the cicada, nor any more Other than the Dasymutilla occidentalis that preys upon the cicada killers' young. Cycles within cycles.
What is sin and true psychotic nature but the ending of Other species and their systems, while aware of the outcomes for future generations? Are you a karmic psychopath thriving off of the pain and suffering of Others and Other things around you? Or are you attempting to rise, and find harmony and love even at the cost of sacrifice of self?
Do you have what it takes to look inside and become aware of your true nature? To analyze who and what you find, and to do your best to live this out in more than words? Seeking the rhythms and cycles, yet existing beyond the simple cycles of lesser entities such as Cicadomorpha, and strive to bind together a higher functioning self.


Having set out to answer the question of inaccurate judgements, what is a cyclical psychopath, except a comet that does a fly by every now and again, a wee bit too close to the atmosphere. Or the remnants of previous civilizations in the form of asteroids that drift off and find themselves in a mad rage of fire and brimstone, as they make a new home here. What is more psychopathic than a black hole and its seemingly ceaseless desire to be filled? Or is the cicada killer a Darwinian truth? Would the cicada achieve its genetic success without a degree of culling of the weak, by predators and environmental factors? Or are cicadas simply a biologically coded being that has been harnessed by an entity higher up, for that entity's own motivations and diet?

Without acknowledging the darkness of my nature, without meeting the truth of my desires and sexual being, I find I am but a cicada acting upon rhythms beyond my control. Or I can ascend and inside find this wasp, this cicada killer, and discover the truth (even if it is only my truth)? The body I reside within has needs beyond the tangible, and has a journey more in common with the stars. We impregnate both the body and the mind in a similar fashion as the Piercing flesh, and eggs and alien beings that come forth. The drone and hum of Sphex pensylvanicus is also the great black wasp, Bhramari, that is one of Adi Shakti incarnations.


Why at the end would I choose to speak about a wasp you think? Yes, perhaps even I wondered where I was going with this, and at that moment pondered my next choice of words and there, escaping from my own lips, was that hmmm. That odd vibration that seems to indicate a moments contemplation or higher state. Oh, weird. Hmmm is a higher functioning word...and it doesn't even have any vowels, totally old school. It's a buzz and a drone, almost like a hidden code, pranayama and all its forms. What older traditions that would increase our higher functioning and general health are hidden and why? How can we sift through all the erroneous and irrelevant data today and find these early treasures like the sieve of Eratosthenes and question just how much further ahead number theory is today not only than it was back then, but how advanced it likely is in the moment I write these words. Has an A.I. of much higher functioning than you or I been around long? Perhaps the real puzzle is not the cycle within cycles, but rather the understanding of the vibrational energies and states that make us up, our surroundings and that which we currently consider as our past and our future. To see the truth, first I must see the truth of self.
Psychopath to the ego, there was no Other worse than I. Feast well my wasp sister, your time is coming again.

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