Just Another Day

in cigarettes •  8 years ago 

I woke up today around 8 am...I went back to sleep.
I woke up again around 11 am. I looked about my messy room from the recliner I sleep in. I thought to myself "I should have gotten up earlier and gone to apply for jobs closer to home".
I sat there a bit, well for like thirty minutes. Then I got up and looked through all of my empty cigarette packs looking for at least a half or quarter cigarette here and there...to my surprise I found a whole one from last week.
I went downstairs and smoked that cig,contemplating how I had missed work the day before and that I really need to get a job closer to home.
I went into the kitchen and drank two glasses of water,thinking to myself how I oh so enjoyed being broke and having nothing to eat. I ate three of my roommates marshmallows from the cabinet.
I went back upstairs and worked on my introduce yourself article. I finished that, then sat around a bit more.
I then showered and asked my roommate if I could catch a ride with him to work. He said yeah, sure.
We drove to his work. I took my bike out and started my ten mile trek from there. I got to the city I consider home, La Habra. I started calling friends and texting them to see if any would let me borrow twenty dollars for the week. I just wanted enough for a couple packs of cigarettes and some food for the week.
None replied, or were broke themselves.
I went to a payday advance place, I didn't have the proper items I needed to get an advance... I proceeded to work, the last three miles of the trek. Along the way I picked up a half cigarette here and there.
I worked my six hour dishwashing shift, found a half cigarette I had hidden earlier that day. I got off work and contemplated whether I should take the 17 mile hike through the canyon to my home...or sleep in my friend's car whivh was three miles away.... I chose the latter and that is just another day for this man named Ray.

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